
Gregory Mullen parent 896fec20 e51a4fba
fix return bug in auth.Provider

src/auth/provider.zig added: 10, removed: 4, total 6
@@ -24,20 +24,26 @@ pub const VTable = struct {
pub fn authenticate(self: *const Provider, headers: *const Headers) Auth.Error!Auth.User {
if (self.vtable.authenticate) |func| {
return try func(self.ctx, headers);
} else return error.NotProvided;
return error.NotProvided;
pub fn valid(self: *const Provider, user: *const User) bool {
if (self.vtable.valid) |func| {
return func(self.ctx, user);
} else false;
return false;
/// TODO document the implications of non consttime function
pub fn lookupUser(self: *const Provider, user_id: []const u8) Auth.Error!Auth.User {
if (self.vtable.lookup_user) |func| {
return try func(self.ctx, user_id);
} else return error.NotProvided;
return error.NotProvided;
const Auth = @import("../auth.zig");