
Gregory Mullen parent 49339404 b12f07b8
replace a superior API with a hack to use iovec

src/cookies.zig added: 16, removed: 10, total 6
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ pub const Attributes = struct {
httponly: bool = false,
secure: bool = false,
partitioned: bool = false,
max_age: ?i64 = null,
expires: ?i64 = null,
same_site: ?SameSite = null,
// TODO come up with a better hack than this one
max_age_str: ?[]const u8 = null,
//max_age: ?i64 = null,
pub const SameSite = enum {
@@ -40,11 +43,13 @@ pub const Attributes = struct {
vec[used] = .{ .base = p.ptr, .len = p.len };
used += 1;
if (a.max_age) |_| {
@panic("not implemented");
//vec[used] = .[ .base = "; Max-Age={}", .{m});
//vec[used] = .{ .base = m.ptr, .len = m.len};
if (a.max_age_str) |str| {
vec[used] = .{ .base = "; Max-Age=".ptr, .len = 10 };
used += 1;
vec[used] = .{ .base = str.ptr, .len = str.len };
used += 1;
if (a.same_site) |s| {
vec[used] = switch (s) {
.strict => .{ .base = "; SameSite=Strict", .len = 17 },
@@ -65,14 +70,14 @@ pub const Attributes = struct {
vec[used] = .{ .base = "; HttpOnly", .len = 10 };
used += 1;
std.debug.assert(used <= 10);
return used;
pub fn format(a: Attributes, comptime _: []const u8, _: fmt.FormatOptions, w: anytype) !void {
if (a.domain) |d| try w.print("; Domain={s}", .{d});
if (a.path) |p| try w.print("; Path={s}", .{p});
if (a.max_age) |m| try w.print("; Max-Age={}", .{m});
if (a.max_age_str) |m| try w.print("; Max-Age={s}", .{m});
if (a.same_site) |s| try switch (s) {
.strict => w.writeAll("; SameSite=Strict"),
.lax => w.writeAll("; SameSite=Lax"),
@@ -113,6 +118,7 @@ pub const Cookie = struct {
used += 1;
vec[used] = .{ .base = c.value.ptr, .len = c.value.len };
used += 1;
std.debug.assert(used <= 4);
used += try c.attr.writeVec(vec[4..]);
return used;
@@ -132,8 +138,8 @@ test Cookie {
const cookies = [_]Cookie{
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value" },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .secure = true } },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .max_age = 10000 } },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .max_age = 10000, .secure = true } },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .max_age_str = "10000" } },
.{ .name = "name", .value = "value", .attr = .{ .max_age_str = "10000", .secure = true } },
const expected = [_][]const u8{