
Gregory Mullen parent d8064f06 aaf47a1b
move CookieAuth into auth/cookie.zig

src/auth.zig added: 367, removed: 352, total 15
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
const Auth = @This();
pub const cookie = @import("auth/cookie.zig");
pub const Cookie = @import("auth/cookie.zig").Cookie;
pub const MTLS = @import("auth/mtls.zig");
pub const Provider = @import("auth/provider.zig");
pub const User = @import("auth/user.zig");
@@ -13,336 +17,6 @@ pub const Error = error{
/// Default CookieAuth Helper uses Sha256 as the HMAC primitive.
pub const Cookie = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256);
pub const cookie_auth = struct {
/// Why are you using sha1?
pub const sha1 = CookieAuth(Hmac.HmacSha1);
pub const sha2 = struct {
pub const @"224" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha224);
pub const @"256" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256);
pub const @"384" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha384);
pub const @"512" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha512);
/// Default cookie based auth constructor. Turns the provided HMAC signature
/// code into a session token to confirm a user's identity. Verification and
/// authorization are not provided by this module, and are the responsibility of
/// the caller. The most common usecase would be calling app would verify a
/// user's identity using it's own user credential verification and then store
/// that confirmed authentication as a cookie using this CookieAuth provider.
pub fn CookieAuth(HMAC: type) type {
return struct {
base: ?Provider,
// TODO consider expanding key memory safety here. The costs associated
// with lock locking, or zeroing the memory seem high for the security
// improvements, but this may not always be the case.
server_secret_key: []const u8,
/// Max age in seconds a session cookie is valid for.
max_age: i64,
cookie_name: []const u8,
/// this session buffer API is unstable and may be replaced
session_buffer: [ibuf_size]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** ibuf_size,
alloc: ?Allocator,
const ibuf_size = b64_enc.calcSize(HMAC.mac_length * 8);
pub const Self = @This();
pub const Token = struct {
version: i8,
time: [8]u8 align(8),
userid: []const u8,
extra_data: ?[]const u8,
mac: [HMAC.mac_length]u8,
/// Negative version numbers are reserved for users
pub const Version: i8 = 0;
pub fn expired(t: Token, max_age: i64) bool {
const time = littleToNative(i64, @as(*const i64, @ptrCast(&t.time)).*);
if (time > std.time.timestamp() + max_age) return true;
return false;
pub fn init(opts: struct {
server_secret_key: []const u8,
alloc: ?Allocator = null,
base: ?Provider = null,
max_age: i64 = 86400 * 365,
cookie_name: []const u8 = "verse_session_secret",
}) Self {
return .{
.server_secret_key = opts.server_secret_key,
.alloc = opts.alloc,
.base = opts.base,
.max_age = opts.max_age,
.cookie_name = opts.cookie_name,
pub fn validateToken(hm: *HMAC, b64data: []const u8, user_buffer: []u8, maxage: i64) Error![]u8 {
var buffer: [ibuf_size]u8 = undefined;
const len = b64_dec.calcSizeForSlice(b64data) catch return error.InvalidAuth;
if (len > ibuf_size) return error.InvalidAuth;
b64_dec.decode(buffer[0..len], b64data) catch return error.InvalidAuth;
const version: i8 = @bitCast(buffer[0]);
if (version != 0) return error.InvalidAuth;
var payload: []u8 = buffer[9..len];
if (payload.len <= HMAC.mac_length) return error.InvalidAuth;
const mac: [HMAC.mac_length]u8 = payload[payload.len - HMAC.mac_length ..][0..HMAC.mac_length].*;
payload = payload[0 .. payload.len - HMAC.mac_length];
if (indexOfScalar(u8, payload, 0x00)) |i| {
var t = Token{
.version = version,
.time = buffer[1..9].*,
.userid = payload[0..i],
.extra_data = if (indexOfScalar(u8, payload[i + 1 ..], 0x00)) |ed| payload[1 + ed ..] else null,
.mac = mac,
var our_hash: [HMAC.mac_length]u8 = undefined;
if (t.extra_data) |ed| hm.update(ed);[0..]);
if (constTimeEql([HMAC.mac_length]u8, t.mac, our_hash)) {
if (t.expired(maxage)) return error.TokenExpired;
if (user_buffer.len < t.userid.len) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(user_buffer[0..t.userid.len], t.userid);
return user_buffer[0..t.userid.len];
return error.InvalidAuth;
} else return error.InvalidAuth;
return error.InvalidAuth;
pub fn authenticate(ptr: *anyopaque, headers: *const Headers) Error!User {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| {
// If base provider offers authenticate, we should defer to it
if (base.vtable.authenticate) |_| {
return base.authenticate(headers);
if (headers.get("Cookie")) |cookies| {
// This actually isn't technically invalid, it's only
// currently not implemented.
if ( != null) return error.InvalidAuth;
const cookie = cookies.value_list.value;
var itr = tokenizeSequence(u8, cookie, "; ");
while ( |tkn| {
if (startsWith(u8, tkn, ca.cookie_name)) {
var un_buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
var hmac = HMAC.init(ca.server_secret_key);
const user_id = try validateToken(
tkn[ca.cookie_name.len + 1 ..],
return base.lookupUser(user_id);
return error.UnknownUser;
pub fn valid(ptr: *anyopaque, user: *const User) bool {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| return base.valid(user);
return false;
pub fn lookupUser(ptr: *anyopaque, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| return base.lookupUser(user_id);
return error.UnknownUser;
pub fn mkToken(hm: *HMAC, token: []u8, user: *const User) Error!usize {
var buffer: [Self.ibuf_size]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** Self.ibuf_size;
buffer[0] = Token.Version;
var b: []u8 = buffer[1..];
const time = toBytes(nativeToLittle(i64, std.time.timestamp()));
@memcpy(b[0..8], time[0..8]);
b = b[8..];
if (user.unique_id) |uid| {
if (uid.len > b.len - HMAC.mac_length - 1) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(b[0..uid.len], uid);
b[uid.len] = 0x00;
b = b[uid.len + 1 ..];
} else return error.UnknownUser;
if (user.session_extra_data) |ed| {
if (ed.len > b.len - HMAC.mac_length - 1) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(b[0..ed.len], ed);
b[ed.len] = 0x00;
b = b[ed.len + 1 ..];
b = b[HMAC.mac_length..];
const final = buffer[0 .. buffer.len - b.len];
if (token.len < b64_enc.calcSize(final.len)) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
return b64_enc.encode(token, final).len;
pub fn createSession(ptr: *anyopaque, user: *User) Error!void {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| base.createSession(user) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.NotProvided => {},
else => return e,
const prefix_len: usize = (if (user.unique_id) |u| u.len + 1 else 0) +
if (user.session_extra_data) |ed| ed.len + 1 else 0;
if (prefix_len > ca.session_buffer.len / 2) {
if (ca.alloc == null) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
return error.NoSpaceLeft;
var hmac = HMAC.init(ca.server_secret_key);
const len = try mkToken(&hmac, ca.session_buffer[0..], user);
user.session_next = ca.session_buffer[0..len];
pub fn getCookie(ptr: *anyopaque, user: User) Error!?ReqCookie {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| if (base.vtable.get_cookie) |_| {
return base.getCookie(user);
if (user.session_next) |next| {
return .{
.name = "verse_session_secret",
.value = next,
.attr = .{
// TODO only set when HTTPS is enabled
.secure = true,
.same_site = .strict,
return null;
pub fn provider(ca: *Self) Provider {
return .{
.ctx = ca,
.vtable = .{
.authenticate = authenticate,
.valid = valid,
.lookup_user = lookupUser,
.create_session = createSession,
.get_cookie = getCookie,
test Cookie {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
var auth = Cookie.init(.{
.alloc = a,
.server_secret_key = "This may surprise you; but this secret_key is more secure than most of the secret keys in prod use",
const provider = auth.provider();
var user = User{
.unique_id = "testing user",
try provider.createSession(&user);
try std.testing.expect(user.session_next != null);
const cookie = try provider.getCookie(user);
try std.testing.expect(cookie != null);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value, user.session_next.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(12 + 18 + 42, cookie.?.value.len);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value[9..], "AAAdGVzdGluZyB1c2VyA");
var dec_buf: [88]u8 = undefined;
const len = try b64_dec.calcSizeForSlice(cookie.?.value);
try b64_dec.decode(dec_buf[0..len], cookie.?.value);
const decoded = dec_buf[0..len];
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(decoded[9..], "testing user\x00");
test "Cookie ExtraData" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
var auth = Cookie.init(.{
.alloc = a,
.server_secret_key = "This may surprise you; but this secret_key is more secure than most of the secret keys in prod use",
const provider = auth.provider();
var user = User{
.unique_id = "testing user",
.session_extra_data = "extra data",
try provider.createSession(&user);
try std.testing.expect(user.session_next != null);
const cookie = try provider.getCookie(user);
try std.testing.expect(cookie != null);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value, user.session_next.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(12 + 18 + 16 + 42, cookie.?.value.len);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value[9..], "AAAdGVzdGluZyB1c2VyAGV4dHJhIGRhdGE");
var dec_buf: [89]u8 = undefined;
const len = try b64_dec.calcSizeForSlice(cookie.?.value);
try b64_dec.decode(dec_buf[0..len], cookie.?.value);
const decoded = dec_buf[0..len];
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(decoded[9..], "testing user\x00");
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(decoded[22..], "extra data\x00");
test "Cookie token" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
var auth = Cookie.init(.{
.alloc = a,
.server_secret_key = "This may surprise you; but this secret_key is more secure than most of the secret keys in prod use",
const provider = auth.provider();
var user = User{ .unique_id = "testing user" };
try provider.createSession(&user);
try std.testing.expect(user.session_next != null);
const cookie = try provider.getCookie(user);
try std.testing.expect(cookie != null);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value[9..], "AAAdGVzdGluZyB1c2VyA");
var uid_buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
var hm = Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.init(auth.server_secret_key);
const valid = try Cookie.validateToken(&hm, cookie.?.value, uid_buf[0..], 2);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(user.unique_id.?, valid);
hm = Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.init(auth.server_secret_key);
const expired = Cookie.validateToken(&hm, cookie.?.value, uid_buf[0..], -100);
try std.testing.expectError(error.TokenExpired, expired);
pub const InvalidAuth = struct {
pub fn provider() Provider {
return Provider{
@@ -401,7 +75,7 @@ const TestingAuth = struct {
test Provider {
test TestingAuth {
const expected_user = Auth.User{
.user_ptr = undefined,
@@ -416,29 +90,19 @@ test Provider {
test {
_ = std.testing.refAllDecls(MTLS);
_ = std.testing.refAllDecls(cookie);
_ = std.testing.refAllDecls(Provider);
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const toBytes = std.mem.toBytes;
const startsWith = std.mem.startsWith;
const nativeToLittle = std.mem.nativeToLittle;
const littleToNative = std.mem.littleToNative;
const indexOfScalar = std.mem.indexOfScalar;
const tokenizeSequence = std.mem.tokenizeSequence;
const Hmac = std.crypto.auth.hmac;
const b64_enc = std.base64.url_safe.Encoder;
const b64_dec = std.base64.url_safe.Decoder;
const ReqCookie = @import("cookies.zig").Cookie;
const Headers = @import("headers.zig");
pub const MTLS = @import("auth/mtls.zig");
const RequestCookie = @import("cookies.zig").Cookie;
// Verse.Auth attempts to provide strong security guarantees where reasonable
// e.g. std.mem.eql faster, but doesn't work in constant time. In an effort to
// avoid confusion, the two comparison functions are given possibly misleading
// names to encourage closer inspection and annotation over which is being used,
// and how it's safe to do so.
const unsafeEql = std.mem.eql;
const constTimeEql = std.crypto.utils.timingSafeEql;
pub const unsafeEql = std.mem.eql;
pub const constTimeEql = std.crypto.utils.timingSafeEql;
filename was Deleted added: 367, removed: 352, total 15
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
/// Default CookieAuth Helper uses Sha256 as the HMAC primitive.
pub const Cookie = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256);
pub const cookie_auth = struct {
/// Why are you using sha1?
pub const sha1 = CookieAuth(Hmac.HmacSha1);
pub const sha2 = struct {
pub const @"224" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha224);
pub const @"256" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256);
pub const @"384" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha384);
pub const @"512" = CookieAuth(Hmac.sha2.HmacSha512);
/// Default cookie based auth constructor. Turns the provided HMAC signature
/// code into a session token to confirm a user's identity. Verification and
/// authorization are not provided by this module, and are the responsibility of
/// the caller. The most common usecase would be calling app would verify a
/// user's identity using it's own user credential verification and then store
/// that confirmed authentication as a cookie using this CookieAuth provider.
pub fn CookieAuth(HMAC: type) type {
return struct {
base: ?Provider,
// TODO consider expanding key memory safety here. The costs associated
// with lock locking, or zeroing the memory seem high for the security
// improvements, but this may not always be the case.
server_secret_key: []const u8,
/// Max age in seconds a session cookie is valid for.
max_age: i64,
cookie_name: []const u8,
/// this session buffer API is unstable and may be replaced
session_buffer: [ibuf_size]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** ibuf_size,
alloc: ?Allocator,
const ibuf_size = b64_enc.calcSize(HMAC.mac_length * 8);
pub const Self = @This();
pub const Token = struct {
version: i8,
time: [8]u8 align(8),
userid: []const u8,
extra_data: ?[]const u8,
mac: [HMAC.mac_length]u8,
/// Negative version numbers are reserved for users
pub const Version: i8 = 0;
pub fn expired(t: Token, max_age: i64) bool {
const time = littleToNative(i64, @as(*const i64, @ptrCast(&t.time)).*);
if (time > std.time.timestamp() + max_age) return true;
return false;
pub fn init(opts: struct {
server_secret_key: []const u8,
alloc: ?Allocator = null,
base: ?Provider = null,
max_age: i64 = 86400 * 365,
cookie_name: []const u8 = "verse_session_secret",
}) Self {
return .{
.server_secret_key = opts.server_secret_key,
.alloc = opts.alloc,
.base = opts.base,
.max_age = opts.max_age,
.cookie_name = opts.cookie_name,
pub fn validateToken(hm: *HMAC, b64data: []const u8, user_buffer: []u8, maxage: i64) Error![]u8 {
var buffer: [ibuf_size]u8 = undefined;
const len = b64_dec.calcSizeForSlice(b64data) catch return error.InvalidAuth;
if (len > ibuf_size) return error.InvalidAuth;
b64_dec.decode(buffer[0..len], b64data) catch return error.InvalidAuth;
const version: i8 = @bitCast(buffer[0]);
if (version != 0) return error.InvalidAuth;
var payload: []u8 = buffer[9..len];
if (payload.len <= HMAC.mac_length) return error.InvalidAuth;
const mac: [HMAC.mac_length]u8 = payload[payload.len - HMAC.mac_length ..][0..HMAC.mac_length].*;
payload = payload[0 .. payload.len - HMAC.mac_length];
if (indexOfScalar(u8, payload, 0x00)) |i| {
var t = Token{
.version = version,
.time = buffer[1..9].*,
.userid = payload[0..i],
.extra_data = if (indexOfScalar(u8, payload[i + 1 ..], 0x00)) |ed| payload[1 + ed ..] else null,
.mac = mac,
var our_hash: [HMAC.mac_length]u8 = undefined;
if (t.extra_data) |ed| hm.update(ed);[0..]);
if (constTimeEql([HMAC.mac_length]u8, t.mac, our_hash)) {
if (t.expired(maxage)) return error.TokenExpired;
if (user_buffer.len < t.userid.len) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(user_buffer[0..t.userid.len], t.userid);
return user_buffer[0..t.userid.len];
return error.InvalidAuth;
} else return error.InvalidAuth;
return error.InvalidAuth;
pub fn authenticate(ptr: *anyopaque, headers: *const Headers) Error!User {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| {
// If base provider offers authenticate, we should defer to it
if (base.vtable.authenticate) |_| {
return base.authenticate(headers);
if (headers.get("Cookie")) |cookies| {
// This actually isn't technically invalid, it's only
// currently not implemented.
if ( != null) return error.InvalidAuth;
const cookie = cookies.value_list.value;
var itr = tokenizeSequence(u8, cookie, "; ");
while ( |tkn| {
if (startsWith(u8, tkn, ca.cookie_name)) {
var un_buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
var hmac = HMAC.init(ca.server_secret_key);
const user_id = try validateToken(
tkn[ca.cookie_name.len + 1 ..],
return base.lookupUser(user_id);
return error.UnknownUser;
pub fn valid(ptr: *anyopaque, user: *const User) bool {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| return base.valid(user);
return false;
pub fn lookupUser(ptr: *anyopaque, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| return base.lookupUser(user_id);
return error.UnknownUser;
pub fn mkToken(hm: *HMAC, token: []u8, user: *const User) Error!usize {
var buffer: [Self.ibuf_size]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** Self.ibuf_size;
buffer[0] = Token.Version;
var b: []u8 = buffer[1..];
const time = toBytes(nativeToLittle(i64, std.time.timestamp()));
@memcpy(b[0..8], time[0..8]);
b = b[8..];
if (user.unique_id) |uid| {
if (uid.len > b.len - HMAC.mac_length - 1) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(b[0..uid.len], uid);
b[uid.len] = 0x00;
b = b[uid.len + 1 ..];
} else return error.UnknownUser;
if (user.session_extra_data) |ed| {
if (ed.len > b.len - HMAC.mac_length - 1) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(b[0..ed.len], ed);
b[ed.len] = 0x00;
b = b[ed.len + 1 ..];
b = b[HMAC.mac_length..];
const final = buffer[0 .. buffer.len - b.len];
if (token.len < b64_enc.calcSize(final.len)) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
return b64_enc.encode(token, final).len;
pub fn createSession(ptr: *anyopaque, user: *User) Error!void {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| base.createSession(user) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.NotProvided => {},
else => return e,
const prefix_len: usize = (if (user.unique_id) |u| u.len + 1 else 0) +
if (user.session_extra_data) |ed| ed.len + 1 else 0;
if (prefix_len > ca.session_buffer.len / 2) {
if (ca.alloc == null) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
return error.NoSpaceLeft;
var hmac = HMAC.init(ca.server_secret_key);
const len = try mkToken(&hmac, ca.session_buffer[0..], user);
user.session_next = ca.session_buffer[0..len];
pub fn getCookie(ptr: *anyopaque, user: User) Error!?ReqCookie {
const ca: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));
if (ca.base) |base| if (base.vtable.get_cookie) |_| {
return base.getCookie(user);
if (user.session_next) |next| {
return .{
.name = "verse_session_secret",
.value = next,
.attr = .{
// TODO only set when HTTPS is enabled
.secure = true,
.same_site = .strict,
return null;
pub fn provider(ca: *Self) Provider {
return .{
.ctx = ca,
.vtable = .{
.authenticate = authenticate,
.valid = valid,
.lookup_user = lookupUser,
.create_session = createSession,
.get_cookie = getCookie,
test Cookie {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
var ath = Cookie.init(.{
.alloc = a,
.server_secret_key = "This may surprise you; but this secret_key is more secure than most of the secret keys in prod use",
const provider = ath.provider();
var user = User{
.unique_id = "testing user",
try provider.createSession(&user);
try std.testing.expect(user.session_next != null);
const cookie = try provider.getCookie(user);
try std.testing.expect(cookie != null);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value, user.session_next.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(12 + 18 + 42, cookie.?.value.len);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value[9..], "AAAdGVzdGluZyB1c2VyA");
var dec_buf: [88]u8 = undefined;
const len = try b64_dec.calcSizeForSlice(cookie.?.value);
try b64_dec.decode(dec_buf[0..len], cookie.?.value);
const decoded = dec_buf[0..len];
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(decoded[9..], "testing user\x00");
test "Cookie ExtraData" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
var ath = Cookie.init(.{
.alloc = a,
.server_secret_key = "This may surprise you; but this secret_key is more secure than most of the secret keys in prod use",
const provider = ath.provider();
var user = User{
.unique_id = "testing user",
.session_extra_data = "extra data",
try provider.createSession(&user);
try std.testing.expect(user.session_next != null);
const cookie = try provider.getCookie(user);
try std.testing.expect(cookie != null);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value, user.session_next.?);
try std.testing.expectEqual(12 + 18 + 16 + 42, cookie.?.value.len);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value[9..], "AAAdGVzdGluZyB1c2VyAGV4dHJhIGRhdGE");
var dec_buf: [89]u8 = undefined;
const len = try b64_dec.calcSizeForSlice(cookie.?.value);
try b64_dec.decode(dec_buf[0..len], cookie.?.value);
const decoded = dec_buf[0..len];
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(decoded[9..], "testing user\x00");
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(decoded[22..], "extra data\x00");
test "Cookie token" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;
var ath = Cookie.init(.{
.alloc = a,
.server_secret_key = "This may surprise you; but this secret_key is more secure than most of the secret keys in prod use",
const provider = ath.provider();
var user = User{ .unique_id = "testing user" };
try provider.createSession(&user);
try std.testing.expect(user.session_next != null);
const cookie = try provider.getCookie(user);
try std.testing.expect(cookie != null);
try std.testing.expectStringStartsWith(cookie.?.value[9..], "AAAdGVzdGluZyB1c2VyA");
var uid_buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
var hm = Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.init(ath.server_secret_key);
const valid = try Cookie.validateToken(&hm, cookie.?.value, uid_buf[0..], 2);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(user.unique_id.?, valid);
hm = Hmac.sha2.HmacSha256.init(ath.server_secret_key);
const expired = Cookie.validateToken(&hm, cookie.?.value, uid_buf[0..], -100);
try std.testing.expectError(error.TokenExpired, expired);
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Hmac = std.crypto.auth.hmac;
const nativeToLittle = std.mem.nativeToLittle;
const littleToNative = std.mem.littleToNative;
const indexOfScalar = std.mem.indexOfScalar;
const tokenizeSequence = std.mem.tokenizeSequence;
const startsWith = std.mem.startsWith;
const toBytes = std.mem.toBytes;
const b64_enc = std.base64.url_safe.Encoder;
const b64_dec = std.base64.url_safe.Decoder;
const auth = @import("../auth.zig");
const Provider = @import("provider.zig");
const User = @import("user.zig");
const Error = auth.Error;
const Headers = @import("../headers.zig");
const ReqCookie = @import("../cookies.zig").Cookie;
const unsafeEql = auth.unsafeEql;
const constTimeEql = auth.constTimeEql;
src/auth/provider.zig added: 367, removed: 352, total 15
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pub const VTable = struct {
pub const LookupUserFn = *const fn (*anyopaque, []const u8) Error!User;
pub const ValidFn = *const fn (*anyopaque, *const User) bool;
pub const CreateSessionFn = *const fn (*anyopaque, *User) Error!void;
pub const GetCookieFn = *const fn (*anyopaque, User) Error!?Cookie;
pub const GetCookieFn = *const fn (*anyopaque, User) Error!?RequestCookie;
pub const Empty = .{
.authenticate = null,
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ pub fn createSession(self: *const Provider, user: *User) Error!void {
/// Note getCookie will return `null` instead of an error when no function is
/// provided.
pub fn getCookie(self: *const Provider, user: User) Error!?Cookie {
pub fn getCookie(self: *const Provider, user: User) Error!?RequestCookie {
if (self.vtable.get_cookie) |func| {
return try func(self.ctx, user);
@@ -87,5 +87,5 @@ test "Provider" {
const Auth = @import("../auth.zig");
pub const Error = Auth.Error;
const Headers = @import("../headers.zig");
const Cookie = @import("../cookies.zig").Cookie;
const RequestCookie = @import("../cookies.zig").Cookie;
const User = @import("user.zig");