@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ extern "c" fn _errnop() *c_int;
pub const _errno = _errnop;
pub extern "c" fn find_directory(which: c_int, volume: i32, createIt: bool, path_ptr: [*]u8, length: i32) u64;
pub extern "c" fn find_directory(which: directory_which, volume: i32, createIt: bool, path_ptr: [*]u8, length: i32) u64;
pub extern "c" fn find_thread(thread_name: ?*anyopaque) i32;
@@ -427,23 +427,18 @@ pub const W = struct {
pub const SA = struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x20;
pub const RESTART = 0x10;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x04;
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x01;
pub const NODEFER = 0x08;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x02;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x40;
pub const NOMASK = NODEFER;
pub const STACK = ONSTACK;
// posix/signal.h
pub const sigset_t = u64;
pub const empty_sigset: sigset_t = 0;
pub const filled_sigset = ~@as(sigset_t, 0);
pub const SIG = struct {
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const HOLD: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(3);
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
@@ -484,6 +479,340 @@ pub const SIG = struct {
pub const SETMASK = 3;
pub const siginfo_t = extern struct {
signo: c_int,
code: c_int,
errno: c_int,
pid: pid_t,
uid: uid_t,
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
/// Renamed from `sigaction` to `Sigaction` to avoid conflict with the syscall.
pub const Sigaction = extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (c_int, *allowzero anyopaque, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
/// signal handler
handler: extern union {
handler: handler_fn,
sigaction: sigaction_fn,
/// signal mask to apply
mask: sigset_t,
/// see signal options
flags: c_int,
/// will be passed to the signal handler, BeOS extension
userdata: *allowzero anyopaque = undefined,
pub const SA = struct {
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x01;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x02;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x04;
pub const NODEFER = 0x08;
pub const RESTART = 0x10;
pub const ONSTACK = 0x20;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x40;
pub const NOMASK = NODEFER;
pub const STACK = ONSTACK;
pub const SS = struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x1;
pub const DISABLE = 0x2;
pub const MINSIGSTKSZ = 8192;
pub const SIGSTKSZ = 16384;
pub const stack_t = extern struct {
sp: [*]u8,
size: isize,
flags: i32,
pub const NSIG = 65;
pub const mcontext_t = vregs;
pub const ucontext_t = extern struct {
link: ?*ucontext_t,
sigmask: sigset_t,
stack: stack_t,
mcontext: mcontext_t,
// arch/*/signal.h
pub const vregs = switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.arm, .thumb => extern struct {
r0: u32,
r1: u32,
r2: u32,
r3: u32,
r4: u32,
r5: u32,
r6: u32,
r7: u32,
r8: u32,
r9: u32,
r10: u32,
r11: u32,
r12: u32,
r13: u32,
r14: u32,
r15: u32,
cpsr: u32,
.aarch64 => extern struct {
x: [10]u64,
lr: u64,
sp: u64,
elr: u64,
spsr: u64,
fp_q: [32]u128,
fpsr: u32,
fpcr: u32,
.m68k => extern struct {
pc: u32,
d0: u32,
d1: u32,
d2: u32,
d3: u32,
d4: u32,
d5: u32,
d6: u32,
d7: u32,
a0: u32,
a1: u32,
a2: u32,
a3: u32,
a4: u32,
a5: u32,
a6: u32,
a7: u32,
ccr: u8,
f0: f64,
f1: f64,
f2: f64,
f3: f64,
f4: f64,
f5: f64,
f6: f64,
f7: f64,
f8: f64,
f9: f64,
f10: f64,
f11: f64,
f12: f64,
f13: f64,
.mipsel => extern struct {
r0: u32,
.powerpc => extern struct {
pc: u32,
r0: u32,
r1: u32,
r2: u32,
r3: u32,
r4: u32,
r5: u32,
r6: u32,
r7: u32,
r8: u32,
r9: u32,
r10: u32,
r11: u32,
r12: u32,
f0: f64,
f1: f64,
f2: f64,
f3: f64,
f4: f64,
f5: f64,
f6: f64,
f7: f64,
f8: f64,
f9: f64,
f10: f64,
f11: f64,
f12: f64,
f13: f64,
reserved: u32,
fpscr: u32,
ctr: u32,
xer: u32,
cr: u32,
msr: u32,
lr: u32,
.riscv64 => extern struct {
x: [31]u64,
pc: u64,
f: [32]f64,
fcsr: u64,
.sparc64 => extern struct {
g1: u64,
g2: u64,
g3: u64,
g4: u64,
g5: u64,
g6: u64,
g7: u64,
o0: u64,
o1: u64,
o2: u64,
o3: u64,
o4: u64,
o5: u64,
sp: u64,
o7: u64,
l0: u64,
l1: u64,
l2: u64,
l3: u64,
l4: u64,
l5: u64,
l6: u64,
l7: u64,
i0: u64,
i1: u64,
i2: u64,
i3: u64,
i4: u64,
i5: u64,
fp: u64,
i7: u64,
.x86 => extern struct {
pub const old_extended_regs = extern struct {
control: u16,
reserved1: u16,
status: u16,
reserved2: u16,
tag: u16,
reserved3: u16,
eip: u32,
cs: u16,
opcode: u16,
datap: u32,
ds: u16,
reserved4: u16,
fp_mmx: [8][10]u8,
pub const fp_register = extern struct { value: [10]u8, reserved: [6]u8 };
pub const xmm_register = extern struct { value: [16]u8 };
pub const new_extended_regs = extern struct {
control: u16,
status: u16,
tag: u16,
opcode: u16,
eip: u32,
cs: u16,
reserved1: u16,
datap: u32,
ds: u16,
reserved2: u16,
mxcsr: u32,
reserved3: u32,
fp_mmx: [8]fp_register,
xmmx: [8]xmm_register,
reserved4: [224]u8,
pub const extended_regs = extern struct {
state: extern union {
old_format: old_extended_regs,
new_format: new_extended_regs,
format: u32,
eip: u32,
eflags: u32,
eax: u32,
ecx: u32,
edx: u32,
esp: u32,
ebp: u32,
reserved: u32,
xregs: extended_regs,
edi: u32,
esi: u32,
ebx: u32,
.x86_64 => extern struct {
pub const fp_register = extern struct {
value: [10]u8,
reserved: [6]u8,
pub const xmm_register = extern struct {
value: [16]u8,
pub const fpu_state = extern struct {
control: u16,
status: u16,
tag: u16,
opcode: u16,
rip: u64,
rdp: u64,
mxcsr: u32,
mscsr_mask: u32,
fp_mmx: [8]fp_register,
xmm: [16]xmm_register,
reserved: [96]u8,
pub const xstate_hdr = extern struct {
bv: u64,
xcomp_bv: u64,
reserved: [48]u8,
pub const savefpu = extern struct {
fxsave: fpu_state,
xstate: xstate_hdr,
ymm: [16]xmm_register,
rax: u64,
rbx: u64,
rcx: u64,
rdx: u64,
rdi: u64,
rsi: u64,
rbp: u64,
r8: u64,
r9: u64,
r10: u64,
r11: u64,
r12: u64,
r13: u64,
r14: u64,
r15: u64,
rsp: u64,
rip: u64,
rflags: u64,
fpu: savefpu,
else => void,
// access function
pub const F_OK = 0; // test for existence of file
pub const X_OK = 1; // test for execute or search permission
@@ -527,6 +856,15 @@ pub const SOCK = struct {
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
/// WARNING: this flag is not supported by windows socket functions directly,
/// it is only supported by std.os.socket. Be sure that this value does
/// not share any bits with any of the `SOCK` values.
pub const CLOEXEC = 0x10000;
/// WARNING: this flag is not supported by windows socket functions directly,
/// it is only supported by std.os.socket. Be sure that this value does
/// not share any bits with any of the `SOCK` values.
pub const NONBLOCK = 0x20000;
pub const SO = struct {
@@ -686,28 +1024,6 @@ pub const winsize = extern struct {
ws_ypixel: u16,
const NSIG = 32;
/// Renamed from `sigaction` to `Sigaction` to avoid conflict with the syscall.
pub const Sigaction = extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.C) void;
/// signal handler
__sigaction_u: extern union {
__sa_handler: handler_fn,
/// see signal options
sa_flags: u32,
/// signal mask to apply
sa_mask: sigset_t,
pub const sigset_t = extern struct {
__bits: [SIG.WORDS]u32,
const B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE = -2147454976;
pub const E = enum(i32) {
@@ -802,18 +1118,6 @@ pub const E = enum(i32) {
pub const MINSIGSTKSZ = 8192;
pub const SIGSTKSZ = 16384;
pub const SS_ONSTACK = 0x1;
pub const SS_DISABLE = 0x2;
pub const stack_t = extern struct {
sp: [*]u8,
size: isize,
flags: i32,
pub const S = struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;