
Jeremy Hertel parent 96f00dd9 e901cc40
fix method not allowed being sent in error

If multiple endpoints existed with the same name but were expecting different methods, the method not allowed error would be returned for all the endpoints with the same name except for the first one.
src/router.zig added: 12, removed: 2, total 10
@@ -215,7 +215,17 @@ pub fn router(vrs: *Verse, comptime routes: []const Match) Error!BuildFn {
if (ep.methods.matchMethod(vrs.request.method)) {
return call;
} else {
return methodNotAllowed;
// search if there is another route by the same name that accepts the requested method
var found = false;
inline for (routes) |f| {
if (eql(u8, search, and f.methods.matchMethod(vrs.request.method)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return methodNotAllowed;
.route => |route| {