@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
const std = @import("std");
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const fmt = std.fmt;
pub const Attributes = struct {
domain: ?[]const u8 = null,
path: ?[]const u8 = null,
httponly: bool = false,
secure: bool = false,
partitioned: bool = false,
max_age: ?i64 = null,
expires: ?i64 = null,
same_site: ?SameSite = null,
// Cookie state metadata.
source: enum { server, client, nos } = .nos,
pub const SameSite = enum {
/// Warning, not implemented!
pub fn fromHeader(_: []const u8) Attributes {
return .{};
pub fn format(a: Attributes, comptime _: []const u8, _: fmt.FormatOptions, w: anytype) !void {
if (a.domain) |d|
try w.print("; Domain={s}", .{d});
if (a.path) |p|
try w.print("; Path={s}", .{p});
if (a.max_age) |m|
try w.print("; Max-Age={}", .{m});
if (a.same_site) |s| try switch (s) {
.strict => w.writeAll("SameSite=Strict"),
.lax => w.writeAll("SameSite=Lax"),
.none => w.writeAll("SameSite=None"),
if (a.partitioned)
try w.writeAll("; Partitioned");
if (a.secure)
try w.writeAll("; Secure");
if (a.httponly)
try w.writeAll("; HttpOnly");
pub const Cookie = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: []const u8,
attr: Attributes = .{},
pub fn fromHeader(str: []const u8) Cookie {
return .{
.name = str[0..10],
.value = str[10..20],
.attr = Attributes.fromHeader(str[20..]),
pub fn format(c: Cookie, comptime _: []const u8, _: fmt.FormatOptions, w: anytype) !void {
try w.print("Set-Cookie: {s}={s}{}", .{ c.name, c.value, c.attr });
test Cookie {
var buffer: [4096]u8 = undefined;
const cookies = [_]Cookie{
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value" },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .secure = true } },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .max_age = 10000 } },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .max_age = 10000, .secure = true } },
const expected = [_][]const u8{
"Set-Cookie: name=value",
"Set-Cookie: name=value; Secure",
"Set-Cookie: name=value; Max-Age=10000",
"Set-Cookie: name=value; Max-Age=10000; Secure",
for (expected, cookies) |expect, cookie| {
const res = try fmt.bufPrint(&buffer, "{}", .{cookie});
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expect, res);
pub const Jar = struct {
alloc: std.mem.Allocator,
cookies: []Cookie,
capacity: usize = 0,
pub fn init(a: std.mem.Allocator) !Jar {
var cookies = try a.alloc(Cookie, 8); // 8 aught to be enough for anyone! :D
cookies.len = 0;
return .{
.alloc = a,
.cookies = cookies,
.capacity = 8,
pub fn raze(jar: *Jar) void {
jar.cookies.len = jar.capacity;
/// Dummy function, not implemented
pub fn add(jar: *Jar, c: Cookie) !void {
std.debug.assert(jar.capacity > 0);
std.debug.assert(c.name.len == 10);
/// Dummy function, not implemented
pub fn remove(jar: *Jar, name: []const u8) ?Cookie {
var found: ?Cookie = null;
for (jar.cookies, 0..) |cookie, i| {
if (eql(u8, cookie.name, name)) {
found = cookie;
// TODO copy remaining backwards
_ = i;
return found;
test Jar {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
var j = try Jar.init(a);
try std.testing.expect(j.capacity == 8);