
Andrew Kelley parent 7aa42f47 9106fdff c808e546
Merge pull request #19461 from Vexu/tests

add tests for stage1 bugs; remove cbe.zig
lib/std/packed_int_array.zig added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -66,32 +66,31 @@ pub fn PackedIntIo(comptime Int: type, comptime endian: Endian) type {
fn getBits(bytes: []const u8, comptime Container: type, bit_index: usize) Int {
const container_bits = @bitSizeOf(Container);
const Shift = std.math.Log2Int(Container);
const start_byte = bit_index / 8;
const head_keep_bits = bit_index - (start_byte * 8);
const tail_keep_bits = container_bits - (int_bits + head_keep_bits);
//read bytes as container
const value_ptr = @as(*align(1) const Container, @ptrCast(&bytes[start_byte]));
const value_ptr: *align(1) const Container = @ptrCast(&bytes[start_byte]);
var value = value_ptr.*;
if (endian != native_endian) value = @byteSwap(value);
switch (endian) {
.big => {
value <<= @as(Shift, @intCast(head_keep_bits));
value >>= @as(Shift, @intCast(head_keep_bits));
value >>= @as(Shift, @intCast(tail_keep_bits));
value <<= @intCast(head_keep_bits);
value >>= @intCast(head_keep_bits);
value >>= @intCast(tail_keep_bits);
.little => {
value <<= @as(Shift, @intCast(tail_keep_bits));
value >>= @as(Shift, @intCast(tail_keep_bits));
value >>= @as(Shift, @intCast(head_keep_bits));
value <<= @intCast(tail_keep_bits);
value >>= @intCast(tail_keep_bits);
value >>= @intCast(head_keep_bits);
return @as(Int, @bitCast(@as(UnInt, @truncate(value))));
return @bitCast(@as(UnInt, @truncate(value)));
/// Sets the integer at `index` to `val` within the packed data beginning
@@ -114,16 +113,16 @@ pub fn PackedIntIo(comptime Int: type, comptime endian: Endian) type {
const start_byte = bit_index / 8;
const head_keep_bits = bit_index - (start_byte * 8);
const tail_keep_bits = container_bits - (int_bits + head_keep_bits);
const keep_shift = switch (endian) {
.big => @as(Shift, @intCast(tail_keep_bits)),
.little => @as(Shift, @intCast(head_keep_bits)),
const keep_shift: Shift = switch (endian) {
.big => @intCast(tail_keep_bits),
.little => @intCast(head_keep_bits),
//position the bits where they need to be in the container
const value = @as(Container, @intCast(@as(UnInt, @bitCast(int)))) << keep_shift;
//read existing bytes
const target_ptr = @as(*align(1) Container, @ptrCast(&bytes[start_byte]));
const target_ptr: *align(1) Container = @ptrCast(&bytes[start_byte]);
var target = target_ptr.*;
if (endian != native_endian) target = @byteSwap(target);
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ pub fn PackedIntIo(comptime Int: type, comptime endian: Endian) type {
if (length == 0) return PackedIntSliceEndian(Int, endian).init(new_bytes[0..0], 0);
var new_slice = PackedIntSliceEndian(Int, endian).init(new_bytes, length);
new_slice.bit_offset = @as(u3, @intCast((bit_index - (start_byte * 8))));
new_slice.bit_offset = @intCast((bit_index - (start_byte * 8)));
return new_slice;
@@ -214,15 +213,14 @@ pub fn PackedIntArrayEndian(comptime Int: type, comptime endian: Endian, comptim
/// Initialize a packed array using an unpacked array
/// or, more likely, an array literal.
pub fn init(ints: [int_count]Int) Self {
var self = @as(Self, undefined);
var self: Self = undefined;
for (ints, 0..) |int, i| self.set(i, int);
return self;
/// Initialize all entries of a packed array to the same value.
pub fn initAllTo(int: Int) Self {
// TODO: use `var self = @as(Self, undefined);`
var self = Self{ .bytes = [_]u8{0} ** total_bytes, .len = int_count };
var self: Self = undefined;
return self;
@@ -365,11 +363,11 @@ test "PackedIntArray" {
const expected_bytes = ((bits * int_count) + 7) / 8;
try testing.expect(@sizeOf(PackedArray) == expected_bytes);
var data = @as(PackedArray, undefined);
var data: PackedArray = undefined;
//write values, counting up
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var count = @as(I, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
var count: I = 0;
while (i < data.len) : (i += 1) {
data.set(i, count);
if (bits > 0) count +%= 1;
@@ -395,17 +393,29 @@ test "PackedIntIo" {
test "PackedIntArray init" {
const PackedArray = PackedIntArray(u3, 8);
var packed_array = PackedArray.init([_]u3{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });
var i = @as(usize, 0);
while (i < packed_array.len) : (i += 1) try testing.expectEqual(@as(u3, @intCast(i)), packed_array.get(i));
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
const PackedArray = PackedIntArray(u3, 8);
var packed_array = PackedArray.init([_]u3{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_array.len) : (i += 1) try testing.expectEqual(@as(u3, @intCast(i)), packed_array.get(i));
try S.doTheTest();
try comptime S.doTheTest();
test "PackedIntArray initAllTo" {
const PackedArray = PackedIntArray(u3, 8);
var packed_array = PackedArray.initAllTo(5);
var i = @as(usize, 0);
while (i < packed_array.len) : (i += 1) try testing.expectEqual(@as(u3, 5), packed_array.get(i));
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest() !void {
const PackedArray = PackedIntArray(u3, 8);
var packed_array = PackedArray.initAllTo(5);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_array.len) : (i += 1) try testing.expectEqual(@as(u3, 5), packed_array.get(i));
try S.doTheTest();
try comptime S.doTheTest();
test "PackedIntSlice" {
@@ -433,8 +443,8 @@ test "PackedIntSlice" {
var data = P.init(&buffer, int_count);
//write values, counting up
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var count = @as(I, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
var count: I = 0;
while (i < data.len) : (i += 1) {
data.set(i, count);
if (bits > 0) count +%= 1;
@@ -463,13 +473,13 @@ test "PackedIntSlice of PackedInt(Array/Slice)" {
const Int = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, bits);
const PackedArray = PackedIntArray(Int, int_count);
var packed_array = @as(PackedArray, undefined);
var packed_array: PackedArray = undefined;
const limit = (1 << bits);
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_array.len) : (i += 1) {
packed_array.set(i, @as(Int, @intCast(i % limit)));
packed_array.set(i, @intCast(i % limit));
//slice of array
@@ -524,20 +534,20 @@ test "PackedIntSlice accumulating bit offsets" {
// anything
const PackedArray = PackedIntArray(u3, 16);
var packed_array = @as(PackedArray, undefined);
var packed_array: PackedArray = undefined;
var packed_slice = packed_array.slice(0, packed_array.len);
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_array.len - 1) : (i += 1) {
packed_slice = packed_slice.slice(1, packed_slice.len);
const PackedArray = PackedIntArray(u11, 88);
var packed_array = @as(PackedArray, undefined);
var packed_array: PackedArray = undefined;
var packed_slice = packed_array.slice(0, packed_array.len);
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_array.len - 1) : (i += 1) {
packed_slice = packed_slice.slice(1, packed_slice.len);
@@ -552,7 +562,7 @@ test "PackedInt(Array/Slice) sliceCast" {
var packed_slice_cast_9 = packed_array.slice(0, (packed_array.len / 9) * 9).sliceCast(u9);
const packed_slice_cast_3 = packed_slice_cast_9.sliceCast(u3);
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_slice_cast_2.len) : (i += 1) {
const val = switch (native_endian) {
.big => 0b01,
@@ -576,9 +586,9 @@ test "PackedInt(Array/Slice) sliceCast" {
i = 0;
while (i < packed_slice_cast_3.len) : (i += 1) {
const val = switch (native_endian) {
.big => if (i % 2 == 0) @as(u3, 0b111) else @as(u3, 0b000),
.little => if (i % 2 == 0) @as(u3, 0b111) else @as(u3, 0b000),
const val: u3 = switch (native_endian) {
.big => if (i % 2 == 0) 0b111 else 0b000,
.little => if (i % 2 == 0) 0b111 else 0b000,
try testing.expect(packed_slice_cast_3.get(i) == val);
@@ -591,7 +601,7 @@ test "PackedInt(Array/Slice)Endian" {
try testing.expect(packed_array_be.bytes[0] == 0b00000001);
try testing.expect(packed_array_be.bytes[1] == 0b00100011);
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_array_be.len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expect(packed_array_be.get(i) == i);
@@ -620,7 +630,7 @@ test "PackedInt(Array/Slice)Endian" {
try testing.expect(packed_array_be.bytes[3] == 0b00000001);
try testing.expect(packed_array_be.bytes[4] == 0b00000000);
var i = @as(usize, 0);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < packed_array_be.len) : (i += 1) {
try testing.expect(packed_array_be.get(i) == i);
src/Sema.zig added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -22636,6 +22636,21 @@ fn zirErrorCast(sema: *Sema, block: *Block, extended: Zir.Inst.Extended.InstData
if (dest_tag == .ErrorSet and operand_tag == .ErrorUnion) {
return, src, "cannot cast an error union type to error set", .{});
if (dest_tag == .ErrorUnion and operand_tag == .ErrorUnion and
base_dest_ty.errorUnionPayload(mod).toIntern() != base_operand_ty.errorUnionPayload(mod).toIntern())
return sema.failWithOwnedErrorMsg(block, msg: {
const msg = try sema.errMsg(block, src, "payload types of error unions must match", .{});
errdefer msg.destroy(sema.gpa);
const dest_ty = base_dest_ty.errorUnionPayload(mod);
const operand_ty = base_operand_ty.errorUnionPayload(mod);
try sema.errNote(block, src, msg, "destination payload is '{}'", .{dest_ty.fmt(mod)});
try sema.errNote(block, src, msg, "operand payload is '{}'", .{operand_ty.fmt(mod)});
try addDeclaredHereNote(sema, msg, dest_ty);
try addDeclaredHereNote(sema, msg, operand_ty);
break :msg msg;
const dest_ty = if (dest_tag == .ErrorUnion) base_dest_ty.errorUnionSet(mod) else base_dest_ty;
const operand_ty = if (operand_tag == .ErrorUnion) base_operand_ty.errorUnionSet(mod) else base_operand_ty;
test/behavior/error.zig added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -930,6 +930,16 @@ test "optional error set return type" {
try expect(E.A ==;
test "optional error set function parameter" {
const S = struct {
fn doTheTest(a: ?anyerror) !void {
try std.testing.expect(a.? == error.OutOfMemory);
try S.doTheTest(error.OutOfMemory);
try comptime S.doTheTest(error.OutOfMemory);
test "returning an error union containing a type with no runtime bits" {
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_arm) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
if (builtin.zig_backend == .stage2_aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest; // TODO
test/cases.zig added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ pub const BuildOptions = struct {
pub fn addCases(cases: *Cases, build_options: BuildOptions, b: *std.Build) !void {
try @import("compile_errors.zig").addCases(cases, b);
try @import("cbe.zig").addCases(cases, b);
try @import("llvm_targets.zig").addCases(cases, build_options, b);
try @import("nvptx.zig").addCases(cases, b);
test/cases/compile_errors/@errorCast_with_bad_type.zig added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ export fn entry3() void {
const a: anyerror = @errorCast(e);
_ = a;
pub export fn entry4() void {
const a: anyerror!u32 = 123;
const b: anyerror!f32 = @errorCast(a);
_ = b;
// error
// backend=stage2
@@ -21,3 +26,6 @@ export fn entry3() void {
// :4:25: error: expected error set or error union type, found 'ComptimeInt'
// :8:20: error: expected error set or error union type, found 'Int'
// :13:25: error: cannot cast an error union type to error set
// :18:29: error: payload types of error unions must match
// :18:29: note: destination payload is 'f32'
// :18:29: note: operand payload is 'u32'
filename was Deleted added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
const Input = struct {
value: u32 = @as(error{}!u32, 0),
export fn foo() void {
var x: Input = Input{};
_ = &x;
// error
//:2:18: error: expected type 'u32', found 'error{}!u32'
//:2:18: note: cannot convert error union to payload type
//:2:18: note: consider using 'try', 'catch', or 'if'
filename was Deleted added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
fn CreateType() !type {
return struct {};
const MyType = CreateType();
const TestType = struct {
my_type: MyType,
comptime {
_ = @sizeOf(TestType) + 1;
// error
//:6:14: error: expected type 'type', found 'error{}!type'
//:6:14: note: cannot convert error union to payload type
//:6:14: note: consider using 'try', 'catch', or 'if'
filename was Deleted added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
extern char my_array[16];
__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
void my_fn(void) { }
void other_fn(void) {
char ARR[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
// translate-c
// c_frontend=clang
// pub extern var my_array: [16]u8 align(128);
// pub export fn my_fn() align(128) void {}
// pub export fn other_fn() void {
// var ARR: [16]u8 align(16) = undefined;
// _ = &ARR;
// }
ev/null added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -1,953 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Cases = @import("src/Cases.zig");
const nl = if (@import("builtin").os.tag == .windows) "\r\n" else "\n";
pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases, b: *std.Build) !void {
// These tests should work with all platforms, but we're using linux_x64 for
// now for consistency. Will be expanded eventually.
const linux_x64: std.Target.Query = .{
.cpu_arch = .x86_64,
.os_tag = .linux,
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("hello world with updates", .{}, b);
// Regular old hello world
\\extern fn puts(s: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = puts("hello world!");
\\ return 0;
, "hello world!" ++ nl);
// Now change the message only
\\extern fn puts(s: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = puts("yo");
\\ return 0;
, "yo" ++ nl);
// Add an unused Decl
\\extern fn puts(s: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = puts("yo!");
\\ return 0;
\\fn unused() void {}
, "yo!" ++ nl);
// Comptime return type and calling convention expected.
\\var x: i32 = 1234;
\\pub export fn main() x {
\\ return 0;
\\export fn foo() callconv(y) c_int {
\\ return 0;
\\var y: @import("std").builtin.CallingConvention = .C;
, &.{
":2:22: error: expected type 'type', found 'i32'",
":5:26: error: unable to resolve comptime value",
":5:26: note: calling convention must be comptime-known",
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("var args", .{}, b);
\\extern fn printf(format: [*:0]const u8, ...) c_int;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = printf("Hello, %s!\n", "world");
\\ return 0;
, "Hello, world!" ++ nl);
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("errorFromInt", .{}, b);
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ // comptime checks
\\ const a = error.A;
\\ const b = error.B;
\\ const c = @errorFromInt(2);
\\ const d = @errorFromInt(1);
\\ if (!(c == b)) unreachable;
\\ if (!(a == d)) unreachable;
\\ // runtime checks
\\ var x = error.A;
\\ var y = error.B;
\\ var z = @errorFromInt(2);
\\ var f = @errorFromInt(1);
\\ if (!(y == z)) unreachable;
\\ if (!(x == f)) unreachable;
\\ return 0;
, "");
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = @errorFromInt(0);
\\ return 0;
, &.{":2:21: error: integer value '0' represents no error"});
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = @errorFromInt(3);
\\ return 0;
, &.{":2:21: error: integer value '3' represents no error"});
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("x86_64-linux inline assembly", linux_x64, b);
// Exit with 0
\\fn exitGood() noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (0)
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ exitGood();
, "");
// Pass a usize parameter to exit
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ exit(0);
\\fn exit(code: usize) noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code)
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
, "");
// Change the parameter to u8
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ exit(0);
\\fn exit(code: u8) noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code)
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
, "");
// Do some arithmetic at the exit callsite
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ exitMath(1);
\\fn exitMath(a: u8) noreturn {
\\ exit(0 + a - a);
\\fn exit(code: u8) noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code)
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
, "");
// Invert the arithmetic
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ exitMath(1);
\\fn exitMath(a: u8) noreturn {
\\ exit(a + 0 - a);
\\fn exit(code: u8) noreturn {
\\ asm volatile ("syscall"
\\ :
\\ : [number] "{rax}" (231),
\\ [arg1] "{rdi}" (code)
\\ );
\\ unreachable;
, "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("alloc and retptr", .{}, b);
\\fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
\\ return a + b;
\\fn addIndirect(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
\\ return add(a, b);
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ return addIndirect(1, 2) - 3;
, "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("inferred local const and var", .{}, b);
\\fn add(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
\\ return a + b;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ const x = add(1, 2);
\\ var y = add(3, 0);
\\ y -= x;
\\ return y;
, "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("control flow", .{}, b);
// Simple while loop
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var a: c_int = 0;
\\ while (a < 5) : (a+=1) {}
\\ return a - 5;
, "");
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var a = true;
\\ while (!a) {}
\\ return 0;
, "");
// If expression
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var cond: c_int = 0;
\\ var a: c_int = @as(c_int, if (cond == 0)
\\ 2
\\ else
\\ 3) + 9;
\\ return a - 11;
, "");
// If expression with breakpoint that does not get hit
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var x: i32 = 1;
\\ if (x != 1) @breakpoint();
\\ return 0;
, "");
// Switch expression
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var cond: c_int = 0;
\\ var a: c_int = switch (cond) {
\\ 1 => 1,
\\ 2 => 2,
\\ 99...300, 12 => 3,
\\ 0 => 4,
\\ else => 5,
\\ };
\\ return a - 4;
, "");
// Switch expression missing else case.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var cond: c_int = 0;
\\ const a: c_int = switch (cond) {
\\ 1 => 1,
\\ 2 => 2,
\\ 3 => 3,
\\ 4 => 4,
\\ };
\\ return a - 4;
, &.{":3:22: error: switch must handle all possibilities"});
// Switch expression, has an unreachable prong.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var cond: c_int = 0;
\\ const a: c_int = switch (cond) {
\\ 1 => 1,
\\ 2 => 2,
\\ 99...300, 12 => 3,
\\ 0 => 4,
\\ 13 => unreachable,
\\ else => 5,
\\ };
\\ return a - 4;
, "");
// Switch expression, has an unreachable prong and prongs write
// to result locations.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var cond: c_int = 0;
\\ var a: c_int = switch (cond) {
\\ 1 => 1,
\\ 2 => 2,
\\ 99...300, 12 => 3,
\\ 0 => 4,
\\ 13 => unreachable,
\\ else => 5,
\\ };
\\ return a - 4;
, "");
// Integer switch expression has duplicate case value.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var cond: c_int = 0;
\\ const a: c_int = switch (cond) {
\\ 1 => 1,
\\ 2 => 2,
\\ 96, 11...13, 97 => 3,
\\ 0 => 4,
\\ 90, 12 => 100,
\\ else => 5,
\\ };
\\ return a - 4;
, &.{
":8:13: error: duplicate switch value",
":6:15: note: previous value here",
// Boolean switch expression has duplicate case value.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var a: bool = false;
\\ const b: c_int = switch (a) {
\\ false => 1,
\\ true => 2,
\\ false => 3,
\\ };
\\ _ = b;
, &.{
":6:9: error: duplicate switch value",
// Sparse (no range capable) switch expression has duplicate case value.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ const A: type = i32;
\\ const b: c_int = switch (A) {
\\ i32 => 1,
\\ bool => 2,
\\ f64, i32 => 3,
\\ else => 4,
\\ };
\\ _ = b;
, &.{
":6:14: error: duplicate switch value",
":4:9: note: previous value here",
// Ranges not allowed for some kinds of switches.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ const A: type = i32;
\\ const b: c_int = switch (A) {
\\ i32 => 1,
\\ bool => 2,
\\ f16...f64 => 3,
\\ else => 4,
\\ };
\\ _ = b;
, &.{
":3:30: error: ranges not allowed when switching on type 'type'",
":6:12: note: range here",
// Switch expression has unreachable else prong.
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var a: u2 = 0;
\\ const b: i32 = switch (a) {
\\ 0 => 10,
\\ 1 => 20,
\\ 2 => 30,
\\ 3 => 40,
\\ else => 50,
\\ };
\\ _ = b;
, &.{
":8:14: error: unreachable else prong; all cases already handled",
// var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("optionals", .{}, b);
// // Simple while loop
// case.addCompareOutput(
// \\pub export fn main() c_int {
// \\ var count: c_int = 0;
// \\ var opt_ptr: ?*c_int = &count;
// \\ while (opt_ptr) |_| : (count += 1) {
// \\ if (count == 4) opt_ptr = null;
// \\ }
// \\ return count - 5;
// \\}
// , "");
// // Same with non pointer optionals
// case.addCompareOutput(
// \\pub export fn main() c_int {
// \\ var count: c_int = 0;
// \\ var opt_ptr: ?c_int = count;
// \\ while (opt_ptr) |_| : (count += 1) {
// \\ if (count == 4) opt_ptr = null;
// \\ }
// \\ return count - 5;
// \\}
// , "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("errors", .{}, b);
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var e1 = error.Foo;
\\ var e2 = error.Bar;
\\ assert(e1 != e2);
\\ assert(e1 == error.Foo);
\\ assert(e2 == error.Bar);
\\ return 0;
\\fn assert(b: bool) void {
\\ if (!b) unreachable;
, "");
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var e: anyerror!c_int = 0;
\\ const i = e catch 69;
\\ return i;
, "");
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var e: anyerror!c_int = error.Foo;
\\ const i = e catch 69;
\\ return 69 - i;
, "");
\\const E = error{e};
\\const S = struct { x: u32 };
\\fn f() E!u32 {
\\ const x = (try @as(E!S, S{ .x = 1 })).x;
\\ return x;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ const x = f() catch @as(u32, 0);
\\ if (x != 1) unreachable;
\\ return 0;
, "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("structs", .{}, b);
\\const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32 };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var p: Point = .{
\\ .y = 24,
\\ .x = 12,
\\ .y = 24,
\\ };
\\ return p.y - p.x - p.x;
, &.{
":4:10: error: duplicate struct field name",
":6:10: note: duplicate name here",
":3:21: note: struct declared here",
\\const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32 };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var p: Point = .{
\\ .y = 24,
\\ };
\\ return p.y - p.x - p.x;
, &.{
":3:21: error: missing struct field: x",
":1:15: note: struct 'tmp.Point' declared here",
\\const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32 };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var p: Point = .{
\\ .x = 12,
\\ .y = 24,
\\ .z = 48,
\\ };
\\ return p.y - p.x - p.x;
, &.{
":6:10: error: no field named 'z' in struct 'tmp.Point'",
":1:15: note: struct declared here",
\\const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32 };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var p: Point = .{
\\ .x = 12,
\\ .y = 24,
\\ };
\\ return p.y - p.x - p.x;
, "");
\\const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, a: i32, b: i32 };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var p: Point = .{
\\ .x = 18,
\\ .y = 24,
\\ .z = 1,
\\ .a = 2,
\\ .b = 3,
\\ };
\\ return p.y - p.x - p.z - p.a - p.b;
, "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("unions", .{}, b);
\\const U = union {
\\ a: u32,
\\ b
, &.{
":3:5: error: union field missing type",
\\const E = enum { a, b };
\\const U = union(E) {
\\ a: u32 = 1,
\\ b: f32 = 2,
, &.{
":2:11: error: explicitly valued tagged union requires inferred enum tag type",
":3:14: note: tag value specified here",
\\const U = union(enum) {
\\ a: u32 = 1,
\\ b: f32 = 2,
, &.{
":1:11: error: explicitly valued tagged union missing integer tag type",
":2:14: note: tag value specified here",
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("enums", .{}, b);
\\const E1 = packed enum { a, b, c };
\\const E2 = extern enum { a, b, c };
\\export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = E1.a;
\\export fn bar() void {
\\ _ = E2.a;
, &.{
":1:12: error: enums do not support 'packed' or 'extern'; instead provide an explicit integer tag type",
":2:12: error: enums do not support 'packed' or 'extern'; instead provide an explicit integer tag type",
// comptime and types are caught in AstGen.
\\const E1 = enum {
\\ a,
\\ comptime b,
\\ c,
\\const E2 = enum {
\\ a,
\\ b: i32,
\\ c,
\\export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = E1.a;
\\export fn bar() void {
\\ _ = E2.a;
, &.{
":3:5: error: enum fields cannot be marked comptime",
":8:8: error: enum fields do not have types",
":6:12: note: consider 'union(enum)' here to make it a tagged union",
// @intFromEnum, @enumFromInt, enum literal coercion, field access syntax, comparison, switch
\\const Number = enum { One, Two, Three };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var number1 = Number.One;
\\ var number2: Number = .Two;
\\ const number3: Number = @enumFromInt(2);
\\ if (number1 == number2) return 1;
\\ if (number2 == number3) return 1;
\\ if (@intFromEnum(number1) != 0) return 1;
\\ if (@intFromEnum(number2) != 1) return 1;
\\ if (@intFromEnum(number3) != 2) return 1;
\\ var x: Number = .Two;
\\ if (number2 != x) return 1;
\\ switch (x) {
\\ .One => return 1,
\\ .Two => return 0,
\\ number3 => return 2,
\\ }
, "");
// Specifying alignment is a parse error.
// This also tests going from a successful build to a parse error.
\\const E1 = enum {
\\ a,
\\ b align(4),
\\ c,
\\export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = E1.a;
, &.{
":3:13: error: enum fields cannot be aligned",
// Redundant non-exhaustive enum mark.
// This also tests going from a parse error to an AstGen error.
\\const E1 = enum {
\\ a,
\\ _,
\\ b,
\\ c,
\\ _,
\\export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = E1.a;
, &.{
":6:5: error: redundant non-exhaustive enum mark",
":3:5: note: other mark here",
\\const E1 = enum {
\\ a,
\\ b,
\\ c,
\\ _ = 10,
\\export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = E1.a;
, &.{
":5:9: error: '_' is used to mark an enum as non-exhaustive and cannot be assigned a value",
\\const E1 = enum { a, b, _ };
\\export fn foo() void {
\\ _ = E1.a;
, &.{
":1:12: error: non-exhaustive enum missing integer tag type",
":1:25: note: marked non-exhaustive here",
\\const E1 = enum { a, b, c, b, d };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = E1.a;
, &.{
":1:22: error: duplicate enum field name",
":1:28: note: duplicate field here",
":1:12: note: enum declared here",
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ const a = true;
\\ _ = @intFromEnum(a);
, &.{
":3:20: error: expected enum or tagged union, found 'bool'",
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ const a = 1;
\\ _ = @as(bool, @enumFromInt(a));
, &.{
":3:19: error: expected enum, found 'bool'",
\\const E = enum { a, b, c };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = @as(E, @enumFromInt(3));
, &.{
":3:16: error: enum 'tmp.E' has no tag with value '3'",
":1:11: note: enum declared here",
\\const E = enum { a, b, c };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var x: E = .a;
\\ switch (x) {
\\ .a => {},
\\ .c => {},
\\ }
, &.{
":4:5: error: switch must handle all possibilities",
":1:21: note: unhandled enumeration value: 'b'",
":1:11: note: enum 'tmp.E' declared here",
\\const E = enum { a, b, c };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var x: E = .a;
\\ switch (x) {
\\ .a => {},
\\ .b => {},
\\ .b => {},
\\ .c => {},
\\ }
, &.{
":7:10: error: duplicate switch value",
":6:10: note: previous value here",
\\const E = enum { a, b, c };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var x: E = .a;
\\ switch (x) {
\\ .a => {},
\\ .b => {},
\\ .c => {},
\\ else => {},
\\ }
, &.{
":8:14: error: unreachable else prong; all cases already handled",
\\const E = enum { a, b, c };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var x: E = .a;
\\ switch (x) {
\\ .a => {},
\\ .b => {},
\\ _ => {},
\\ }
, &.{
":4:5: error: '_' prong only allowed when switching on non-exhaustive enums",
":7:11: note: '_' prong here",
\\const E = enum { a, b, c };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ _ = E.d;
, &.{
":3:11: error: enum 'tmp.E' has no member named 'd'",
":1:11: note: enum declared here",
\\const E = enum { a, b, c };
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var x: E = .d;
\\ _ = x;
, &.{
":3:17: error: no field named 'd' in enum 'tmp.E'",
":1:11: note: enum declared here",
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("shift right and left", .{}, b);
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var i: u32 = 16;
\\ assert(i >> 1, 8);
\\ return 0;
\\fn assert(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ if (a != b) unreachable;
, "");
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ var i: u32 = 16;
\\ assert(i << 1, 32);
\\ return 0;
\\fn assert(a: u32, b: u32) void {
\\ if (a != b) unreachable;
, "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("inferred error sets", .{}, b);
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ if (foo()) |_| {
\\ @panic("test fail");
\\ } else |err| {
\\ if (err != error.ItBroke) {
\\ @panic("test fail");
\\ }
\\ }
\\ return 0;
\\fn foo() !void {
\\ return error.ItBroke;
, "");
// TODO: add u64 tests, ran into issues with the literal generated for std.math.maxInt(u64)
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("add and sub wrapping operations", .{}, b);
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ // Addition
\\ if (!add_u3(1, 1, 2)) return 1;
\\ if (!add_u3(7, 1, 0)) return 1;
\\ if (!add_i3(1, 1, 2)) return 1;
\\ if (!add_i3(3, 2, -3)) return 1;
\\ if (!add_i3(-3, -2, 3)) return 1;
\\ if (!add_c_int(1, 1, 2)) return 1;
\\ // TODO enable these when stage2 supports std.math.maxInt
\\ //if (!add_c_int(maxInt(c_int), 2, minInt(c_int) + 1)) return 1;
\\ //if (!add_c_int(maxInt(c_int) + 1, -2, maxInt(c_int))) return 1;
\\ // Subtraction
\\ if (!sub_u3(2, 1, 1)) return 1;
\\ if (!sub_u3(0, 1, 7)) return 1;
\\ if (!sub_i3(2, 1, 1)) return 1;
\\ if (!sub_i3(3, -2, -3)) return 1;
\\ if (!sub_i3(-3, 2, 3)) return 1;
\\ if (!sub_c_int(2, 1, 1)) return 1;
\\ // TODO enable these when stage2 supports std.math.maxInt
\\ //if (!sub_c_int(maxInt(c_int), -2, minInt(c_int) + 1)) return 1;
\\ //if (!sub_c_int(minInt(c_int) + 1, 2, maxInt(c_int))) return 1;
\\ return 0;
\\fn add_u3(lhs: u3, rhs: u3, expected: u3) bool {
\\ return expected == lhs +% rhs;
\\fn add_i3(lhs: i3, rhs: i3, expected: i3) bool {
\\ return expected == lhs +% rhs;
\\fn add_c_int(lhs: c_int, rhs: c_int, expected: c_int) bool {
\\ return expected == lhs +% rhs;
\\fn sub_u3(lhs: u3, rhs: u3, expected: u3) bool {
\\ return expected == lhs -% rhs;
\\fn sub_i3(lhs: i3, rhs: i3, expected: i3) bool {
\\ return expected == lhs -% rhs;
\\fn sub_c_int(lhs: c_int, rhs: c_int, expected: c_int) bool {
\\ return expected == lhs -% rhs;
, "");
var case = ctx.exeFromCompiledC("rem", linux_x64, b);
\\fn assert(ok: bool) void {
\\ if (!ok) unreachable;
\\fn rem(lhs: i32, rhs: i32, expected: i32) bool {
\\ return @rem(lhs, rhs) == expected;
\\pub export fn main() c_int {
\\ assert(rem(-5, 3, -2));
\\ assert(rem(5, 3, 2));
\\ return 0;
, "");
test/translate_c.zig added: 142, removed: 1028, total 0
@@ -764,27 +764,6 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
// Test case temporarily disabled:
if (false) {
cases.add("align() attribute",
\\__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
\\extern char my_array[16];
\\__attribute__ ((aligned(128)))
\\void my_fn(void) { }
\\void other_fn(void) {
\\ char ARR[16] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub extern var my_array: [16]u8 align(128);
\\pub export fn my_fn() align(128) void {}
\\pub export fn other_fn() void {
\\ var ARR: [16]u8 align(16) = undefined;
\\ _ = &ARR;
cases.add("linksection() attribute",
\\// Use the "segment,section" format to make this test pass when
\\// targeting the mach-o binary format