@@ -94,11 +94,79 @@ pub const Video = enum {
pub const MultiPart = enum {
/// If created using fromStr that string must outlive the Multipart
pub const MultiPart = union(enum) {
mixed: Mixed,
@"form-data": FormData,
pub fn fromStr(str: []const u8) !MultiPart {
inline for (@typeInfo(MultiPart).Union.fields) |f| {
if (startsWith(u8, str, f.name)) {
return try f.type.fromStr(str);
} else {
return error.InvalidMultiPart;
pub const Mixed = struct {
boundary: []const u8,
pub fn fromStr(str: []const u8) !MultiPart {
if (indexOf(u8, str, "boundary=\"")) |i| {
return .{ .mixed = .{ .boundary = str[i + 10 .. str.len - 1] } };
} else if (indexOf(u8, str, "boundary=")) |i| {
return .{ .mixed = .{ .boundary = str[i + 9 ..] } };
} else return error.InvalidMultiPart;
pub const FormData = struct {
boundary: []const u8,
pub fn fromStr(str: []const u8) !MultiPart {
if (indexOf(u8, str, "boundary=\"")) |i| {
return .{ .@"form-data" = .{ .boundary = str[i + 10 .. str.len - 1] } };
} else if (indexOf(u8, str, "boundary=")) |i| {
return .{ .@"form-data" = .{ .boundary = str[i + 9 ..] } };
} else return error.InvalidMultiPart;
test MultiPart {
// RFC2046
// valid
const mixed_0 = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08j34c0p";
// invalid
const mixed_1 = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p";
// valid
const mixed_2 = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p\"";
const test_m0 = try MultiPart.fromStr(mixed_0[24..]);
const test_m1 = try MultiPart.fromStr(mixed_1[24..]);
const test_m2 = try MultiPart.fromStr(mixed_2[24..]);
const boundary_0 = "gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08j34c0p";
const boundary_1 = "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p";
const boundary_2 = "gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p";
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(boundary_0, test_m0.mixed.boundary);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(boundary_1, test_m1.mixed.boundary); // This test should error
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(boundary_2, test_m2.mixed.boundary);
const fd_0 = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08j34c0p";
const fd_1 = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p";
const fd_2 = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=\"gc0pJq0M:08jU534c0p\"";
const test_fd0 = try MultiPart.fromStr(fd_0[24..]);
const test_fd1 = try MultiPart.fromStr(fd_1[24..]);
const test_fd2 = try MultiPart.fromStr(fd_2[24..]);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(boundary_0, test_fd0.@"form-data".boundary);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(boundary_1, test_fd1.@"form-data".boundary); // This test should error
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(boundary_2, test_fd2.@"form-data".boundary);
pub const CharSet = enum {
@@ -148,7 +216,7 @@ fn subWrap(comptime Kind: type, str: []const u8) !Kind {
fn wrap(comptime kind: type, val: anytype) !ContentType {
return .{
.base = switch (kind) {
MultiPart => .{ .multipart = try subWrap(kind, val) },
MultiPart => .{ .multipart = try MultiPart.fromStr(val) },
Application => .{ .application = try subWrap(kind, val) },
Audio => .{ .audio = try subWrap(kind, val) },
Font => .{ .font = try subWrap(kind, val) },
@@ -165,4 +233,5 @@ test ContentType {
const std = @import("std");
pub const startsWith = std.mem.startsWith;
const startsWith = std.mem.startsWith;
const indexOf = std.mem.indexOf;