@@ -7,17 +7,19 @@ const base64 = std.base64;
const crypto = std.crypto;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const math = std.math;
const is_darwin = builtin.os.tag.isDarwin();
pub const AtomicFile = @import("fs/AtomicFile.zig");
pub const Dir = @import("fs/Dir.zig");
pub const File = @import("fs/File.zig");
pub const path = @import("fs/path.zig");
pub const has_executable_bit = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows, .wasi => false,
else => true,
pub const path = @import("fs/path.zig");
pub const File = @import("fs/file.zig").File;
pub const wasi = @import("fs/wasi.zig");
// TODO audit these APIs with respect to Dir and absolute paths
@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ pub const need_async_thread = std.io.is_async and switch (builtin.os.tag) {
/// TODO remove the allocator requirement from this API
/// TODO move to Dir
pub fn atomicSymLink(allocator: Allocator, existing_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) !void {
if (cwd().symLink(existing_path, new_path, .{})) {
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ pub fn atomicSymLink(allocator: Allocator, existing_path: []const u8, new_path:
const dirname = path.dirname(new_path) orelse ".";
var rand_buf: [AtomicFile.RANDOM_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var rand_buf: [AtomicFile.random_bytes_len]u8 = undefined;
const tmp_path = try allocator.alloc(u8, dirname.len + 1 + base64_encoder.calcSize(rand_buf.len));
defer allocator.free(tmp_path);
@memcpy(tmp_path[0..dirname.len], dirname);
@@ -120,24 +123,14 @@ pub fn atomicSymLink(allocator: Allocator, existing_path: []const u8, new_path:
pub const PrevStatus = enum {
pub const CopyFileOptions = struct {
/// When this is `null` the mode is copied from the source file.
override_mode: ?File.Mode = null,
/// Same as `Dir.updateFile`, except asserts that both `source_path` and `dest_path`
/// are absolute. See `Dir.updateFile` for a function that operates on both
/// absolute and relative paths.
pub fn updateFileAbsolute(
source_path: []const u8,
dest_path: []const u8,
args: CopyFileOptions,
) !PrevStatus {
args: Dir.CopyFileOptions,
) !Dir.PrevStatus {
const my_cwd = cwd();
@@ -147,112 +140,35 @@ pub fn updateFileAbsolute(
/// Same as `Dir.copyFile`, except asserts that both `source_path` and `dest_path`
/// are absolute. See `Dir.copyFile` for a function that operates on both
/// absolute and relative paths.
pub fn copyFileAbsolute(source_path: []const u8, dest_path: []const u8, args: CopyFileOptions) !void {
pub fn copyFileAbsolute(
source_path: []const u8,
dest_path: []const u8,
args: Dir.CopyFileOptions,
) !void {
const my_cwd = cwd();
return Dir.copyFile(my_cwd, source_path, my_cwd, dest_path, args);
pub const AtomicFile = struct {
file: File,
// TODO either replace this with rand_buf or use []u16 on Windows
tmp_path_buf: [TMP_PATH_LEN:0]u8,
dest_basename: []const u8,
file_open: bool,
file_exists: bool,
close_dir_on_deinit: bool,
dir: Dir,
const InitError = File.OpenError;
const RANDOM_BYTES = 12;
const TMP_PATH_LEN = base64_encoder.calcSize(RANDOM_BYTES);
/// Note that the `Dir.atomicFile` API may be more handy than this lower-level function.
pub fn init(
dest_basename: []const u8,
mode: File.Mode,
dir: Dir,
close_dir_on_deinit: bool,
) InitError!AtomicFile {
var rand_buf: [RANDOM_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var tmp_path_buf: [TMP_PATH_LEN:0]u8 = undefined;
while (true) {
const tmp_path = base64_encoder.encode(&tmp_path_buf, &rand_buf);
tmp_path_buf[tmp_path.len] = 0;
const file = dir.createFile(
.{ .mode = mode, .exclusive = true },
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.PathAlreadyExists => continue,
else => |e| return e,
return AtomicFile{
.file = file,
.tmp_path_buf = tmp_path_buf,
.dest_basename = dest_basename,
.file_open = true,
.file_exists = true,
.close_dir_on_deinit = close_dir_on_deinit,
.dir = dir,
/// Always call deinit, even after a successful finish().
pub fn deinit(self: *AtomicFile) void {
if (self.file_open) {
self.file_open = false;
if (self.file_exists) {
self.dir.deleteFile(&self.tmp_path_buf) catch {};
self.file_exists = false;
if (self.close_dir_on_deinit) {
self.* = undefined;
pub const FinishError = std.os.RenameError;
pub fn finish(self: *AtomicFile) FinishError!void {
if (self.file_open) {
self.file_open = false;
try os.renameat(self.dir.fd, self.tmp_path_buf[0..], self.dir.fd, self.dest_basename);
self.file_exists = false;
const default_new_dir_mode = 0o755;
/// Create a new directory, based on an absolute path.
/// Asserts that the path is absolute. See `Dir.makeDir` for a function that operates
/// on both absolute and relative paths.
pub fn makeDirAbsolute(absolute_path: []const u8) !void {
return os.mkdir(absolute_path, default_new_dir_mode);
return os.mkdir(absolute_path, Dir.default_mode);
/// Same as `makeDirAbsolute` except the parameter is a null-terminated UTF-8-encoded string.
pub fn makeDirAbsoluteZ(absolute_path_z: [*:0]const u8) !void {
return os.mkdirZ(absolute_path_z, default_new_dir_mode);
return os.mkdirZ(absolute_path_z, Dir.default_mode);
/// Same as `makeDirAbsolute` except the parameter is a null-terminated WTF-16-encoded string.
pub fn makeDirAbsoluteW(absolute_path_w: [*:0]const u16) !void {
return os.mkdirW(absolute_path_w, default_new_dir_mode);
return os.mkdirW(absolute_path_w, Dir.default_mode);
/// Same as `Dir.deleteDir` except the path is absolute.
@@ -310,2486 +226,6 @@ pub fn renameW(old_dir: Dir, old_sub_path_w: []const u16, new_dir: Dir, new_sub_
return os.renameatW(old_dir.fd, old_sub_path_w, new_dir.fd, new_sub_path_w);
/// A directory that can be iterated. It is *NOT* legal to initialize this with a regular `Dir`
/// that has been opened without iteration permission.
pub const IterableDir = struct {
dir: Dir,
pub const Entry = struct {
name: []const u8,
kind: Kind,
pub const Kind = File.Kind;
const IteratorError = error{ AccessDenied, SystemResources } || os.UnexpectedError;
pub const Iterator = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.macos, .ios, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd, .solaris, .illumos => struct {
dir: Dir,
seek: i64,
buf: [1024]u8, // TODO align(@alignOf(os.system.dirent)),
index: usize,
end_index: usize,
first_iter: bool,
const Self = @This();
pub const Error = IteratorError;
/// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid
/// with subsequent calls to `next`, as well as when this `Dir` is deinitialized.
pub fn next(self: *Self) Error!?Entry {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.macos, .ios => return self.nextDarwin(),
.freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => return self.nextBsd(),
.solaris, .illumos => return self.nextSolaris(),
else => @compileError("unimplemented"),
fn nextDarwin(self: *Self) !?Entry {
start_over: while (true) {
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
if (self.first_iter) {
std.os.lseek_SET(self.dir.fd, 0) catch unreachable; // EBADF here likely means that the Dir was not opened with iteration permissions
self.first_iter = false;
const rc = os.system.__getdirentries64(
if (rc == 0) return null;
if (rc < 0) {
switch (os.errno(rc)) {
.BADF => unreachable, // Dir is invalid or was opened without iteration ability
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NOTDIR => unreachable,
.INVAL => unreachable,
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = @as(usize, @intCast(rc));
const darwin_entry = @as(*align(1) os.system.dirent, @ptrCast(&self.buf[self.index]));
const next_index = self.index + darwin_entry.reclen();
self.index = next_index;
const name = @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(&darwin_entry.d_name))[0..darwin_entry.d_namlen];
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..") or (darwin_entry.d_ino == 0)) {
continue :start_over;
const entry_kind: Entry.Kind = switch (darwin_entry.d_type) {
os.DT.BLK => .block_device,
os.DT.CHR => .character_device,
os.DT.DIR => .directory,
os.DT.FIFO => .named_pipe,
os.DT.LNK => .sym_link,
os.DT.REG => .file,
os.DT.SOCK => .unix_domain_socket,
os.DT.WHT => .whiteout,
else => .unknown,
return Entry{
.name = name,
.kind = entry_kind,
fn nextSolaris(self: *Self) !?Entry {
start_over: while (true) {
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
if (self.first_iter) {
std.os.lseek_SET(self.dir.fd, 0) catch unreachable; // EBADF here likely means that the Dir was not opened with iteration permissions
self.first_iter = false;
const rc = os.system.getdents(self.dir.fd, &self.buf, self.buf.len);
switch (os.errno(rc)) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => unreachable, // Dir is invalid or was opened without iteration ability
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NOTDIR => unreachable,
.INVAL => unreachable,
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
if (rc == 0) return null;
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = @as(usize, @intCast(rc));
const entry = @as(*align(1) os.system.dirent, @ptrCast(&self.buf[self.index]));
const next_index = self.index + entry.reclen();
self.index = next_index;
const name = mem.sliceTo(@as([*:0]u8, @ptrCast(&entry.d_name)), 0);
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, ".."))
continue :start_over;
// Solaris dirent doesn't expose d_type, so we have to call stat to get it.
const stat_info = os.fstatat(
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
error.SymLinkLoop => unreachable,
error.FileNotFound => unreachable, // lost the race
else => |e| return e,
const entry_kind: Entry.Kind = switch (stat_info.mode & os.S.IFMT) {
os.S.IFIFO => .named_pipe,
os.S.IFCHR => .character_device,
os.S.IFDIR => .directory,
os.S.IFBLK => .block_device,
os.S.IFREG => .file,
os.S.IFLNK => .sym_link,
os.S.IFSOCK => .unix_domain_socket,
os.S.IFDOOR => .door,
os.S.IFPORT => .event_port,
else => .unknown,
return Entry{
.name = name,
.kind = entry_kind,
fn nextBsd(self: *Self) !?Entry {
start_over: while (true) {
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
if (self.first_iter) {
std.os.lseek_SET(self.dir.fd, 0) catch unreachable; // EBADF here likely means that the Dir was not opened with iteration permissions
self.first_iter = false;
const rc = if (builtin.os.tag == .netbsd)
os.system.__getdents30(self.dir.fd, &self.buf, self.buf.len)
os.system.getdents(self.dir.fd, &self.buf, self.buf.len);
switch (os.errno(rc)) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => unreachable, // Dir is invalid or was opened without iteration ability
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NOTDIR => unreachable,
.INVAL => unreachable,
// Introduced in freebsd 13.2: directory unlinked but still open.
// To be consistent, iteration ends if the directory being iterated is deleted during iteration.
.NOENT => return null,
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
if (rc == 0) return null;
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = @as(usize, @intCast(rc));
const bsd_entry = @as(*align(1) os.system.dirent, @ptrCast(&self.buf[self.index]));
const next_index = self.index + bsd_entry.reclen();
self.index = next_index;
const name = @as([*]u8, @ptrCast(&bsd_entry.d_name))[0..bsd_entry.d_namlen];
const skip_zero_fileno = switch (builtin.os.tag) {
// d_fileno=0 is used to mark invalid entries or deleted files.
.openbsd, .netbsd => true,
else => false,
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..") or
(skip_zero_fileno and bsd_entry.d_fileno == 0))
continue :start_over;
const entry_kind: Entry.Kind = switch (bsd_entry.d_type) {
os.DT.BLK => .block_device,
os.DT.CHR => .character_device,
os.DT.DIR => .directory,
os.DT.FIFO => .named_pipe,
os.DT.LNK => .sym_link,
os.DT.REG => .file,
os.DT.SOCK => .unix_domain_socket,
os.DT.WHT => .whiteout,
else => .unknown,
return Entry{
.name = name,
.kind = entry_kind,
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = 0;
self.first_iter = true;
.haiku => struct {
dir: Dir,
buf: [1024]u8, // TODO align(@alignOf(os.dirent64)),
index: usize,
end_index: usize,
first_iter: bool,
const Self = @This();
pub const Error = IteratorError;
/// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid
/// with subsequent calls to `next`, as well as when this `Dir` is deinitialized.
pub fn next(self: *Self) Error!?Entry {
start_over: while (true) {
// TODO: find a better max
const HAIKU_MAX_COUNT = 10000;
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
if (self.first_iter) {
std.os.lseek_SET(self.dir.fd, 0) catch unreachable; // EBADF here likely means that the Dir was not opened with iteration permissions
self.first_iter = false;
const rc = os.system._kern_read_dir(
if (rc == 0) return null;
if (rc < 0) {
switch (os.errno(rc)) {
.BADF => unreachable, // Dir is invalid or was opened without iteration ability
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NOTDIR => unreachable,
.INVAL => unreachable,
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = @as(usize, @intCast(rc));
const haiku_entry = @as(*align(1) os.system.dirent, @ptrCast(&self.buf[self.index]));
const next_index = self.index + haiku_entry.reclen();
self.index = next_index;
const name = mem.sliceTo(@as([*:0]u8, @ptrCast(&haiku_entry.d_name)), 0);
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..") or (haiku_entry.d_ino == 0)) {
continue :start_over;
var stat_info: os.Stat = undefined;
const rc = os.system._kern_read_stat(
if (rc != 0) {
switch (os.errno(rc)) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => unreachable, // Dir is invalid or was opened without iteration ability
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NOTDIR => unreachable,
.INVAL => unreachable,
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
const statmode = stat_info.mode & os.S.IFMT;
const entry_kind: Entry.Kind = switch (statmode) {
os.S.IFDIR => .directory,
os.S.IFBLK => .block_device,
os.S.IFCHR => .character_device,
os.S.IFLNK => .sym_link,
os.S.IFREG => .file,
os.S.IFIFO => .named_pipe,
else => .unknown,
return Entry{
.name = name,
.kind = entry_kind,
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = 0;
self.first_iter = true;
.linux => struct {
dir: Dir,
// The if guard is solely there to prevent compile errors from missing `linux.dirent64`
// definition when compiling for other OSes. It doesn't do anything when compiling for Linux.
buf: [1024]u8 align(if (builtin.os.tag != .linux) 1 else @alignOf(linux.dirent64)),
index: usize,
end_index: usize,
first_iter: bool,
const Self = @This();
const linux = os.linux;
pub const Error = IteratorError;
/// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid
/// with subsequent calls to `next`, as well as when this `Dir` is deinitialized.
pub fn next(self: *Self) Error!?Entry {
return self.nextLinux() catch |err| switch (err) {
// To be consistent across platforms, iteration ends if the directory being iterated is deleted during iteration.
// This matches the behavior of non-Linux UNIX platforms.
error.DirNotFound => null,
else => |e| return e,
pub const ErrorLinux = error{DirNotFound} || IteratorError;
/// Implementation of `next` that can return `error.DirNotFound` if the directory being
/// iterated was deleted during iteration (this error is Linux specific).
pub fn nextLinux(self: *Self) ErrorLinux!?Entry {
start_over: while (true) {
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
if (self.first_iter) {
std.os.lseek_SET(self.dir.fd, 0) catch unreachable; // EBADF here likely means that the Dir was not opened with iteration permissions
self.first_iter = false;
const rc = linux.getdents64(self.dir.fd, &self.buf, self.buf.len);
switch (linux.getErrno(rc)) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => unreachable, // Dir is invalid or was opened without iteration ability
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NOTDIR => unreachable,
.NOENT => return error.DirNotFound, // The directory being iterated was deleted during iteration.
.INVAL => return error.Unexpected, // Linux may in some cases return EINVAL when reading /proc/$PID/net.
.ACCES => return error.AccessDenied, // Do not have permission to iterate this directory.
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
if (rc == 0) return null;
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = rc;
const linux_entry = @as(*align(1) linux.dirent64, @ptrCast(&self.buf[self.index]));
const next_index = self.index + linux_entry.reclen();
self.index = next_index;
const name = mem.sliceTo(@as([*:0]u8, @ptrCast(&linux_entry.d_name)), 0);
// skip . and .. entries
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..")) {
continue :start_over;
const entry_kind: Entry.Kind = switch (linux_entry.d_type) {
linux.DT.BLK => .block_device,
linux.DT.CHR => .character_device,
linux.DT.DIR => .directory,
linux.DT.FIFO => .named_pipe,
linux.DT.LNK => .sym_link,
linux.DT.REG => .file,
linux.DT.SOCK => .unix_domain_socket,
else => .unknown,
return Entry{
.name = name,
.kind = entry_kind,
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = 0;
self.first_iter = true;
.windows => struct {
dir: Dir,
buf: [1024]u8 align(@alignOf(os.windows.FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION)),
index: usize,
end_index: usize,
first_iter: bool,
name_data: [MAX_NAME_BYTES]u8,
const Self = @This();
pub const Error = IteratorError;
/// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid
/// with subsequent calls to `next`, as well as when this `Dir` is deinitialized.
pub fn next(self: *Self) Error!?Entry {
while (true) {
const w = os.windows;
if (self.index >= self.end_index) {
var io: w.IO_STATUS_BLOCK = undefined;
const rc = w.ntdll.NtQueryDirectoryFile(
if (self.first_iter) @as(w.BOOLEAN, w.TRUE) else @as(w.BOOLEAN, w.FALSE),
self.first_iter = false;
if (io.Information == 0) return null;
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = io.Information;
switch (rc) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.ACCESS_DENIED => return error.AccessDenied, // Double-check that the Dir was opened with iteration ability
else => return w.unexpectedStatus(rc),
// While the official api docs guarantee FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION to be aligned properly
// this may not always be the case (e.g. due to faulty VM/Sandboxing tools)
const dir_info: *align(2) w.FILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION = @ptrCast(@alignCast(&self.buf[self.index]));
if (dir_info.NextEntryOffset != 0) {
self.index += dir_info.NextEntryOffset;
} else {
self.index = self.buf.len;
const name_utf16le = @as([*]u16, @ptrCast(&dir_info.FileName))[0 .. dir_info.FileNameLength / 2];
if (mem.eql(u16, name_utf16le, &[_]u16{'.'}) or mem.eql(u16, name_utf16le, &[_]u16{ '.', '.' }))
// Trust that Windows gives us valid UTF-16LE
const name_utf8_len = std.unicode.utf16leToUtf8(self.name_data[0..], name_utf16le) catch unreachable;
const name_utf8 = self.name_data[0..name_utf8_len];
const kind: Entry.Kind = blk: {
const attrs = dir_info.FileAttributes;
if (attrs & w.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0) break :blk .directory;
if (attrs & w.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT != 0) break :blk .sym_link;
break :blk .file;
return Entry{
.name = name_utf8,
.kind = kind,
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = 0;
self.first_iter = true;
.wasi => struct {
dir: Dir,
buf: [1024]u8, // TODO align(@alignOf(os.wasi.dirent_t)),
cookie: u64,
index: usize,
end_index: usize,
const Self = @This();
pub const Error = IteratorError;
/// Memory such as file names referenced in this returned entry becomes invalid
/// with subsequent calls to `next`, as well as when this `Dir` is deinitialized.
pub fn next(self: *Self) Error!?Entry {
return self.nextWasi() catch |err| switch (err) {
// To be consistent across platforms, iteration ends if the directory being iterated is deleted during iteration.
// This matches the behavior of non-Linux UNIX platforms.
error.DirNotFound => null,
else => |e| return e,
pub const ErrorWasi = error{DirNotFound} || IteratorError;
/// Implementation of `next` that can return platform-dependent errors depending on the host platform.
/// When the host platform is Linux, `error.DirNotFound` can be returned if the directory being
/// iterated was deleted during iteration.
pub fn nextWasi(self: *Self) ErrorWasi!?Entry {
// We intentinally use fd_readdir even when linked with libc,
// since its implementation is exactly the same as below,
// and we avoid the code complexity here.
const w = os.wasi;
start_over: while (true) {
// According to the WASI spec, the last entry might be truncated,
// so we need to check if the left buffer contains the whole dirent.
if (self.end_index - self.index < @sizeOf(w.dirent_t)) {
var bufused: usize = undefined;
switch (w.fd_readdir(self.dir.fd, &self.buf, self.buf.len, self.cookie, &bufused)) {
.SUCCESS => {},
.BADF => unreachable, // Dir is invalid or was opened without iteration ability
.FAULT => unreachable,
.NOTDIR => unreachable,
.INVAL => unreachable,
.NOENT => return error.DirNotFound, // The directory being iterated was deleted during iteration.
.NOTCAPABLE => return error.AccessDenied,
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
if (bufused == 0) return null;
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = bufused;
const entry = @as(*align(1) w.dirent_t, @ptrCast(&self.buf[self.index]));
const entry_size = @sizeOf(w.dirent_t);
const name_index = self.index + entry_size;
if (name_index + entry.d_namlen > self.end_index) {
// This case, the name is truncated, so we need to call readdir to store the entire name.
self.end_index = self.index; // Force fd_readdir in the next loop.
continue :start_over;
const name = self.buf[name_index .. name_index + entry.d_namlen];
const next_index = name_index + entry.d_namlen;
self.index = next_index;
self.cookie = entry.d_next;
// skip . and .. entries
if (mem.eql(u8, name, ".") or mem.eql(u8, name, "..")) {
continue :start_over;
const entry_kind: Entry.Kind = switch (entry.d_type) {
.BLOCK_DEVICE => .block_device,
.CHARACTER_DEVICE => .character_device,
.DIRECTORY => .directory,
.SYMBOLIC_LINK => .sym_link,
.REGULAR_FILE => .file,
.SOCKET_STREAM, .SOCKET_DGRAM => .unix_domain_socket,
else => .unknown,
return Entry{
.name = name,
.kind = entry_kind,
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
self.index = 0;
self.end_index = 0;
self.cookie = os.wasi.DIRCOOKIE_START;
else => @compileError("unimplemented"),
pub fn iterate(self: IterableDir) Iterator {
return self.iterateImpl(true);
/// Like `iterate`, but will not reset the directory cursor before the first
/// iteration. This should only be used in cases where it is known that the
/// `IterableDir` has not had its cursor modified yet (e.g. it was just opened).
pub fn iterateAssumeFirstIteration(self: IterableDir) Iterator {
return self.iterateImpl(false);
fn iterateImpl(self: IterableDir, first_iter_start_value: bool) Iterator {
switch (builtin.os.tag) {
=> return Iterator{
.dir = self.dir,
.seek = 0,
.index = 0,
.end_index = 0,
.buf = undefined,
.first_iter = first_iter_start_value,
.linux, .haiku => return Iterator{
.dir = self.dir,
.index = 0,
.end_index = 0,
.buf = undefined,
.first_iter = first_iter_start_value,
.windows => return Iterator{
.dir = self.dir,
.index = 0,
.end_index = 0,
.first_iter = first_iter_start_value,
.buf = undefined,
.name_data = undefined,
.wasi => return Iterator{
.dir = self.dir,
.cookie = os.wasi.DIRCOOKIE_START,
.index = 0,
.end_index = 0,
.buf = undefined,
else => @compileError("unimplemented"),
pub const Walker = struct {
stack: std.ArrayList(StackItem),
name_buffer: std.ArrayList(u8),
pub const WalkerEntry = struct {
/// The containing directory. This can be used to operate directly on `basename`
/// rather than `path`, avoiding `error.NameTooLong` for deeply nested paths.
/// The directory remains open until `next` or `deinit` is called.
dir: Dir,
basename: []const u8,
path: []const u8,
kind: IterableDir.Entry.Kind,
const StackItem = struct {
iter: IterableDir.Iterator,
dirname_len: usize,
/// After each call to this function, and on deinit(), the memory returned
/// from this function becomes invalid. A copy must be made in order to keep
/// a reference to the path.
pub fn next(self: *Walker) !?WalkerEntry {
while (self.stack.items.len != 0) {
// `top` and `containing` become invalid after appending to `self.stack`
var top = &self.stack.items[self.stack.items.len - 1];
var containing = top;
var dirname_len = top.dirname_len;
if (top.iter.next() catch |err| {
// If we get an error, then we want the user to be able to continue
// walking if they want, which means that we need to pop the directory
// that errored from the stack. Otherwise, all future `next` calls would
// likely just fail with the same error.
var item = self.stack.pop();
if (self.stack.items.len != 0) {
return err;
}) |base| {
if (self.name_buffer.items.len != 0) {
try self.name_buffer.append(path.sep);
dirname_len += 1;
try self.name_buffer.appendSlice(base.name);
if (base.kind == .directory) {
var new_dir = top.iter.dir.openIterableDir(base.name, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // no path sep in base.name
else => |e| return e,
errdefer new_dir.close();
try self.stack.append(StackItem{
.iter = new_dir.iterateAssumeFirstIteration(),
.dirname_len = self.name_buffer.items.len,
top = &self.stack.items[self.stack.items.len - 1];
containing = &self.stack.items[self.stack.items.len - 2];
return WalkerEntry{
.dir = containing.iter.dir,
.basename = self.name_buffer.items[dirname_len..],
.path = self.name_buffer.items,
.kind = base.kind,
} else {
var item = self.stack.pop();
if (self.stack.items.len != 0) {
return null;
pub fn deinit(self: *Walker) void {
// Close any remaining directories except the initial one (which is always at index 0)
if (self.stack.items.len > 1) {
for (self.stack.items[1..]) |*item| {
/// Recursively iterates over a directory.
/// Must call `Walker.deinit` when done.
/// The order of returned file system entries is undefined.
/// `self` will not be closed after walking it.
pub fn walk(self: IterableDir, allocator: Allocator) !Walker {
var name_buffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
errdefer name_buffer.deinit();
var stack = std.ArrayList(Walker.StackItem).init(allocator);
errdefer stack.deinit();
try stack.append(Walker.StackItem{
.iter = self.iterate(),
.dirname_len = 0,
return Walker{
.stack = stack,
.name_buffer = name_buffer,
pub fn close(self: *IterableDir) void {
self.* = undefined;
pub const ChmodError = File.ChmodError;
/// Changes the mode of the directory.
/// The process must have the correct privileges in order to do this
/// successfully, or must have the effective user ID matching the owner
/// of the directory.
pub fn chmod(self: IterableDir, new_mode: File.Mode) ChmodError!void {
const file: File = .{
.handle = self.dir.fd,
.capable_io_mode = .blocking,
try file.chmod(new_mode);
/// Changes the owner and group of the directory.
/// The process must have the correct privileges in order to do this
/// successfully. The group may be changed by the owner of the directory to
/// any group of which the owner is a member. If the
/// owner or group is specified as `null`, the ID is not changed.
pub fn chown(self: IterableDir, owner: ?File.Uid, group: ?File.Gid) ChownError!void {
const file: File = .{
.handle = self.dir.fd,
.capable_io_mode = .blocking,
try file.chown(owner, group);
pub const ChownError = File.ChownError;
pub const Dir = struct {
fd: os.fd_t,
pub const iterate = @compileError("only 'IterableDir' can be iterated; 'IterableDir' can be obtained with 'openIterableDir'");
pub const walk = @compileError("only 'IterableDir' can be walked; 'IterableDir' can be obtained with 'openIterableDir'");
pub const chmod = @compileError("only 'IterableDir' can have its mode changed; 'IterableDir' can be obtained with 'openIterableDir'");
pub const chown = @compileError("only 'IterableDir' can have its owner changed; 'IterableDir' can be obtained with 'openIterableDir'");
pub const OpenError = error{
/// On Windows, `\\server` or `\\server\share` was not found.
} || os.UnexpectedError;
pub fn close(self: *Dir) void {
if (need_async_thread) {
} else {
self.* = undefined;
/// Opens a file for reading or writing, without attempting to create a new file.
/// To create a new file, see `createFile`.
/// Call `File.close` to release the resource.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn openFile(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, flags: File.OpenFlags) File.OpenError!File {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return self.openFileW(path_w.span(), flags);
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
return self.openFileWasi(sub_path, flags);
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return self.openFileZ(&path_c, flags);
/// Same as `openFile` but WASI only.
pub fn openFileWasi(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, flags: File.OpenFlags) File.OpenError!File {
const w = os.wasi;
var fdflags: w.fdflags_t = 0x0;
var base: w.rights_t = 0x0;
if (flags.isRead()) {
if (flags.isWrite()) {
fdflags |= w.FDFLAG.APPEND;
base |= w.RIGHT.FD_WRITE |
const fd = try os.openatWasi(self.fd, sub_path, 0x0, 0x0, fdflags, base, 0x0);
return File{ .handle = fd };
/// Same as `openFile` but the path parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn openFileZ(self: Dir, sub_path: [*:0]const u8, flags: File.OpenFlags) File.OpenError!File {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const path_w = try os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return self.openFileW(path_w.span(), flags);
var os_flags: u32 = 0;
if (@hasDecl(os.O, "CLOEXEC")) os_flags = os.O.CLOEXEC;
// Use the O locking flags if the os supports them to acquire the lock
// atomically.
const has_flock_open_flags = @hasDecl(os.O, "EXLOCK");
if (has_flock_open_flags) {
// Note that the O.NONBLOCK flag is removed after the openat() call
// is successful.
const nonblocking_lock_flag: u32 = if (flags.lock_nonblocking)
os_flags |= switch (flags.lock) {
.none => @as(u32, 0),
.shared => os.O.SHLOCK | nonblocking_lock_flag,
.exclusive => os.O.EXLOCK | nonblocking_lock_flag,
if (@hasDecl(os.O, "LARGEFILE")) {
os_flags |= os.O.LARGEFILE;
if (@hasDecl(os.O, "NOCTTY") and !flags.allow_ctty) {
os_flags |= os.O.NOCTTY;
os_flags |= switch (flags.mode) {
.read_only => @as(u32, os.O.RDONLY),
.write_only => @as(u32, os.O.WRONLY),
.read_write => @as(u32, os.O.RDWR),
const fd = if (flags.intended_io_mode != .blocking)
try std.event.Loop.instance.?.openatZ(self.fd, sub_path, os_flags, 0)
try os.openatZ(self.fd, sub_path, os_flags, 0);
errdefer os.close(fd);
// WASI doesn't have os.flock so we intetinally check OS prior to the inner if block
// since it is not compiltime-known and we need to avoid undefined symbol in Wasm.
if (@hasDecl(os.system, "LOCK") and builtin.target.os.tag != .wasi) {
if (!has_flock_open_flags and flags.lock != .none) {
// TODO: integrate async I/O
const lock_nonblocking = if (flags.lock_nonblocking) os.LOCK.NB else @as(i32, 0);
try os.flock(fd, switch (flags.lock) {
.none => unreachable,
.shared => os.LOCK.SH | lock_nonblocking,
.exclusive => os.LOCK.EX | lock_nonblocking,
if (has_flock_open_flags and flags.lock_nonblocking) {
var fl_flags = os.fcntl(fd, os.F.GETFL, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileBusy => unreachable,
error.Locked => unreachable,
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable,
error.DeadLock => unreachable,
error.LockedRegionLimitExceeded => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
fl_flags &= ~@as(usize, os.O.NONBLOCK);
_ = os.fcntl(fd, os.F.SETFL, fl_flags) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileBusy => unreachable,
error.Locked => unreachable,
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable,
error.DeadLock => unreachable,
error.LockedRegionLimitExceeded => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
return File{
.handle = fd,
.capable_io_mode = .blocking,
.intended_io_mode = flags.intended_io_mode,
/// Same as `openFile` but Windows-only and the path parameter is
/// [WTF-16](https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/#potentially-ill-formed-utf-16) encoded.
pub fn openFileW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: []const u16, flags: File.OpenFlags) File.OpenError!File {
const w = os.windows;
const file: File = .{
.handle = try w.OpenFile(sub_path_w, .{
.dir = self.fd,
.access_mask = w.SYNCHRONIZE |
(if (flags.isRead()) @as(u32, w.GENERIC_READ) else 0) |
(if (flags.isWrite()) @as(u32, w.GENERIC_WRITE) else 0),
.creation = w.FILE_OPEN,
.io_mode = flags.intended_io_mode,
.capable_io_mode = std.io.default_mode,
.intended_io_mode = flags.intended_io_mode,
errdefer file.close();
var io: w.IO_STATUS_BLOCK = undefined;
const range_off: w.LARGE_INTEGER = 0;
const range_len: w.LARGE_INTEGER = 1;
const exclusive = switch (flags.lock) {
.none => return file,
.shared => false,
.exclusive => true,
try w.LockFile(
return file;
/// Creates, opens, or overwrites a file with write access.
/// Call `File.close` on the result when done.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn createFile(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, flags: File.CreateFlags) File.OpenError!File {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return self.createFileW(path_w.span(), flags);
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
return self.createFileWasi(sub_path, flags);
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return self.createFileZ(&path_c, flags);
/// Same as `createFile` but WASI only.
pub fn createFileWasi(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, flags: File.CreateFlags) File.OpenError!File {
const w = os.wasi;
var oflags = w.O.CREAT;
var base: w.rights_t = w.RIGHT.FD_WRITE |
if (flags.read) {
base |= w.RIGHT.FD_READ;
if (flags.truncate) {
oflags |= w.O.TRUNC;
if (flags.exclusive) {
oflags |= w.O.EXCL;
const fd = try os.openatWasi(self.fd, sub_path, 0x0, oflags, 0x0, base, 0x0);
return File{ .handle = fd };
/// Same as `createFile` but the path parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn createFileZ(self: Dir, sub_path_c: [*:0]const u8, flags: File.CreateFlags) File.OpenError!File {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const path_w = try os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path_c);
return self.createFileW(path_w.span(), flags);
// Use the O locking flags if the os supports them to acquire the lock
// atomically.
const has_flock_open_flags = @hasDecl(os.O, "EXLOCK");
// Note that the O.NONBLOCK flag is removed after the openat() call
// is successful.
const nonblocking_lock_flag: u32 = if (has_flock_open_flags and flags.lock_nonblocking)
const lock_flag: u32 = if (has_flock_open_flags) switch (flags.lock) {
.none => @as(u32, 0),
.shared => os.O.SHLOCK | nonblocking_lock_flag,
.exclusive => os.O.EXLOCK | nonblocking_lock_flag,
} else 0;
const O_LARGEFILE = if (@hasDecl(os.O, "LARGEFILE")) os.O.LARGEFILE else 0;
const os_flags = lock_flag | O_LARGEFILE | os.O.CREAT | os.O.CLOEXEC |
(if (flags.truncate) @as(u32, os.O.TRUNC) else 0) |
(if (flags.read) @as(u32, os.O.RDWR) else os.O.WRONLY) |
(if (flags.exclusive) @as(u32, os.O.EXCL) else 0);
const fd = if (flags.intended_io_mode != .blocking)
try std.event.Loop.instance.?.openatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, os_flags, flags.mode)
try os.openatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, os_flags, flags.mode);
errdefer os.close(fd);
// WASI doesn't have os.flock so we intetinally check OS prior to the inner if block
// since it is not compiltime-known and we need to avoid undefined symbol in Wasm.
if (builtin.target.os.tag != .wasi) {
if (!has_flock_open_flags and flags.lock != .none) {
// TODO: integrate async I/O
const lock_nonblocking = if (flags.lock_nonblocking) os.LOCK.NB else @as(i32, 0);
try os.flock(fd, switch (flags.lock) {
.none => unreachable,
.shared => os.LOCK.SH | lock_nonblocking,
.exclusive => os.LOCK.EX | lock_nonblocking,
if (has_flock_open_flags and flags.lock_nonblocking) {
var fl_flags = os.fcntl(fd, os.F.GETFL, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileBusy => unreachable,
error.Locked => unreachable,
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable,
error.DeadLock => unreachable,
error.LockedRegionLimitExceeded => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
fl_flags &= ~@as(usize, os.O.NONBLOCK);
_ = os.fcntl(fd, os.F.SETFL, fl_flags) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileBusy => unreachable,
error.Locked => unreachable,
error.PermissionDenied => unreachable,
error.DeadLock => unreachable,
error.LockedRegionLimitExceeded => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
return File{
.handle = fd,
.capable_io_mode = .blocking,
.intended_io_mode = flags.intended_io_mode,
/// Same as `createFile` but Windows-only and the path parameter is
/// [WTF-16](https://simonsapin.github.io/wtf-8/#potentially-ill-formed-utf-16) encoded.
pub fn createFileW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: []const u16, flags: File.CreateFlags) File.OpenError!File {
const w = os.windows;
const read_flag = if (flags.read) @as(u32, w.GENERIC_READ) else 0;
const file: File = .{
.handle = try os.windows.OpenFile(sub_path_w, .{
.dir = self.fd,
.access_mask = w.SYNCHRONIZE | w.GENERIC_WRITE | read_flag,
.creation = if (flags.exclusive)
@as(u32, w.FILE_CREATE)
else if (flags.truncate)
@as(u32, w.FILE_OPEN_IF),
.io_mode = flags.intended_io_mode,
.capable_io_mode = std.io.default_mode,
.intended_io_mode = flags.intended_io_mode,
errdefer file.close();
var io: w.IO_STATUS_BLOCK = undefined;
const range_off: w.LARGE_INTEGER = 0;
const range_len: w.LARGE_INTEGER = 1;
const exclusive = switch (flags.lock) {
.none => return file,
.shared => false,
.exclusive => true,
try w.LockFile(
return file;
/// Creates a single directory with a relative or absolute path.
/// To create multiple directories to make an entire path, see `makePath`.
/// To operate on only absolute paths, see `makeDirAbsolute`.
pub fn makeDir(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) !void {
try os.mkdirat(self.fd, sub_path, default_new_dir_mode);
/// Creates a single directory with a relative or absolute null-terminated UTF-8-encoded path.
/// To create multiple directories to make an entire path, see `makePath`.
/// To operate on only absolute paths, see `makeDirAbsoluteZ`.
pub fn makeDirZ(self: Dir, sub_path: [*:0]const u8) !void {
try os.mkdiratZ(self.fd, sub_path, default_new_dir_mode);
/// Creates a single directory with a relative or absolute null-terminated WTF-16-encoded path.
/// To create multiple directories to make an entire path, see `makePath`.
/// To operate on only absolute paths, see `makeDirAbsoluteW`.
pub fn makeDirW(self: Dir, sub_path: [*:0]const u16) !void {
try os.mkdiratW(self.fd, sub_path, default_new_dir_mode);
/// Calls makeDir iteratively to make an entire path
/// (i.e. creating any parent directories that do not exist).
/// Returns success if the path already exists and is a directory.
/// This function is not atomic, and if it returns an error, the file system may
/// have been modified regardless.
pub fn makePath(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) !void {
var it = try path.componentIterator(sub_path);
var component = it.last() orelse return;
while (true) {
self.makeDir(component.path) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.PathAlreadyExists => {
// TODO stat the file and return an error if it's not a directory
// this is important because otherwise a dangling symlink
// could cause an infinite loop
error.FileNotFound => |e| {
component = it.previous() orelse return e;
else => |e| return e,
component = it.next() orelse return;
/// Calls makeOpenDirAccessMaskW iteratively to make an entire path
/// (i.e. creating any parent directories that do not exist).
/// Opens the dir if the path already exists and is a directory.
/// This function is not atomic, and if it returns an error, the file system may
/// have been modified regardless.
fn makeOpenPathAccessMaskW(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, access_mask: u32, no_follow: bool) OpenError!Dir {
const w = os.windows;
var it = try path.componentIterator(sub_path);
// If there are no components in the path, then create a dummy component with the full path.
var component = it.last() orelse path.NativeUtf8ComponentIterator.Component{
.name = "",
.path = sub_path,
while (true) {
const sub_path_w = try w.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, component.path);
const is_last = it.peekNext() == null;
var result = self.makeOpenDirAccessMaskW(sub_path_w.span().ptr, access_mask, .{
.no_follow = no_follow,
.create_disposition = if (is_last) w.FILE_OPEN_IF else w.FILE_CREATE,
}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => |e| {
component = it.previous() orelse return e;
else => |e| return e,
component = it.next() orelse return result;
// Don't leak the intermediate file handles
/// This function performs `makePath`, followed by `openDir`.
/// If supported by the OS, this operation is atomic. It is not atomic on
/// all operating systems.
/// On Windows, this function performs `makeOpenPathAccessMaskW`.
pub fn makeOpenPath(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, open_dir_options: OpenDirOptions) !Dir {
return switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {
const w = os.windows;
return self.makeOpenPathAccessMaskW(sub_path, base_flags, open_dir_options.no_follow);
else => {
return self.openDir(sub_path, open_dir_options) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {
try self.makePath(sub_path);
return self.openDir(sub_path, open_dir_options);
else => |e| return e,
/// This function performs `makePath`, followed by `openIterableDir`.
/// If supported by the OS, this operation is atomic. It is not atomic on
/// all operating systems.
pub fn makeOpenPathIterable(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, open_dir_options: OpenDirOptions) !IterableDir {
return switch (builtin.os.tag) {
.windows => {
const w = os.windows;
return IterableDir{
.dir = try self.makeOpenPathAccessMaskW(sub_path, base_flags, open_dir_options.no_follow),
else => {
return self.openIterableDir(sub_path, open_dir_options) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {
try self.makePath(sub_path);
return self.openIterableDir(sub_path, open_dir_options);
else => |e| return e,
/// This function returns the canonicalized absolute pathname of
/// `pathname` relative to this `Dir`. If `pathname` is absolute, ignores this
/// `Dir` handle and returns the canonicalized absolute pathname of `pathname`
/// argument.
/// This function is not universally supported by all platforms.
/// Currently supported hosts are: Linux, macOS, and Windows.
/// See also `Dir.realpathZ`, `Dir.realpathW`, and `Dir.realpathAlloc`.
pub fn realpath(self: Dir, pathname: []const u8, out_buffer: []u8) ![]u8 {
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi) {
@compileError("realpath is not available on WASI");
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const pathname_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, pathname);
return self.realpathW(pathname_w.span(), out_buffer);
const pathname_c = try os.toPosixPath(pathname);
return self.realpathZ(&pathname_c, out_buffer);
/// Same as `Dir.realpath` except `pathname` is null-terminated.
/// See also `Dir.realpath`, `realpathZ`.
pub fn realpathZ(self: Dir, pathname: [*:0]const u8, out_buffer: []u8) ![]u8 {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const pathname_w = try os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, pathname);
return self.realpathW(pathname_w.span(), out_buffer);
const flags = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux) os.O.PATH | os.O.NONBLOCK | os.O.CLOEXEC else os.O.NONBLOCK | os.O.CLOEXEC;
const fd = os.openatZ(self.fd, pathname, flags, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileLocksNotSupported => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
defer os.close(fd);
// Use of MAX_PATH_BYTES here is valid as the realpath function does not
// have a variant that takes an arbitrary-size buffer.
// TODO(#4812): Consider reimplementing realpath or using the POSIX.1-2008
// NULL out parameter (GNU's canonicalize_file_name) to handle overelong
// paths. musl supports passing NULL but restricts the output to PATH_MAX
// anyway.
var buffer: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const out_path = try os.getFdPath(fd, &buffer);
if (out_path.len > out_buffer.len) {
return error.NameTooLong;
const result = out_buffer[0..out_path.len];
@memcpy(result, out_path);
return result;
/// Windows-only. Same as `Dir.realpath` except `pathname` is WTF16 encoded.
/// See also `Dir.realpath`, `realpathW`.
pub fn realpathW(self: Dir, pathname: []const u16, out_buffer: []u8) ![]u8 {
const w = os.windows;
const access_mask = w.GENERIC_READ | w.SYNCHRONIZE;
const share_access = w.FILE_SHARE_READ;
const creation = w.FILE_OPEN;
const h_file = blk: {
const res = w.OpenFile(pathname, .{
.dir = self.fd,
.access_mask = access_mask,
.share_access = share_access,
.creation = creation,
.io_mode = .blocking,
.filter = .any,
}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.WouldBlock => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,
break :blk res;
defer w.CloseHandle(h_file);
// Use of MAX_PATH_BYTES here is valid as the realpath function does not
// have a variant that takes an arbitrary-size buffer.
// TODO(#4812): Consider reimplementing realpath or using the POSIX.1-2008
// NULL out parameter (GNU's canonicalize_file_name) to handle overelong
// paths. musl supports passing NULL but restricts the output to PATH_MAX
// anyway.
var buffer: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
const out_path = try os.getFdPath(h_file, &buffer);
if (out_path.len > out_buffer.len) {
return error.NameTooLong;
const result = out_buffer[0..out_path.len];
@memcpy(result, out_path);
return result;
/// Same as `Dir.realpath` except caller must free the returned memory.
/// See also `Dir.realpath`.
pub fn realpathAlloc(self: Dir, allocator: Allocator, pathname: []const u8) ![]u8 {
// Use of MAX_PATH_BYTES here is valid as the realpath function does not
// have a variant that takes an arbitrary-size buffer.
// TODO(#4812): Consider reimplementing realpath or using the POSIX.1-2008
// NULL out parameter (GNU's canonicalize_file_name) to handle overelong
// paths. musl supports passing NULL but restricts the output to PATH_MAX
// anyway.
var buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
return allocator.dupe(u8, try self.realpath(pathname, buf[0..]));
/// Changes the current working directory to the open directory handle.
/// This modifies global state and can have surprising effects in multi-
/// threaded applications. Most applications and especially libraries should
/// not call this function as a general rule, however it can have use cases
/// in, for example, implementing a shell, or child process execution.
/// Not all targets support this. For example, WASI does not have the concept
/// of a current working directory.
pub fn setAsCwd(self: Dir) !void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi) {
@compileError("changing cwd is not currently possible in WASI");
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
var dir_path_buffer: [os.windows.PATH_MAX_WIDE]u16 = undefined;
const dir_path = try os.windows.GetFinalPathNameByHandle(self.fd, .{}, &dir_path_buffer);
if (builtin.link_libc) {
return os.chdirW(dir_path);
return os.windows.SetCurrentDirectory(dir_path);
try os.fchdir(self.fd);
pub const OpenDirOptions = struct {
/// `true` means the opened directory can be used as the `Dir` parameter
/// for functions which operate based on an open directory handle. When `false`,
/// such operations are Illegal Behavior.
access_sub_paths: bool = true,
/// `true` means it won't dereference the symlinks.
no_follow: bool = false,
/// Opens a directory at the given path. The directory is a system resource that remains
/// open until `close` is called on the result.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn openDir(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, args: OpenDirOptions) OpenError!Dir {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return self.openDirW(sub_path_w.span().ptr, args, false);
} else if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
return self.openDirWasi(sub_path, args);
} else {
const sub_path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return self.openDirZ(&sub_path_c, args, false);
/// Opens an iterable directory at the given path. The directory is a system resource that remains
/// open until `close` is called on the result.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn openIterableDir(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, args: OpenDirOptions) OpenError!IterableDir {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return IterableDir{ .dir = try self.openDirW(sub_path_w.span().ptr, args, true) };
} else if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
return IterableDir{ .dir = try self.openDirWasi(sub_path, args) };
} else {
const sub_path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return IterableDir{ .dir = try self.openDirZ(&sub_path_c, args, true) };
/// Same as `openDir` except only WASI.
pub fn openDirWasi(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, args: OpenDirOptions) OpenError!Dir {
const w = os.wasi;
if (args.access_sub_paths) {
base |= w.RIGHT.FD_READDIR |
const symlink_flags: w.lookupflags_t = if (args.no_follow) 0x0 else w.LOOKUP_SYMLINK_FOLLOW;
// TODO do we really need all the rights here?
const inheriting: w.rights_t = w.RIGHT.ALL ^ w.RIGHT.SOCK_SHUTDOWN;
const result = os.openatWasi(
const fd = result catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileTooBig => unreachable, // can't happen for directories
error.IsDir => unreachable, // we're providing O.DIRECTORY
error.NoSpaceLeft => unreachable, // not providing O.CREAT
error.PathAlreadyExists => unreachable, // not providing O.CREAT
error.FileLocksNotSupported => unreachable, // locking folders is not supported
error.WouldBlock => unreachable, // can't happen for directories
error.FileBusy => unreachable, // can't happen for directories
else => |e| return e,
return Dir{ .fd = fd };
/// Same as `openDir` except the parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn openDirZ(self: Dir, sub_path_c: [*:0]const u8, args: OpenDirOptions, iterable: bool) OpenError!Dir {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path_c);
return self.openDirW(sub_path_w.span().ptr, args, iterable);
const symlink_flags: u32 = if (args.no_follow) os.O.NOFOLLOW else 0x0;
if (!iterable) {
const O_PATH = if (@hasDecl(os.O, "PATH")) os.O.PATH else 0;
return self.openDirFlagsZ(sub_path_c, os.O.DIRECTORY | os.O.RDONLY | os.O.CLOEXEC | O_PATH | symlink_flags);
} else {
return self.openDirFlagsZ(sub_path_c, os.O.DIRECTORY | os.O.RDONLY | os.O.CLOEXEC | symlink_flags);
/// Same as `openDir` except the path parameter is WTF-16 encoded, NT-prefixed.
/// This function asserts the target OS is Windows.
pub fn openDirW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: [*:0]const u16, args: OpenDirOptions, iterable: bool) OpenError!Dir {
const w = os.windows;
// TODO remove some of these flags if args.access_sub_paths is false
const flags: u32 = if (iterable) base_flags | w.FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY else base_flags;
const dir = try self.makeOpenDirAccessMaskW(sub_path_w, flags, .{
.no_follow = args.no_follow,
.create_disposition = w.FILE_OPEN,
return dir;
/// `flags` must contain `os.O.DIRECTORY`.
fn openDirFlagsZ(self: Dir, sub_path_c: [*:0]const u8, flags: u32) OpenError!Dir {
const result = if (need_async_thread)
std.event.Loop.instance.?.openatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, flags, 0)
os.openatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, flags, 0);
const fd = result catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileTooBig => unreachable, // can't happen for directories
error.IsDir => unreachable, // we're providing O.DIRECTORY
error.NoSpaceLeft => unreachable, // not providing O.CREAT
error.PathAlreadyExists => unreachable, // not providing O.CREAT
error.FileLocksNotSupported => unreachable, // locking folders is not supported
error.WouldBlock => unreachable, // can't happen for directories
error.FileBusy => unreachable, // can't happen for directories
else => |e| return e,
return Dir{ .fd = fd };
const MakeOpenDirAccessMaskWOptions = struct {
no_follow: bool,
create_disposition: u32,
fn makeOpenDirAccessMaskW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: [*:0]const u16, access_mask: u32, flags: MakeOpenDirAccessMaskWOptions) OpenError!Dir {
const w = os.windows;
var result = Dir{
.fd = undefined,
const path_len_bytes = @as(u16, @intCast(mem.sliceTo(sub_path_w, 0).len * 2));
var nt_name = w.UNICODE_STRING{
.Length = path_len_bytes,
.MaximumLength = path_len_bytes,
.Buffer = @constCast(sub_path_w),
.Length = @sizeOf(w.OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES),
.RootDirectory = if (path.isAbsoluteWindowsW(sub_path_w)) null else self.fd,
.Attributes = 0, // Note we do not use OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE here.
.ObjectName = &nt_name,
.SecurityDescriptor = null,
.SecurityQualityOfService = null,
const open_reparse_point: w.DWORD = if (flags.no_follow) w.FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT else 0x0;
var io: w.IO_STATUS_BLOCK = undefined;
const rc = w.ntdll.NtCreateFile(
switch (rc) {
.SUCCESS => return result,
.OBJECT_NAME_INVALID => return error.BadPathName,
.OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
.OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND => return error.FileNotFound,
.NOT_A_DIRECTORY => return error.NotDir,
// This can happen if the directory has 'List folder contents' permission set to 'Deny'
// and the directory is trying to be opened for iteration.
.ACCESS_DENIED => return error.AccessDenied,
.INVALID_PARAMETER => unreachable,
else => return w.unexpectedStatus(rc),
pub const DeleteFileError = os.UnlinkError;
/// Delete a file name and possibly the file it refers to, based on an open directory handle.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn deleteFile(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) DeleteFileError!void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return self.deleteFileW(sub_path_w.span());
} else if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
os.unlinkat(self.fd, sub_path, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.DirNotEmpty => unreachable, // not passing AT.REMOVEDIR
else => |e| return e,
} else {
const sub_path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return self.deleteFileZ(&sub_path_c);
/// Same as `deleteFile` except the parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn deleteFileZ(self: Dir, sub_path_c: [*:0]const u8) DeleteFileError!void {
os.unlinkatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.DirNotEmpty => unreachable, // not passing AT.REMOVEDIR
error.AccessDenied => |e| switch (builtin.os.tag) {
// non-Linux POSIX systems return EPERM when trying to delete a directory, so
// we need to handle that case specifically and translate the error
.macos, .ios, .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd, .solaris, .illumos => {
// Don't follow symlinks to match unlinkat (which acts on symlinks rather than follows them)
const fstat = os.fstatatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, os.AT.SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) catch return e;
const is_dir = fstat.mode & os.S.IFMT == os.S.IFDIR;
return if (is_dir) error.IsDir else e;
else => return e,
else => |e| return e,
/// Same as `deleteFile` except the parameter is WTF-16 encoded.
pub fn deleteFileW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: []const u16) DeleteFileError!void {
os.unlinkatW(self.fd, sub_path_w, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.DirNotEmpty => unreachable, // not passing AT.REMOVEDIR
else => |e| return e,
pub const DeleteDirError = error{
/// On Windows, `\\server` or `\\server\share` was not found.
/// Returns `error.DirNotEmpty` if the directory is not empty.
/// To delete a directory recursively, see `deleteTree`.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn deleteDir(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) DeleteDirError!void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return self.deleteDirW(sub_path_w.span());
} else if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
os.unlinkat(self.fd, sub_path, os.AT.REMOVEDIR) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IsDir => unreachable, // not possible since we pass AT.REMOVEDIR
else => |e| return e,
} else {
const sub_path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return self.deleteDirZ(&sub_path_c);
/// Same as `deleteDir` except the parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn deleteDirZ(self: Dir, sub_path_c: [*:0]const u8) DeleteDirError!void {
os.unlinkatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, os.AT.REMOVEDIR) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IsDir => unreachable, // not possible since we pass AT.REMOVEDIR
else => |e| return e,
/// Same as `deleteDir` except the parameter is UTF16LE, NT prefixed.
/// This function is Windows-only.
pub fn deleteDirW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: []const u16) DeleteDirError!void {
os.unlinkatW(self.fd, sub_path_w, os.AT.REMOVEDIR) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IsDir => unreachable, // not possible since we pass AT.REMOVEDIR
else => |e| return e,
pub const RenameError = os.RenameError;
/// Change the name or location of a file or directory.
/// If new_sub_path already exists, it will be replaced.
/// Renaming a file over an existing directory or a directory
/// over an existing file will fail with `error.IsDir` or `error.NotDir`
pub fn rename(self: Dir, old_sub_path: []const u8, new_sub_path: []const u8) RenameError!void {
return os.renameat(self.fd, old_sub_path, self.fd, new_sub_path);
/// Same as `rename` except the parameters are null-terminated.
pub fn renameZ(self: Dir, old_sub_path_z: [*:0]const u8, new_sub_path_z: [*:0]const u8) RenameError!void {
return os.renameatZ(self.fd, old_sub_path_z, self.fd, new_sub_path_z);
/// Same as `rename` except the parameters are UTF16LE, NT prefixed.
/// This function is Windows-only.
pub fn renameW(self: Dir, old_sub_path_w: []const u16, new_sub_path_w: []const u16) RenameError!void {
return os.renameatW(self.fd, old_sub_path_w, self.fd, new_sub_path_w);
/// Creates a symbolic link named `sym_link_path` which contains the string `target_path`.
/// A symbolic link (also known as a soft link) may point to an existing file or to a nonexistent
/// one; the latter case is known as a dangling link.
/// If `sym_link_path` exists, it will not be overwritten.
pub fn symLink(
self: Dir,
target_path: []const u8,
sym_link_path: []const u8,
flags: SymLinkFlags,
) !void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
return self.symLinkWasi(target_path, sym_link_path, flags);
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
// Target path does not use sliceToPrefixedFileW because certain paths
// are handled differently when creating a symlink than they would be
// when converting to an NT namespaced path. CreateSymbolicLink in
// symLinkW will handle the necessary conversion.
var target_path_w: os.windows.PathSpace = undefined;
target_path_w.len = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16Le(&target_path_w.data, target_path);
target_path_w.data[target_path_w.len] = 0;
const sym_link_path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sym_link_path);
return self.symLinkW(target_path_w.span(), sym_link_path_w.span(), flags);
const target_path_c = try os.toPosixPath(target_path);
const sym_link_path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sym_link_path);
return self.symLinkZ(&target_path_c, &sym_link_path_c, flags);
/// WASI-only. Same as `symLink` except targeting WASI.
pub fn symLinkWasi(
self: Dir,
target_path: []const u8,
sym_link_path: []const u8,
_: SymLinkFlags,
) !void {
return os.symlinkat(target_path, self.fd, sym_link_path);
/// Same as `symLink`, except the pathname parameters are null-terminated.
pub fn symLinkZ(
self: Dir,
target_path_c: [*:0]const u8,
sym_link_path_c: [*:0]const u8,
flags: SymLinkFlags,
) !void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const target_path_w = try os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, target_path_c);
const sym_link_path_w = try os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sym_link_path_c);
return self.symLinkW(target_path_w.span(), sym_link_path_w.span(), flags);
return os.symlinkatZ(target_path_c, self.fd, sym_link_path_c);
/// Windows-only. Same as `symLink` except the pathname parameters
/// are null-terminated, WTF16 encoded.
pub fn symLinkW(
self: Dir,
/// WTF-16, does not need to be NT-prefixed. The NT-prefixing
/// of this path is handled by CreateSymbolicLink.
target_path_w: [:0]const u16,
/// WTF-16, must be NT-prefixed or relative
sym_link_path_w: []const u16,
flags: SymLinkFlags,
) !void {
return os.windows.CreateSymbolicLink(self.fd, sym_link_path_w, target_path_w, flags.is_directory);
pub const ReadLinkError = os.ReadLinkError;
/// Read value of a symbolic link.
/// The return value is a slice of `buffer`, from index `0`.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn readLink(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, buffer: []u8) ReadLinkError![]u8 {
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
return self.readLinkWasi(sub_path, buffer);
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path);
return self.readLinkW(sub_path_w.span(), buffer);
const sub_path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return self.readLinkZ(&sub_path_c, buffer);
/// WASI-only. Same as `readLink` except targeting WASI.
pub fn readLinkWasi(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, buffer: []u8) ![]u8 {
return os.readlinkat(self.fd, sub_path, buffer);
/// Same as `readLink`, except the `pathname` parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn readLinkZ(self: Dir, sub_path_c: [*:0]const u8, buffer: []u8) ![]u8 {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path_c);
return self.readLinkW(sub_path_w.span(), buffer);
return os.readlinkatZ(self.fd, sub_path_c, buffer);
/// Windows-only. Same as `readLink` except the pathname parameter
/// is null-terminated, WTF16 encoded.
pub fn readLinkW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: []const u16, buffer: []u8) ![]u8 {
return os.windows.ReadLink(self.fd, sub_path_w, buffer);
/// Read all of file contents using a preallocated buffer.
/// The returned slice has the same pointer as `buffer`. If the length matches `buffer.len`
/// the situation is ambiguous. It could either mean that the entire file was read, and
/// it exactly fits the buffer, or it could mean the buffer was not big enough for the
/// entire file.
pub fn readFile(self: Dir, file_path: []const u8, buffer: []u8) ![]u8 {
var file = try self.openFile(file_path, .{});
defer file.close();
const end_index = try file.readAll(buffer);
return buffer[0..end_index];
/// On success, caller owns returned buffer.
/// If the file is larger than `max_bytes`, returns `error.FileTooBig`.
pub fn readFileAlloc(self: Dir, allocator: mem.Allocator, file_path: []const u8, max_bytes: usize) ![]u8 {
return self.readFileAllocOptions(allocator, file_path, max_bytes, null, @alignOf(u8), null);
/// On success, caller owns returned buffer.
/// If the file is larger than `max_bytes`, returns `error.FileTooBig`.
/// If `size_hint` is specified the initial buffer size is calculated using
/// that value, otherwise the effective file size is used instead.
/// Allows specifying alignment and a sentinel value.
pub fn readFileAllocOptions(
self: Dir,
allocator: mem.Allocator,
file_path: []const u8,
max_bytes: usize,
size_hint: ?usize,
comptime alignment: u29,
comptime optional_sentinel: ?u8,
) !(if (optional_sentinel) |s| [:s]align(alignment) u8 else []align(alignment) u8) {
var file = try self.openFile(file_path, .{});
defer file.close();
// If the file size doesn't fit a usize it'll be certainly greater than
// `max_bytes`
const stat_size = size_hint orelse math.cast(usize, try file.getEndPos()) orelse
return error.FileTooBig;
return file.readToEndAllocOptions(allocator, max_bytes, stat_size, alignment, optional_sentinel);
pub const DeleteTreeError = error{
/// One of the path components was not a directory.
/// This error is unreachable if `sub_path` does not contain a path separator.
/// On Windows, file paths must be valid Unicode.
/// On Windows, file paths cannot contain these characters:
/// '/', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|'
/// On Windows, `\\server` or `\\server\share` was not found.
} || os.UnexpectedError;
/// Whether `full_path` describes a symlink, file, or directory, this function
/// removes it. If it cannot be removed because it is a non-empty directory,
/// this function recursively removes its entries and then tries again.
/// This operation is not atomic on most file systems.
pub fn deleteTree(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) DeleteTreeError!void {
var initial_iterable_dir = (try self.deleteTreeOpenInitialSubpath(sub_path, .file)) orelse return;
const StackItem = struct {
name: []const u8,
parent_dir: Dir,
iter: IterableDir.Iterator,
fn closeAll(items: []@This()) void {
for (items) |*item| item.iter.dir.close();
var stack_buffer: [16]StackItem = undefined;
var stack = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(StackItem).initBuffer(&stack_buffer);
defer StackItem.closeAll(stack.items);
.name = sub_path,
.parent_dir = self,
.iter = initial_iterable_dir.iterateAssumeFirstIteration(),
process_stack: while (stack.items.len != 0) {
var top = &stack.items[stack.items.len - 1];
while (try top.iter.next()) |entry| {
var treat_as_dir = entry.kind == .directory;
handle_entry: while (true) {
if (treat_as_dir) {
if (stack.unusedCapacitySlice().len >= 1) {
var iterable_dir = top.iter.dir.openIterableDir(entry.name, .{ .no_follow = true }) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NotDir => {
treat_as_dir = false;
continue :handle_entry;
error.FileNotFound => {
// That's fine, we were trying to remove this directory anyway.
break :handle_entry;
=> |e| return e,
.name = entry.name,
.parent_dir = top.iter.dir,
.iter = iterable_dir.iterateAssumeFirstIteration(),
continue :process_stack;
} else {
try top.iter.dir.deleteTreeMinStackSizeWithKindHint(entry.name, entry.kind);
break :handle_entry;
} else {
if (top.iter.dir.deleteFile(entry.name)) {
break :handle_entry;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => break :handle_entry,
// Impossible because we do not pass any path separators.
error.NotDir => unreachable,
error.IsDir => {
treat_as_dir = true;
continue :handle_entry;
=> |e| return e,
// On Windows, we can't delete until the dir's handle has been closed, so
// close it before we try to delete.
// In order to avoid double-closing the directory when cleaning up
// the stack in the case of an error, we save the relevant portions and
// pop the value from the stack.
const parent_dir = top.parent_dir;
const name = top.name;
stack.items.len -= 1;
var need_to_retry: bool = false;
parent_dir.deleteDir(name) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {},
error.DirNotEmpty => need_to_retry = true,
else => |e| return e,
if (need_to_retry) {
// Since we closed the handle that the previous iterator used, we
// need to re-open the dir and re-create the iterator.
var iterable_dir = iterable_dir: {
var treat_as_dir = true;
handle_entry: while (true) {
if (treat_as_dir) {
break :iterable_dir parent_dir.openIterableDir(name, .{ .no_follow = true }) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NotDir => {
treat_as_dir = false;
continue :handle_entry;
error.FileNotFound => {
// That's fine, we were trying to remove this directory anyway.
continue :process_stack;
=> |e| return e,
} else {
if (parent_dir.deleteFile(name)) {
continue :process_stack;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => continue :process_stack,
// Impossible because we do not pass any path separators.
error.NotDir => unreachable,
error.IsDir => {
treat_as_dir = true;
continue :handle_entry;
=> |e| return e,
// We know there is room on the stack since we are just re-adding
// the StackItem that we previously popped.
.name = name,
.parent_dir = parent_dir,
.iter = iterable_dir.iterateAssumeFirstIteration(),
continue :process_stack;
/// Like `deleteTree`, but only keeps one `Iterator` active at a time to minimize the function's stack size.
/// This is slower than `deleteTree` but uses less stack space.
pub fn deleteTreeMinStackSize(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) DeleteTreeError!void {
return self.deleteTreeMinStackSizeWithKindHint(sub_path, .file);
fn deleteTreeMinStackSizeWithKindHint(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, kind_hint: File.Kind) DeleteTreeError!void {
start_over: while (true) {
var iterable_dir = (try self.deleteTreeOpenInitialSubpath(sub_path, kind_hint)) orelse return;
var cleanup_dir_parent: ?IterableDir = null;
defer if (cleanup_dir_parent) |*d| d.close();
var cleanup_dir = true;
defer if (cleanup_dir) iterable_dir.close();
// Valid use of MAX_PATH_BYTES because dir_name_buf will only
// ever store a single path component that was returned from the
// filesystem.
var dir_name_buf: [MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
var dir_name: []const u8 = sub_path;
// Here we must avoid recursion, in order to provide O(1) memory guarantee of this function.
// Go through each entry and if it is not a directory, delete it. If it is a directory,
// open it, and close the original directory. Repeat. Then start the entire operation over.
scan_dir: while (true) {
var dir_it = iterable_dir.iterateAssumeFirstIteration();
dir_it: while (try dir_it.next()) |entry| {
var treat_as_dir = entry.kind == .directory;
handle_entry: while (true) {
if (treat_as_dir) {
const new_dir = iterable_dir.dir.openIterableDir(entry.name, .{ .no_follow = true }) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NotDir => {
treat_as_dir = false;
continue :handle_entry;
error.FileNotFound => {
// That's fine, we were trying to remove this directory anyway.
continue :dir_it;
=> |e| return e,
if (cleanup_dir_parent) |*d| d.close();
cleanup_dir_parent = iterable_dir;
iterable_dir = new_dir;
const result = dir_name_buf[0..entry.name.len];
@memcpy(result, entry.name);
dir_name = result;
continue :scan_dir;
} else {
if (iterable_dir.dir.deleteFile(entry.name)) {
continue :dir_it;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => continue :dir_it,
// Impossible because we do not pass any path separators.
error.NotDir => unreachable,
error.IsDir => {
treat_as_dir = true;
continue :handle_entry;
=> |e| return e,
// Reached the end of the directory entries, which means we successfully deleted all of them.
// Now to remove the directory itself.
cleanup_dir = false;
if (cleanup_dir_parent) |d| {
d.dir.deleteDir(dir_name) catch |err| switch (err) {
// These two things can happen due to file system race conditions.
error.FileNotFound, error.DirNotEmpty => continue :start_over,
else => |e| return e,
continue :start_over;
} else {
self.deleteDir(sub_path) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return,
error.DirNotEmpty => continue :start_over,
else => |e| return e,
/// On successful delete, returns null.
fn deleteTreeOpenInitialSubpath(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, kind_hint: File.Kind) !?IterableDir {
return iterable_dir: {
// Treat as a file by default
var treat_as_dir = kind_hint == .directory;
handle_entry: while (true) {
if (treat_as_dir) {
break :iterable_dir self.openIterableDir(sub_path, .{ .no_follow = true }) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NotDir => {
treat_as_dir = false;
continue :handle_entry;
error.FileNotFound => {
// That's fine, we were trying to remove this directory anyway.
return null;
=> |e| return e,
} else {
if (self.deleteFile(sub_path)) {
return null;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => return null,
error.IsDir => {
treat_as_dir = true;
continue :handle_entry;
=> |e| return e,
pub const WriteFileError = File.WriteError || File.OpenError;
/// Deprecated: use `writeFile2`.
pub fn writeFile(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, data: []const u8) WriteFileError!void {
return writeFile2(self, .{
.sub_path = sub_path,
.data = data,
.flags = .{},
pub const WriteFileOptions = struct {
sub_path: []const u8,
data: []const u8,
flags: File.CreateFlags = .{},
/// Writes content to the file system, using the file creation flags provided.
pub fn writeFile2(self: Dir, options: WriteFileOptions) WriteFileError!void {
var file = try self.createFile(options.sub_path, options.flags);
defer file.close();
try file.writeAll(options.data);
pub const AccessError = os.AccessError;
/// Test accessing `path`.
/// `path` is UTF-8-encoded.
/// Be careful of Time-Of-Check-Time-Of-Use race conditions when using this function.
/// For example, instead of testing if a file exists and then opening it, just
/// open it and handle the error for file not found.
pub fn access(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8, flags: File.OpenFlags) AccessError!void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = os.windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AccessDenied => return error.PermissionDenied,
else => |e| return e,
return self.accessW(sub_path_w.span().ptr, flags);
const path_c = try os.toPosixPath(sub_path);
return self.accessZ(&path_c, flags);
/// Same as `access` except the path parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn accessZ(self: Dir, sub_path: [*:0]const u8, flags: File.OpenFlags) AccessError!void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = os.windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(self.fd, sub_path) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AccessDenied => return error.PermissionDenied,
else => |e| return e,
return self.accessW(sub_path_w.span().ptr, flags);
const os_mode = switch (flags.mode) {
.read_only => @as(u32, os.F_OK),
.write_only => @as(u32, os.W_OK),
.read_write => @as(u32, os.R_OK | os.W_OK),
const result = if (need_async_thread and flags.intended_io_mode != .blocking)
std.event.Loop.instance.?.faccessatZ(self.fd, sub_path, os_mode, 0)
os.faccessatZ(self.fd, sub_path, os_mode, 0);
return result;
/// Same as `access` except asserts the target OS is Windows and the path parameter is
/// * WTF-16 encoded
/// * null-terminated
/// * NtDll prefixed
/// TODO currently this ignores `flags`.
pub fn accessW(self: Dir, sub_path_w: [*:0]const u16, flags: File.OpenFlags) AccessError!void {
_ = flags;
return os.faccessatW(self.fd, sub_path_w, 0, 0);
/// Check the file size, mtime, and mode of `source_path` and `dest_path`. If they are equal, does nothing.
/// Otherwise, atomically copies `source_path` to `dest_path`. The destination file gains the mtime,
/// atime, and mode of the source file so that the next call to `updateFile` will not need a copy.
/// Returns the previous status of the file before updating.
/// If any of the directories do not exist for dest_path, they are created.
pub fn updateFile(
source_dir: Dir,
source_path: []const u8,
dest_dir: Dir,
dest_path: []const u8,
options: CopyFileOptions,
) !PrevStatus {
var src_file = try source_dir.openFile(source_path, .{});
defer src_file.close();
const src_stat = try src_file.stat();
const actual_mode = options.override_mode orelse src_stat.mode;
check_dest_stat: {
const dest_stat = blk: {
var dest_file = dest_dir.openFile(dest_path, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => break :check_dest_stat,
else => |e| return e,
defer dest_file.close();
break :blk try dest_file.stat();
if (src_stat.size == dest_stat.size and
src_stat.mtime == dest_stat.mtime and
actual_mode == dest_stat.mode)
return PrevStatus.fresh;
if (path.dirname(dest_path)) |dirname| {
try dest_dir.makePath(dirname);
var atomic_file = try dest_dir.atomicFile(dest_path, .{ .mode = actual_mode });
defer atomic_file.deinit();
try atomic_file.file.writeFileAll(src_file, .{ .in_len = src_stat.size });
try atomic_file.file.updateTimes(src_stat.atime, src_stat.mtime);
try atomic_file.finish();
return PrevStatus.stale;
pub const CopyFileError = File.OpenError || File.StatError || AtomicFile.InitError || CopyFileRawError || AtomicFile.FinishError;
/// Guaranteed to be atomic.
/// On Linux, until https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/9636735/ is merged and readily available,
/// there is a possibility of power loss or application termination leaving temporary files present
/// in the same directory as dest_path.
pub fn copyFile(source_dir: Dir, source_path: []const u8, dest_dir: Dir, dest_path: []const u8, options: CopyFileOptions) CopyFileError!void {
var in_file = try source_dir.openFile(source_path, .{});
defer in_file.close();
var size: ?u64 = null;
const mode = options.override_mode orelse blk: {
const st = try in_file.stat();
size = st.size;
break :blk st.mode;
var atomic_file = try dest_dir.atomicFile(dest_path, .{ .mode = mode });
defer atomic_file.deinit();
try copy_file(in_file.handle, atomic_file.file.handle, size);
try atomic_file.finish();
pub const AtomicFileOptions = struct {
mode: File.Mode = File.default_mode,
/// Directly access the `.file` field, and then call `AtomicFile.finish`
/// to atomically replace `dest_path` with contents.
/// Always call `AtomicFile.deinit` to clean up, regardless of whether `AtomicFile.finish` succeeded.
/// `dest_path` must remain valid until `AtomicFile.deinit` is called.
pub fn atomicFile(self: Dir, dest_path: []const u8, options: AtomicFileOptions) !AtomicFile {
if (path.dirname(dest_path)) |dirname| {
const dir = try self.openDir(dirname, .{});
return AtomicFile.init(path.basename(dest_path), options.mode, dir, true);
} else {
return AtomicFile.init(dest_path, options.mode, self, false);
pub const Stat = File.Stat;
pub const StatError = File.StatError;
pub fn stat(self: Dir) StatError!Stat {
const file: File = .{
.handle = self.fd,
.capable_io_mode = .blocking,
return file.stat();
pub const StatFileError = File.OpenError || File.StatError || os.FStatAtError;
/// Returns metadata for a file inside the directory.
/// On Windows, this requires three syscalls. On other operating systems, it
/// only takes one.
/// Symlinks are followed.
/// `sub_path` may be absolute, in which case `self` is ignored.
pub fn statFile(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) StatFileError!Stat {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
var file = try self.openFile(sub_path, .{});
defer file.close();
return file.stat();
if (builtin.os.tag == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
const st = try os.fstatatWasi(self.fd, sub_path, os.wasi.LOOKUP_SYMLINK_FOLLOW);
return Stat.fromSystem(st);
const st = try os.fstatat(self.fd, sub_path, 0);
return Stat.fromSystem(st);
const Permissions = File.Permissions;
pub const SetPermissionsError = File.SetPermissionsError;
/// Sets permissions according to the provided `Permissions` struct.
/// This method is *NOT* available on WASI
pub fn setPermissions(self: Dir, permissions: Permissions) SetPermissionsError!void {
const file: File = .{
.handle = self.fd,
.capable_io_mode = .blocking,
try file.setPermissions(permissions);
const Metadata = File.Metadata;
pub const MetadataError = File.MetadataError;
/// Returns a `Metadata` struct, representing the permissions on the directory
pub fn metadata(self: Dir) MetadataError!Metadata {
const file: File = .{
.handle = self.fd,
.capable_io_mode = .blocking,
return try file.metadata();
/// Returns a handle to the current working directory. It is not opened with iteration capability.
/// Closing the returned `Dir` is checked illegal behavior. Iterating over the result is illegal behavior.
/// On POSIX targets, this function is comptime-callable.
@@ -2821,33 +257,12 @@ pub fn openDirAbsolute(absolute_path: []const u8, flags: Dir.OpenDirOptions) Fil
/// Same as `openDirAbsolute` but the path parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn openDirAbsoluteZ(absolute_path_c: [*:0]const u8, flags: Dir.OpenDirOptions) File.OpenError!Dir {
return cwd().openDirZ(absolute_path_c, flags, false);
return cwd().openDirZ(absolute_path_c, flags);
/// Same as `openDirAbsolute` but the path parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn openDirAbsoluteW(absolute_path_c: [*:0]const u16, flags: Dir.OpenDirOptions) File.OpenError!Dir {
return cwd().openDirW(absolute_path_c, flags, false);
/// Opens a directory at the given path. The directory is a system resource that remains
/// open until `close` is called on the result.
/// See `openIterableDirAbsoluteZ` for a function that accepts a null-terminated path.
/// Asserts that the path parameter has no null bytes.
pub fn openIterableDirAbsolute(absolute_path: []const u8, flags: Dir.OpenDirOptions) File.OpenError!IterableDir {
return cwd().openIterableDir(absolute_path, flags);
/// Same as `openIterableDirAbsolute` but the path parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn openIterableDirAbsoluteZ(absolute_path_c: [*:0]const u8, flags: Dir.OpenDirOptions) File.OpenError!IterableDir {
return IterableDir{ .dir = try cwd().openDirZ(absolute_path_c, flags, true) };
/// Same as `openIterableDirAbsolute` but the path parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn openIterableDirAbsoluteW(absolute_path_c: [*:0]const u16, flags: Dir.OpenDirOptions) File.OpenError!IterableDir {
return IterableDir{ .dir = try cwd().openDirW(absolute_path_c, flags, true) };
return cwd().openDirW(absolute_path_c, flags);
/// Opens a file for reading or writing, without attempting to create a new file, based on an absolute path.
@@ -2976,20 +391,16 @@ pub fn readLinkAbsoluteZ(pathname_c: [*:0]const u8, buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8)
return os.readlinkZ(pathname_c, buffer);
/// Use with `Dir.symLink` and `symLinkAbsolute` to specify whether the symlink
/// will point to a file or a directory. This value is ignored on all hosts
/// except Windows where creating symlinks to different resource types, requires
/// different flags. By default, `symLinkAbsolute` is assumed to point to a file.
pub const SymLinkFlags = struct {
is_directory: bool = false,
/// Creates a symbolic link named `sym_link_path` which contains the string `target_path`.
/// A symbolic link (also known as a soft link) may point to an existing file or to a nonexistent
/// one; the latter case is known as a dangling link.
/// If `sym_link_path` exists, it will not be overwritten.
/// See also `symLinkAbsoluteZ` and `symLinkAbsoluteW`.
pub fn symLinkAbsolute(target_path: []const u8, sym_link_path: []const u8, flags: SymLinkFlags) !void {
pub fn symLinkAbsolute(
target_path: []const u8,
sym_link_path: []const u8,
flags: Dir.SymLinkFlags,
) !void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
@@ -3004,7 +415,11 @@ pub fn symLinkAbsolute(target_path: []const u8, sym_link_path: []const u8, flags
/// Note that this function will by default try creating a symbolic link to a file. If you would
/// like to create a symbolic link to a directory, specify this with `SymLinkFlags{ .is_directory = true }`.
/// See also `symLinkAbsolute`, `symLinkAbsoluteZ`.
pub fn symLinkAbsoluteW(target_path_w: []const u16, sym_link_path_w: []const u16, flags: SymLinkFlags) !void {
pub fn symLinkAbsoluteW(
target_path_w: []const u16,
sym_link_path_w: []const u16,
flags: Dir.SymLinkFlags,
) !void {
return os.windows.CreateSymbolicLink(null, sym_link_path_w, target_path_w, flags.is_directory);
@@ -3012,7 +427,11 @@ pub fn symLinkAbsoluteW(target_path_w: []const u16, sym_link_path_w: []const u16
/// Same as `symLinkAbsolute` except the parameters are null-terminated pointers.
/// See also `symLinkAbsolute`.
pub fn symLinkAbsoluteZ(target_path_c: [*:0]const u8, sym_link_path_c: [*:0]const u8, flags: SymLinkFlags) !void {
pub fn symLinkAbsoluteZ(
target_path_c: [*:0]const u8,
sym_link_path_c: [*:0]const u8,
flags: Dir.SymLinkFlags,
) !void {
if (builtin.os.tag == .windows) {
@@ -3209,59 +628,6 @@ pub fn realpathAlloc(allocator: Allocator, pathname: []const u8) ![]u8 {
return allocator.dupe(u8, try os.realpath(pathname, &buf));
const CopyFileRawError = error{SystemResources} || os.CopyFileRangeError || os.SendFileError;
// Transfer all the data between two file descriptors in the most efficient way.
// The copy starts at offset 0, the initial offsets are preserved.
// No metadata is transferred over.
fn copy_file(fd_in: os.fd_t, fd_out: os.fd_t, maybe_size: ?u64) CopyFileRawError!void {
if (comptime builtin.target.isDarwin()) {
const rc = os.system.fcopyfile(fd_in, fd_out, null, os.system.COPYFILE_DATA);
switch (os.errno(rc)) {
.SUCCESS => return,
.INVAL => unreachable,
.NOMEM => return error.SystemResources,
// The source file is not a directory, symbolic link, or regular file.
// Try with the fallback path before giving up.
else => |err| return os.unexpectedErrno(err),
if (builtin.os.tag == .linux) {
// Try copy_file_range first as that works at the FS level and is the
// most efficient method (if available).
var offset: u64 = 0;
cfr_loop: while (true) {
// The kernel checks the u64 value `offset+count` for overflow, use
// a 32 bit value so that the syscall won't return EINVAL except for
// impossibly large files (> 2^64-1 - 2^32-1).
const amt = try os.copy_file_range(fd_in, offset, fd_out, offset, math.maxInt(u32), 0);
// Terminate as soon as we have copied size bytes or no bytes
if (maybe_size) |s| {
if (s == amt) break :cfr_loop;
if (amt == 0) break :cfr_loop;
offset += amt;
// Sendfile is a zero-copy mechanism iff the OS supports it, otherwise the
// fallback code will copy the contents chunk by chunk.
const empty_iovec = [0]os.iovec_const{};
var offset: u64 = 0;
sendfile_loop: while (true) {
const amt = try os.sendfile(fd_out, fd_in, offset, 0, &empty_iovec, &empty_iovec, 0);
// Terminate as soon as we have copied size bytes or no bytes
if (maybe_size) |s| {
if (s == amt) break :sendfile_loop;
if (amt == 0) break :sendfile_loop;
offset += amt;
test {
if (builtin.os.tag != .wasi) {
_ = &makeDirAbsolute;
@@ -3269,10 +635,11 @@ test {
_ = ©FileAbsolute;
_ = &updateFileAbsolute;
_ = &Dir.copyFile;
_ = &AtomicFile;
_ = &Dir;
_ = &File;
_ = &path;
_ = @import("fs/test.zig");
_ = @import("fs/path.zig");
_ = @import("fs/file.zig");
_ = @import("fs/get_app_data_dir.zig");
_ = @import("fs/watch.zig");