@@ -3176,6 +3176,7 @@ fn genBodyInner(f: *Function, body: []const Air.Inst.Index) error{ AnalysisFail,
const zcu = f.object.dg.zcu;
const ip = &zcu.intern_pool;
const air_tags = f.air.instructions.items(.tag);
const air_datas = f.air.instructions.items(.data);
for (body) |inst| {
if (f.liveness.isUnused(inst) and !f.air.mustLower(inst, ip))
@@ -3203,23 +3204,23 @@ fn genBodyInner(f: *Function, body: []const Air.Inst.Index) error{ AnalysisFail,
.sub => try airBinOp(f, inst, "-", "sub", .none),
.mul => try airBinOp(f, inst, "*", "mul", .none),
.neg => try airFloatNeg(f, inst),
.neg => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "neg", .none),
.div_float => try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "div", .none),
.div_trunc, .div_exact => try airBinOp(f, inst, "/", "div_trunc", .none),
.rem => blk: {
const bin_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op;
const bin_op = air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op;
const lhs_scalar_ty = f.typeOf(bin_op.lhs).scalarType(zcu);
// For binary operations @TypeOf(lhs)==@TypeOf(rhs),
// so we only check one.
break :blk if (lhs_scalar_ty.isInt(zcu))
try airBinOp(f, inst, "%", "rem", .none)
try airBinFloatOp(f, inst, "fmod");
try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "fmod", .none);
.div_floor => try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "div_floor", .none),
.mod => try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "mod", .none),
.abs => try airAbs(f, inst),
.abs => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op.operand, "abs", .none),
.add_wrap => try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "addw", .bits),
.sub_wrap => try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "subw", .bits),
@@ -3230,19 +3231,19 @@ fn genBodyInner(f: *Function, body: []const Air.Inst.Index) error{ AnalysisFail,
.mul_sat => try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "muls", .bits),
.shl_sat => try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, "shls", .bits),
.sqrt => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "sqrt"),
.sin => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "sin"),
.cos => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "cos"),
.tan => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "tan"),
.exp => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "exp"),
.exp2 => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "exp2"),
.log => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "log"),
.log2 => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "log2"),
.log10 => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "log10"),
.floor => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "floor"),
.ceil => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "ceil"),
.round => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "round"),
.trunc_float => try airUnFloatOp(f, inst, "trunc"),
.sqrt => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "sqrt", .none),
.sin => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "sin", .none),
.cos => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "cos", .none),
.tan => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "tan", .none),
.exp => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "exp", .none),
.exp2 => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "exp2", .none),
.log => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "log", .none),
.log2 => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "log2", .none),
.log10 => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "log10", .none),
.floor => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "floor", .none),
.ceil => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "ceil", .none),
.round => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "round", .none),
.trunc_float => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op, "trunc", .none),
.mul_add => try airMulAdd(f, inst),
@@ -3251,21 +3252,21 @@ fn genBodyInner(f: *Function, body: []const Air.Inst.Index) error{ AnalysisFail,
.mul_with_overflow => try airOverflow(f, inst, "mul", .bits),
.shl_with_overflow => try airOverflow(f, inst, "shl", .bits),
.min => try airMinMax(f, inst, '<', "fmin"),
.max => try airMinMax(f, inst, '>', "fmax"),
.min => try airMinMax(f, inst, '<', "min"),
.max => try airMinMax(f, inst, '>', "max"),
.slice => try airSlice(f, inst),
.cmp_gt => try airCmpOp(f, inst, f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .gt),
.cmp_gte => try airCmpOp(f, inst, f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .gte),
.cmp_lt => try airCmpOp(f, inst, f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .lt),
.cmp_lte => try airCmpOp(f, inst, f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .lte),
.cmp_gt => try airCmpOp(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .gt),
.cmp_gte => try airCmpOp(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .gte),
.cmp_lt => try airCmpOp(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .lt),
.cmp_lte => try airCmpOp(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op, .lte),
.cmp_eq => try airEquality(f, inst, .eq),
.cmp_neq => try airEquality(f, inst, .neq),
.cmp_vector => blk: {
const ty_pl = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_pl;
const ty_pl = air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_pl;
const extra = f.air.extraData(Air.VectorCmp, ty_pl.payload).data;
break :blk try airCmpOp(f, inst, extra, extra.compareOperator());
@@ -3324,11 +3325,11 @@ fn genBodyInner(f: *Function, body: []const Air.Inst.Index) error{ AnalysisFail,
.memcpy => try airMemcpy(f, inst),
.set_union_tag => try airSetUnionTag(f, inst),
.get_union_tag => try airGetUnionTag(f, inst),
.clz => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, "clz", .bits),
.ctz => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, "ctz", .bits),
.popcount => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, "popcount", .bits),
.byte_swap => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, "byte_swap", .bits),
.bit_reverse => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, "bit_reverse", .bits),
.clz => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op.operand, "clz", .bits),
.ctz => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op.operand, "ctz", .bits),
.popcount => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op.operand, "popcount", .bits),
.byte_swap => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op.operand, "byte_swap", .bits),
.bit_reverse => try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, air_datas[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op.operand, "bit_reverse", .bits),
.tag_name => try airTagName(f, inst),
.error_name => try airErrorName(f, inst),
.splat => try airSplat(f, inst),
@@ -4139,7 +4140,7 @@ fn airNot(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const ty_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op;
const operand_ty = f.typeOf(ty_op.operand);
const scalar_ty = operand_ty.scalarType(zcu);
if (scalar_ty.toIntern() != .bool_type) return try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, "not", .bits);
if (scalar_ty.toIntern() != .bool_type) return try airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, ty_op.operand, "not", .bits);
const op = try f.resolveInst(ty_op.operand);
try reap(f, inst, &.{ty_op.operand});
@@ -4389,10 +4390,8 @@ fn airMinMax(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index, operator: u8, operation: []cons
const inst_ty = f.typeOfIndex(inst);
const inst_scalar_ty = inst_ty.scalarType(zcu);
if (inst_scalar_ty.isInt(zcu) and inst_scalar_ty.bitSize(zcu) > 64)
return try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, operation[1..], .none);
if (inst_scalar_ty.isRuntimeFloat())
return try airBinFloatOp(f, inst, operation);
if ((inst_scalar_ty.isInt(zcu) and inst_scalar_ty.bitSize(zcu) > 64) or inst_scalar_ty.isRuntimeFloat())
return try airBinBuiltinCall(f, inst, operation, .none);
const lhs = try f.resolveInst(bin_op.lhs);
const rhs = try f.resolveInst(bin_op.rhs);
@@ -6276,17 +6275,17 @@ fn airIntFromPtr(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
fn airUnBuiltinCall(
f: *Function,
inst: Air.Inst.Index,
operand_ref: Air.Inst.Ref,
operation: []const u8,
info: BuiltinInfo,
) !CValue {
const zcu = f.object.dg.zcu;
const ty_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op;
const operand = try f.resolveInst(ty_op.operand);
try reap(f, inst, &.{ty_op.operand});
const operand = try f.resolveInst(operand_ref);
try reap(f, inst, &.{operand_ref});
const inst_ty = f.typeOfIndex(inst);
const inst_scalar_ty = inst_ty.scalarType(zcu);
const operand_ty = f.typeOf(ty_op.operand);
const operand_ty = f.typeOf(operand_ref);
const scalar_ty = operand_ty.scalarType(zcu);
const inst_scalar_ctype = try f.ctypeFromType(inst_scalar_ty, .complete);
@@ -7009,7 +7008,6 @@ fn airReduce(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const use_operator = scalar_ty.bitSize(zcu) <= 64;
const op: union(enum) {
const Func = struct { operation: []const u8, info: BuiltinInfo = .none };
float_op: Func,
builtin: Func,
infix: []const u8,
ternary: []const u8,
@@ -7018,30 +7016,22 @@ fn airReduce(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
.Or => if (use_operator) .{ .infix = " |= " } else .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "or" } },
.Xor => if (use_operator) .{ .infix = " ^= " } else .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "xor" } },
.Min => switch (scalar_ty.zigTypeTag(zcu)) {
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .ternary = " < " } else .{
.builtin = .{ .operation = "min" },
.Float => .{ .float_op = .{ .operation = "fmin" } },
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .ternary = " < " } else .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "min" } },
.Float => .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "min" } },
else => unreachable,
.Max => switch (scalar_ty.zigTypeTag(zcu)) {
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .ternary = " > " } else .{
.builtin = .{ .operation = "max" },
.Float => .{ .float_op = .{ .operation = "fmax" } },
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .ternary = " > " } else .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "max" } },
.Float => .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "max" } },
else => unreachable,
.Add => switch (scalar_ty.zigTypeTag(zcu)) {
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .infix = " += " } else .{
.builtin = .{ .operation = "addw", .info = .bits },
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .infix = " += " } else .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "addw", .info = .bits } },
.Float => .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "add" } },
else => unreachable,
.Mul => switch (scalar_ty.zigTypeTag(zcu)) {
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .infix = " *= " } else .{
.builtin = .{ .operation = "mulw", .info = .bits },
.Int => if (use_operator) .{ .infix = " *= " } else .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "mulw", .info = .bits } },
.Float => .{ .builtin = .{ .operation = "mul" } },
else => unreachable,
@@ -7105,17 +7095,6 @@ fn airReduce(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const v = try Vectorize.start(f, inst, writer, operand_ty);
try f.writeCValue(writer, accum, .Other);
switch (op) {
.float_op => |func| {
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_float_fn_");
try f.object.dg.renderTypeForBuiltinFnName(writer, scalar_ty);
try writer.print("_{s}(", .{func.operation});
try f.writeCValue(writer, accum, .FunctionArgument);
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try f.writeCValue(writer, operand, .Other);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try f.object.dg.renderBuiltinInfo(writer, scalar_ty, func.info);
try writer.writeByte(')');
.builtin => |func| {
try writer.print(" = zig_{s}_", .{func.operation});
try f.object.dg.renderTypeForBuiltinFnName(writer, scalar_ty);
@@ -7396,110 +7375,6 @@ fn airWasmMemoryGrow(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
return local;
fn airFloatNeg(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const zcu = f.object.dg.zcu;
const un_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op;
const operand = try f.resolveInst(un_op);
try reap(f, inst, &.{un_op});
const operand_ty = f.typeOf(un_op);
const scalar_ty = operand_ty.scalarType(zcu);
const writer = f.object.writer();
const local = try f.allocLocal(inst, operand_ty);
const v = try Vectorize.start(f, inst, writer, operand_ty);
try f.writeCValue(writer, local, .Other);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_neg_");
try f.object.dg.renderTypeForBuiltinFnName(writer, scalar_ty);
try writer.writeByte('(');
try f.writeCValue(writer, operand, .FunctionArgument);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(");\n");
try v.end(f, inst, writer);
return local;
fn airAbs(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const zcu = f.object.dg.zcu;
const ty_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].ty_op;
const operand = try f.resolveInst(ty_op.operand);
const ty = f.typeOf(ty_op.operand);
const scalar_ty = ty.scalarType(zcu);
switch (scalar_ty.zigTypeTag(zcu)) {
.Int => if (ty.zigTypeTag(zcu) == .Vector) {
return f.fail("TODO implement airAbs for '{}'", .{ty.fmt(zcu)});
} else {
return airUnBuiltinCall(f, inst, "abs", .none);
.Float => return unFloatOp(f, inst, operand, ty, "fabs"),
else => unreachable,
fn unFloatOp(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index, operand: CValue, ty: Type, operation: []const u8) !CValue {
const zcu = f.object.dg.zcu;
const scalar_ty = ty.scalarType(zcu);
const writer = f.object.writer();
const local = try f.allocLocal(inst, ty);
const v = try Vectorize.start(f, inst, writer, ty);
try f.writeCValue(writer, local, .Other);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_float_fn_");
try f.object.dg.renderTypeForBuiltinFnName(writer, scalar_ty);
try writer.print("_{s}(", .{operation});
try f.writeCValue(writer, operand, .FunctionArgument);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(");\n");
try v.end(f, inst, writer);
return local;
fn airUnFloatOp(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index, operation: []const u8) !CValue {
const un_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].un_op;
const operand = try f.resolveInst(un_op);
try reap(f, inst, &.{un_op});
const inst_ty = f.typeOfIndex(inst);
return unFloatOp(f, inst, operand, inst_ty, operation);
fn airBinFloatOp(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index, operation: []const u8) !CValue {
const zcu = f.object.dg.zcu;
const bin_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].bin_op;
const lhs = try f.resolveInst(bin_op.lhs);
const rhs = try f.resolveInst(bin_op.rhs);
try reap(f, inst, &.{ bin_op.lhs, bin_op.rhs });
const inst_ty = f.typeOfIndex(inst);
const inst_scalar_ty = inst_ty.scalarType(zcu);
const writer = f.object.writer();
const local = try f.allocLocal(inst, inst_ty);
const v = try Vectorize.start(f, inst, writer, inst_ty);
try f.writeCValue(writer, local, .Other);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_float_fn_");
try f.object.dg.renderTypeForBuiltinFnName(writer, inst_scalar_ty);
try writer.print("_{s}(", .{operation});
try f.writeCValue(writer, lhs, .FunctionArgument);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try f.writeCValue(writer, rhs, .FunctionArgument);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(");\n");
try v.end(f, inst, writer);
return local;
fn airMulAdd(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const zcu = f.object.dg.zcu;
const pl_op = f.air.instructions.items(.data)[@intFromEnum(inst)].pl_op;
@@ -7518,9 +7393,9 @@ fn airMulAdd(f: *Function, inst: Air.Inst.Index) !CValue {
const v = try Vectorize.start(f, inst, writer, inst_ty);
try f.writeCValue(writer, local, .Other);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_float_fn_");
try writer.writeAll(" = zig_fma_");
try f.object.dg.renderTypeForBuiltinFnName(writer, inst_scalar_ty);
try writer.writeAll("_fma(");
try writer.writeByte('(');
try f.writeCValue(writer, mulend1, .FunctionArgument);
try v.elem(f, writer);
try writer.writeAll(", ");