@@ -1,16 +1,6 @@
const std = @import("std");
const log = std.log.scoped(.Verse);
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const eql = std.mem.eql;
pub const UriIter = std.mem.SplitIterator(u8, .scalar);
const Verse = @import("verse.zig");
const Request = @import("request.zig");
const StaticFile = @import("static-file.zig");
pub const Errors = @import("errors.zig");
pub const Error = Errors.ServerError || Errors.ClientError || Errors.NetworkError;
routefn: RouteFn,
builderfn: BuilderFn = defaultBuilder,
routerfn: RouterFn = defaultRouter,
/// The default page generator, this is the function that will be called, and
/// expected to write the page data back to the client.
@@ -34,35 +24,7 @@ pub const RouterFn = *const fn (*Verse, RouteFn) BuildFn;
pub const Router = @This();
builderfn: BuilderFn = defaultBuilder,
routefn: RouteFn,
routerfn: RouterFn = defaultRouter,
/// Separate from the http interface as this is 'internal' to the routing
/// subsystem, where a single endpoint may respond to multiple http methods.
pub const Methods = packed struct {
GET: bool = false,
HEAD: bool = false,
POST: bool = false,
PUT: bool = false,
DELETE: bool = false,
CONNECT: bool = false,
OPTIONS: bool = false,
TRACE: bool = false,
pub fn matchMethod(self: Methods, req: Request.Methods) bool {
return switch (req) {
.GET => self.GET,
.HEAD => self.HEAD,
.POST => self.POST,
.PUT => self.PUT,
.TRACE => self.TRACE,
pub const UriIter = std.mem.SplitIterator(u8, .scalar);
/// The Verse router will scan through an array of Match structs looking for a
/// given name. Verse doesn't assert that the given name will match a director
@@ -75,80 +37,156 @@ pub const Match = struct {
/// The name for this resource. Names with length of 0 is valid for
/// directories.
name: []const u8,
/// The resource at a given URI position.
match: union(enum) {
/// An endpoint function that's expected to return the requested page
/// data.
build: BuildFn,
/// A router function that will either
/// 1) consume the next URI token, and itself call the next routing
/// function/handler, or
/// 2) return the build function pointer that will be called directly to
/// generate the page.
route: RouteFn,
/// A Match array for a sub directory, that can be handled by the same
/// routing function. Provided for convenience.
simple: []const Match,
/// The http request methods this endpoint is willing to support or answer
/// for.
methods: Methods = .{ .GET = true },
/// Map http method to target endpoint.
methods: Methods,
/// Separate from the http interface as this is 'internal' to the routing
/// subsystem, where a single endpoint may respond to multiple http methods.
pub const Methods = struct {
CONNECT: ?Target = null,
DELETE: ?Target = null,
GET: ?Target = null,
HEAD: ?Target = null,
OPTIONS: ?Target = null,
POST: ?Target = null,
PUT: ?Target = null,
TRACE: ?Target = null,
pub fn target(comptime self: Match, comptime req: Request.Methods) ?Target {
return switch (req) {
.CONNECT => self.methods.CONNECT,
.DELETE => self.methods.DELETE,
.GET => self.methods.GET,
.HEAD => self.methods.HEAD,
.OPTIONS => self.methods.OPTIONS,
.POST => self.methods.POST,
.PUT => self.methods.PUT,
.TRACE => self.methods.TRACE,
pub const Target = union(enum) {
/// An endpoint function that's expected to return the requested page
/// data.
build: BuildFn,
/// A router function that will either
/// 1) consume the next URI token, and itself call the next routing
/// function/handler, or
/// 2) return the build function pointer that will be called directly to
/// generate the page.
route: RouteFn,
/// A Match array for a sub directory, that can be handled by the same
/// routing function. Provided for convenience.
simple: []const Match,
/// Translation function to convert a tuple of Match objects into
pub fn ROUTER() void {}
/// Default route building helper.
pub fn ROUTE(comptime name: []const u8, comptime match: anytype) Match {
return comptime Match{
.name = name,
.match = switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(match))) {
.Pointer => |ptr| switch (@typeInfo(ptr.child)) {
.Fn => |fnc| switch (fnc.return_type orelse null) {
Error!void => .{ .build = match },
Error!BuildFn => .{ .route = match },
else => @compileError("unknown function return type"),
else => .{ .simple = match },
const target = buildTarget(match);
return switch (target) {
.build => |b| ALL(name, b),
.route, .simple => .{ // TODO only populate if sub target handles method
.name = name,
.methods = .{
.CONNECT = target,
.DELETE = target,
.GET = target,
.HEAD = target,
.OPTIONS = target,
.POST = target,
.PUT = target,
.TRACE = target,
.Fn => |fnc| switch (fnc.return_type orelse null) {
Error!void => .{ .build = match },
Error!BuildFn => .{ .route = match },
else => @compileError("unknown function return type"),
else => |el| @compileError("match type not supported, for provided type [" ++
@typeName(@TypeOf(el)) ++
.methods = .{ .GET = true, .POST = true },
/// only builds for GET and POST, this behavior is likely to change to the named
/// behavior and answer to ALL methods, once they are fully supported.
fn buildTarget(comptime match: anytype) Target {
return switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(match))) {
.Pointer => |ptr| switch (@typeInfo(ptr.child)) {
.Fn => |fnc| switch (fnc.return_type orelse null) {
Error!void => .{ .build = match },
Error!BuildFn => .{ .route = match },
else => @compileError("unknown function return type" ++ @typeName(ptr.child)),
else => .{ .simple = match },
.Fn => |fnc| switch (fnc.return_type orelse null) {
Error!void => .{ .build = match },
Error!BuildFn => .{ .route = match },
else => @compileError("unknown function return type"),
else => |el| @compileError("match type not supported, for provided type [" ++
@typeName(@TypeOf(el)) ++
/// Defaults to build only for GET, POST, and HEAD, and OPTIONS. Use ALL if your
/// endpoint actually supports every known method.
pub fn ANY(comptime name: []const u8, comptime match: BuildFn) Match {
var mr = ROUTE(name, match);
mr.methods = .{ .GET = true, .POST = true };
return mr;
const target = buildTarget(match);
return .{
.name = name,
.methods = .{
.GET = target,
.POST = target,
.HEAD = target,
.OPTIONS = target,
pub fn ALL(comptime name: []const u8, comptime match: BuildFn) Match {
const target = buildTarget(match);
return .{
.name = name,
.methods = .{
.CONNECT = target,
.DELETE = target,
.GET = target,
.HEAD = target,
.OPTIONS = target,
.POST = target,
.PUT = target,
.TRACE = target,
/// Match build helper for GET requests.
pub fn GET(comptime name: []const u8, comptime match: BuildFn) Match {
var mr = ROUTE(name, match);
mr.methods = .{ .GET = true };
return mr;
return .{
.name = name,
.methods = .{
.GET = buildTarget(match),
/// Match build helper for POST requests.
pub fn POST(comptime name: []const u8, comptime match: BuildFn) Match {
var mr = ROUTE(name, match);
mr.methods = .{ .POST = true };
return mr;
return .{
.name = name,
.methods = .{
.POST = buildTarget(match),
/// Match build helper for DELETE requests.
pub fn DELETE(comptime name: []const u8, comptime match: BuildFn) Match {
var mr = ROUTE(name, match);
mr.methods = .{ .DELETE = true };
return mr;
return .{
.name = name,
.methods = .{
.DELETE = buildTarget(match),
/// Static file helper that will auto route to the provided directory.
@@ -156,9 +194,12 @@ pub fn DELETE(comptime name: []const u8, comptime match: BuildFn) Match {
/// static resources without calling Verse. But Verse does have some support for
/// returning simple static resources.
pub fn STATIC(comptime name: []const u8) Match {
var mr = ROUTE(name, StaticFile.fileOnDisk);
mr.methods = .{ .GET = true };
return mr;
return .{
.name = name,
.methods = .{
.GET = buildTarget(StaticFile.fileOnDisk),
/// Convenience build function that will return a default page, normally during
@@ -204,44 +245,40 @@ fn default(vrs: *Verse) Error!void {
/// data or routing support/validation, before continuing to build the route.
pub fn router(vrs: *Verse, comptime routes: []const Match) Error!BuildFn {
const search = vrs.uri.peek() orelse {
// Calling router without a next URI is unsupported.
if (routes.len > 0 and routes[0].name.len == 0) {
switch (vrs.request.method) {
inline else => |m| if (routes[0].target(m)) |t| return switch (t) {
.build => |b| return b,
.route, .simple => return error.Unrouteable,
log.warn("No endpoint found: URI is empty.", .{});
return error.Unrouteable;
inline for (routes) |ep| {
if (eql(u8, search, ep.name)) {
switch (ep.match) {
.build => |call| {
if (ep.methods.matchMethod(vrs.request.method)) {
return call;
} else {
// search if there is another route by the same name that accepts the requested method
var found = false;
inline for (routes) |f| {
if (eql(u8, search, f.name) and f.methods.matchMethod(vrs.request.method)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return methodNotAllowed;
switch (vrs.request.method) {
inline else => |m| {
if (comptime ep.target(m)) |target| {
switch (target) {
.build => |call| {
return call;
.route => |route| {
return route(vrs) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Unrouteable => return notFound,
else => unreachable,
inline .simple => |simple| {
_ = vrs.uri.next();
return router(vrs, simple);
.route => |route| {
return route(vrs) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Unrouteable => return notFound,
else => unreachable,
.simple => |simple| {
_ = vrs.uri.next();
if (vrs.uri.peek() == null and
eql(u8, simple[0].name, "") and
simple[0].match == .build)
return simple[0].match.build;
return router(vrs, simple);
@@ -327,3 +364,14 @@ fn defaultRouterHtml(vrs: *Verse, routefn: RouteFn) Error!void {
pub fn testingRouter(v: *Verse) Error!BuildFn {
return router(v, &root);
const std = @import("std");
const log = std.log.scoped(.Verse);
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const Verse = @import("verse.zig");
const Request = @import("request.zig");
const StaticFile = @import("static-file.zig");
pub const Errors = @import("errors.zig");
pub const Error = Errors.ServerError || Errors.ClientError || Errors.NetworkError;