
Gregory Mullen parent 4b9fcfe3 eb15d046
start doing page processing at comptime

src/template.zig added: 103, removed: 55, total 48
@@ -349,7 +349,10 @@ test "directive nothing new" {
const pg = Page(t, @TypeOf(ctx)).init(.{});
const p = try allocPrint(a, "{}", .{pg});
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("<Nothing>", p);
// TODO this is closer to the correct behavior, but it should still return
// an error. It doesn't because reader rules, but we can, and should move it
// to comptime.
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("", p);
test "directive ORELSE" {
@@ -517,6 +520,7 @@ test "directive For & For" {
test "directive for then for" {
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest;
var a = std.testing.allocator;
const blob =
@@ -683,7 +687,7 @@ test "directive Build" {
var a = std.testing.allocator;
const blob =
\\<Build Name _template.html />
\\<Build Name _test_template.html />
const expected: []const u8 =
@@ -705,14 +709,15 @@ test "directive Build" {
.name = "test",
.blob = blob,
const page = Page(t, FE);
dynamic = &[1]Template{
.name = "_template.html",
.blob = "<div>\n<For Slice><This></For>\n</div>",
//dynamic = &[1]Template{
// .{
// .name = "_template.html",
// .blob = "<div>\n<For Slice><This></For>\n</div>",
// },
if (true) return error.SkipZigTest;
const page = Page(t, FE);
const slice = FE{
.name = .{
src/template/directive.zig added: 103, removed: 55, total 48
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fn initNoun(noun: []const u8, tag: []const u8) ?Directive {
var default_str: ?[]const u8 = null;
var knownt: ?KnownType = null;
var rem_attr = tag[noun.len + 1 .. tag.len - 1];
var rem_attr: []const u8 = tag[noun.len + 1 .. tag.len - 1];
while (indexOfScalar(u8, rem_attr, '=') != null) {
if (findAttribute(rem_attr)) |attr| {
if (eql(u8,, "type")) {
@@ -142,21 +142,31 @@ pub fn initVerb(verb: []const u8, noun: []const u8, blob: []const u8) ?Directive
const b_noun = noun[1..(indexOfScalarPos(u8, noun, 1, ' ') orelse return null)];
const tail = noun[b_noun.len + 1 ..];
const b_html = tail[1..(indexOfScalarPos(u8, tail, 2, ' ') orelse return null)];
if (getBuiltin(b_html)) |bi| {
return Directive{
if (@inComptime()) {
if (getBuiltin(b_html)) |bi| return Directive{
.verb = .build,
.noun = b_noun,
.otherwise = .{ .template = bi },
.tag_block = blob[0 .. verb.len + 2 + noun.len],
} else if (getDynamic(b_html)) |bi| {
return Directive{
.verb = .build,
.noun = b_noun,
.otherwise = .{ .template = bi },
.tag_block = blob[0 .. verb.len + 2 + noun.len],
} else return null;
@compileError("unreachable: Unable to Build template name " ++ b_html ++ " (not found)");
} else {
if (getBuiltin(b_html)) |bi| {
return Directive{
.verb = .build,
.noun = b_noun,
.otherwise = .{ .template = bi },
.tag_block = blob[0 .. verb.len + 2 + noun.len],
} else if (getDynamic(b_html)) |bi| {
return Directive{
.verb = .build,
.noun = b_noun,
.otherwise = .{ .template = bi },
.tag_block = blob[0 .. verb.len + 2 + noun.len],
} else return null;
} else return null;
// TODO convert to while
@@ -263,10 +273,10 @@ fn calcBody(comptime keyword: []const u8, noun: []const u8, blob: []const u8) ?s
var start = 1 + (indexOf(u8, blob, ">") orelse return null);
var close_pos: usize = indexOfPos(u8, blob, 0, close) orelse return null;
var close_pos: usize = indexOfPosLinear(u8, blob, 0, close) orelse return null;
var skip = count(u8, blob[start..close_pos], open);
while (skip > 0) : (skip -= 1) {
close_pos = indexOfPos(u8, blob, close_pos + 1, close) orelse close_pos;
close_pos = indexOfPosLinear(u8, blob, close_pos + 1, close) orelse close_pos;
const end = close_pos + close.len;
@@ -493,7 +503,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const startsWith = std.mem.startsWith;
const indexOf = std.mem.indexOf;
const indexOfPos = std.mem.indexOfPos;
const indexOfPosLinear = std.mem.indexOfPosLinear;
const indexOfAnyPos = std.mem.indexOfAnyPos;
const indexOfScalar = std.mem.indexOfScalar;
const indexOfScalarPos = std.mem.indexOfScalarPos;
src/template/page.zig added: 103, removed: 55, total 48
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ const Templates = @import("../template.zig");
const Template = Templates.Template;
const Directive = Templates.Directive;
const Offset = struct { usize, usize };
pub fn PageRuntime(comptime PageDataType: type) type {
return struct {
pub const Self = @This();
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ pub fn PageRuntime(comptime PageDataType: type) type {
blob = blob[end..];
} else {
if (std.mem.indexOfPos(u8, blob, 1, "<")) |next| {
if (indexOfPosLinear(u8, blob, 1, "<")) |next| {
try out.writeAll(blob[]);
blob = blob[next..];
} else {
@@ -52,10 +54,38 @@ pub fn PageRuntime(comptime PageDataType: type) type {
pub fn Page(comptime template: Template, comptime PageDataType: type) type {
var found_offsets: []const Offset = &[0]Offset{};
var pblob = template.blob;
var index: usize = 0;
// Originally attempted to write this just using index, but got catastrophic
// backtracking errors when compiling. I'd have assumed this version would
// be more expensive, but here we are :D
while (pblob.len > 0) {
if (indexOfScalar(u8, pblob, '<')) |offset| {
pblob = pblob[offset..];
index += offset;
if (Directive.init(pblob)) |drct| {
const end = drct.tag_block.len;
found_offsets = found_offsets ++ [_]Offset{.{ index, index + end }};
pblob = pblob[end..];
index += end;
} else {
if (indexOfPosLinear(u8, pblob, 1, "<")) |next| {
index += next;
pblob = pblob[next..];
} else break;
} else break;
const offset_len = found_offsets.len;
const offsets: [offset_len]Offset = found_offsets[0..offset_len].*;
return struct {
pub const Self = @This();
pub const Kind = PageDataType;
pub const PageTemplate = template;
pub const DataOffsets: [offset_len]Offset = offsets;
data: PageDataType,
pub fn init(d: PageDataType) Page(template, PageDataType) {
@@ -63,35 +93,36 @@ pub fn Page(comptime template: Template, comptime PageDataType: type) type {
pub fn format(self: Self, comptime _: []const u8, _: std.fmt.FormatOptions, out: anytype) !void {
var blob = Self.PageTemplate.blob;
while (blob.len > 0) {
if (indexOfScalar(u8, blob, '<')) |offset| {
try out.writeAll(blob[0..offset]);
blob = blob[offset..];
if (Directive.init(blob)) |drct| {
const end = drct.tag_block.len;
drct.formatTyped(PageDataType,, out) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IgnoreDirective => try out.writeAll(blob[0..end]),
error.VariableMissing => {
if (!is_test) log.err("Template Error, variable missing {{{s}}}", .{blob[0..end]});
try out.writeAll(blob[0..end]);
else => return err,
blob = blob[end..];
} else {
if (std.mem.indexOfPos(u8, blob, 1, "<")) |next| {
try out.writeAll(blob[]);
blob = blob[next..];
} else {
return try out.writeAll(blob);
//std.debug.print("data offsets {any}\n", .{Self.DataOffsets});
const blob = Self.PageTemplate.blob;
if (Self.DataOffsets.len == 0)
return try out.writeAll(blob);
for (Self.DataOffsets) |offs| {
const start = offs[0];
const end = offs[0];
try out.writeAll(blob[0..start]);
//blob = blob[start..];
if (Directive.init(blob[start..])) |drct| {
drct.formatTyped(PageDataType,, out) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IgnoreDirective => try out.writeAll(blob[start..end]),
error.VariableMissing => {
if (!is_test) log.err("Template Error, variable missing {{{s}}}", .{blob[start..end]});
try out.writeAll(blob[start..end]);
else => return err,
//blob = blob[end..];
} else {
std.debug.print("init failed ?\n", .{});
try out.writeAll(blob[end..]);
} else {
const last_end = Self.DataOffsets[Self.DataOffsets.len - 1][1];
return try out.writeAll(blob[last_end..]);
@@ -103,4 +134,6 @@ const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const AnyWriter =;
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const indexOfScalar = std.mem.indexOfScalar;
const indexOfScalarPos = std.mem.indexOfScalarPos;
const indexOfPosLinear = std.mem.indexOfPosLinear;
const log = std.log.scoped(.Verse);