@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
const std = @import("std");
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const startsWith = std.mem.startsWith;
const indexOf = std.mem.indexOf;
const indexOfPos = std.mem.indexOfPos;
const indexOfAnyPos = std.mem.indexOfAnyPos;
const indexOfScalar = std.mem.indexOfScalar;
const indexOfScalarPos = std.mem.indexOfScalarPos;
const isUpper = std.ascii.isUpper;
const count = std.mem.count;
const isWhitespace = std.ascii.isWhitespace;
const trim = std.mem.trim;
const trimLeft = std.mem.trimLeft;
const whitespace = std.ascii.whitespace[0..];
pub const Directive = @This();
const PageRuntime = @import("page.zig").PageRuntime;
const Template = @import("../template.zig");
const dynamic = &Template.dynamic;
const builtin = Template.builtin;
const makeFieldName = Template.makeFieldName;
verb: Verb,
noun: []const u8,
otherwise: Otherwise,
known_type: ?KnownType = null,
tag_block: []const u8,
pub const Otherwise = union(enum) {
required: void,
ignore: void,
delete: void,
default: []const u8,
template: *const Template.Template,
blob: []const u8,
pub const Verb = enum {
pub const KnownType = enum {
pub fn nullable(kt: KnownType) bool {
return switch (kt) {
.usize, .isize => false,
.@"?usize" => true,
const Positions = struct {
start: usize,
start_ws: usize,
end: usize,
end_ws: usize,
width: usize,
pub fn init(str: []const u8) ?Directive {
if (str.len < 2) return null;
if (!isUpper(str[1]) and str[1] != '_') return null;
const end = findTag(str) catch return null;
const tag = str[0..end];
const verb = tag[1 .. indexOfAnyPos(u8, tag, 1, " /") orelse tag.len - 1];
if (verb.len == tag.len - 2) {
if (initNoun(verb, tag)) |noun| {
return noun;
} else unreachable;
const noun = tag[verb.len + 1 .. tag.len - 1];
if (initVerb(verb, noun, str)) |kind| {
return kind;
if (initNoun(verb, tag)) |kind| {
return kind;
return null;
fn initNoun(noun: []const u8, tag: []const u8) ?Directive {
//std.debug.print("init noun {s}\n", .{noun});
if (noun[0] == '_') if (getBuiltin(noun)) |bi| {
return Directive{
.noun = noun,
.verb = .variable,
.otherwise = .{ .template = bi },
.tag_block = tag,
var default_str: ?[]const u8 = null;
var knownt: ?KnownType = null;
var rem_attr = tag[noun.len + 1 .. tag.len - 1];
while (indexOfScalar(u8, rem_attr, '=') != null) {
if (findAttribute(rem_attr)) |attr| {
if (eql(u8, attr.name, "type")) {
inline for (std.meta.fields(KnownType)) |kt| {
if (eql(u8, attr.value, kt.name)) {
knownt = @enumFromInt(kt.value);
} else {
std.debug.print("Unable to resolve requested type '{s}'\n", .{attr.value});
} else if (eql(u8, attr.name, "default")) {
default_str = attr.value;
rem_attr = rem_attr[attr.len..];
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.AttrInvalid => break,
else => unreachable,
return Directive{
.verb = .variable,
.noun = noun,
.otherwise = if (default_str) |str|
.{ .default = str }
else if (indexOf(u8, tag, " ornull")) |_|
else if (knownt) |kn|
if (kn.nullable())
.known_type = knownt,
.tag_block = tag,
pub fn initVerb(verb: []const u8, noun: []const u8, blob: []const u8) ?Directive {
var otherw: struct { Directive.Otherwise, usize } = undefined;
var word: Verb = undefined;
if (eql(u8, verb, "For")) {
otherw = calcBody("For", noun, blob) orelse return null;
word = .foreach;
} else if (eql(u8, verb, "Split")) {
otherw = calcBody("Split", noun, blob) orelse return null;
word = .split;
} else if (eql(u8, verb, "With")) {
otherw = calcBody("With", noun, blob) orelse return null;
word = .with;
} else if (eql(u8, verb, "With")) {
otherw = calcBody("With", noun, blob) orelse return null;
word = .with;
} else if (eql(u8, verb, "Build")) {
const b_noun = noun[1..(indexOfScalarPos(u8, noun, 1, ' ') orelse return null)];
const tail = noun[b_noun.len + 1 ..];
const b_html = tail[1..(indexOfScalarPos(u8, tail, 2, ' ') orelse return null)];
if (getBuiltin(b_html)) |bi| {
return Directive{
.verb = .build,
.noun = b_noun,
.otherwise = .{ .template = bi },
.tag_block = blob[0 .. verb.len + 2 + noun.len],
} else if (getDynamic(b_html)) |bi| {
return Directive{
.verb = .build,
.noun = b_noun,
.otherwise = .{ .template = bi },
.tag_block = blob[0 .. verb.len + 2 + noun.len],
} else return null;
} else return null;
// TODO convert to while
//inline for (Word) |tag_name| {
// if (eql(u8, noun, @tagName(tag_name))) {
// pos = calcPos(@tagName(tag_name), blob, verb) orelse return null;
// word = tag_name;
// break;
// }
//} else return null;
var end = (indexOf(u8, noun, ">") orelse noun.len);
if (noun[end - 1] == '/') end -= 1;
return .{
.verb = word,
.noun = noun[1..end],
.otherwise = otherw[0],
.tag_block = blob[0..otherw[1]],
fn findTag(blob: []const u8) !usize {
return 1 + (indexOf(u8, blob, ">") orelse return error.TagInvalid);
const TAttr = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: []const u8,
len: usize,
fn findAttribute(tag: []const u8) !TAttr {
const equi = indexOfScalar(u8, tag, '=') orelse return error.AttrInvalid;
const name = trim(u8, tag[0..equi], whitespace);
var value = trim(u8, tag[equi + 1 ..], whitespace);
var end: usize = equi + 1;
while (end < tag.len and isWhitespace(tag[end])) end += 1;
while (end < tag.len) {
// TODO rewrite with tagged switch syntax
switch (tag[end]) {
'\n', '\r', '\t', ' ' => end += 1,
'\'', '"' => |qut| {
end += 1;
while (end <= tag.len and tag[end] != qut) end += 1;
if (end == tag.len) return error.AttrInvalid;
if (tag[end] != qut) return error.AttrInvalid else end += 1;
value = trim(u8, tag[equi + 1 .. end], whitespace.* ++ &[_]u8{ qut, '=', '<', '>', '/' });
else => {
while (end < tag.len and !isWhitespace(tag[end])) end += 1;
return .{
.name = name,
.value = value,
.len = end,
test findAttribute {
var attr = try findAttribute("type=\"usize\"");
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(TAttr{ .name = "type", .value = "usize", .len = 12 }, attr);
attr = try findAttribute("type=\"isize\"");
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(TAttr{ .name = "type", .value = "isize", .len = 12 }, attr);
attr = try findAttribute("type=\"?usize\"");
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(TAttr{ .name = "type", .value = "?usize", .len = 13 }, attr);
attr = try findAttribute("default=\"text\"");
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(TAttr{ .name = "default", .value = "text", .len = 14 }, attr);
attr = try findAttribute("default=\"text\" />");
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(TAttr{ .name = "default", .value = "text", .len = 14 }, attr);
fn validChar(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z' => true,
'-', '_', '.', ':' => true,
else => false,
fn calcBodyS(comptime _: []const u8, _: []const u8, blob: []const u8, end: usize) ?struct { Otherwise, usize } {
if (blob.len <= end) return null;
return .{
.{ .ignore = {} },
end + 1,
fn calcBody(comptime keyword: []const u8, noun: []const u8, blob: []const u8) ?struct { Otherwise, usize } {
const open: *const [keyword.len + 2]u8 = "<" ++ keyword ++ " ";
const close: *const [keyword.len + 3]u8 = "</" ++ keyword ++ ">";
if (!startsWith(u8, blob, open)) @panic("error compiling template");
var shape_i: usize = open.len;
while (shape_i < blob.len and blob[shape_i] != '/' and blob[shape_i] != '>')
shape_i += 1;
switch (blob[shape_i]) {
'/' => return calcBodyS(keyword, noun, blob, shape_i + 1),
'>' => {},
else => return null,
var start = 1 + (indexOf(u8, blob, ">") orelse return null);
var close_pos: usize = indexOfPos(u8, blob, 0, close) orelse return null;
var skip = count(u8, blob[start..close_pos], open);
while (skip > 0) : (skip -= 1) {
close_pos = indexOfPos(u8, blob, close_pos + 1, close) orelse close_pos;
const end = close_pos + close.len;
const end_ws = end - close.len;
const start_ws = start;
while (start < end and isWhitespace(blob[start])) : (start +|= 1) {}
//while (endws > start and isWhitespace(blob[endws])) : (endws -|= 1) {}
//endws += 1;
var width: usize = 1;
while (width < noun.len and validChar(noun[width])) {
width += 1;
return .{
.{ .blob = blob[start_ws..end_ws] },
fn isStringish(t: type) bool {
return switch (t) {
[]const u8, ?[]const u8 => true,
else => false,
pub fn doTyped(self: Directive, T: type, ctx: anytype, out: anytype) anyerror!void {
var local: [0xff]u8 = undefined;
const realname = local[0..makeFieldName(self.noun, &local)];
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Struct => {
inline for (std.meta.fields(T)) |field| {
if (comptime isStringish(field.type)) continue;
switch (@typeInfo(field.type)) {
.Pointer => {
if (eql(u8, field.name, realname)) {
const child = @field(ctx, field.name);
for (child) |each| {
switch (field.type) {
[]const []const u8 => {
std.debug.assert(self.verb == .split);
try out.writeAll(each);
try out.writeAll("\n");
//try out.writeAll( self.otherwise.blob.whitespace);
else => {
std.debug.assert(self.verb == .foreach);
try self.forEachTyped(@TypeOf(each), each, out);
.Optional => {
if (eql(u8, field.name, realname)) {
//@compileLog("optional for {s}\n", field.name, field.type, T);
const child = @field(ctx, field.name);
if (child) |exists| {
if (self.verb == .with)
try self.withTyped(@TypeOf(exists), exists, out)
try self.doTyped(@TypeOf(exists), exists, out);
.Struct => {
if (eql(u8, field.name, realname)) {
const child = @field(ctx, field.name);
std.debug.assert(self.verb == .build);
try self.withTyped(@TypeOf(child), child, out);
.Int => |int| {
if (eql(u8, field.name, realname)) {
std.debug.assert(int.bits == 64);
try std.fmt.formatInt(@field(ctx, field.name), 10, .lower, .{}, out);
else => comptime unreachable,
.Int => {
//std.debug.assert(int.bits == 64);
try std.fmt.formatInt(ctx, 10, .lower, .{}, out);
else => comptime unreachable,
pub fn forEachTyped(self: Directive, T: type, data: T, out: anytype) anyerror!void {
var p = PageRuntime(T){
.data = data,
.template = .{
.name = self.noun,
.blob = trimLeft(u8, self.otherwise.blob, whitespace),
try p.format("", .{}, out);
pub fn withTyped(self: Directive, T: type, block: T, out: anytype) anyerror!void {
var p = PageRuntime(T){
.data = block,
.template = if (self.otherwise == .template) self.otherwise.template.* else .{
.name = self.noun,
.blob = trim(u8, self.otherwise.blob, whitespace),
try p.format("", .{}, out);
fn getDynamic(name: []const u8) ?*const Template.Template {
for (0..dynamic.*.len) |i| {
if (eql(u8, dynamic.*[i].name, name)) {
return &dynamic.*[i];
return null;
fn getBuiltin(name: []const u8) ?*const Template.Template {
for (0..builtin.len) |i| {
if (eql(u8, builtin[i].name, name)) {
return &builtin[i];
return null;
fn typeField(T: type, name: []const u8, data: T) ?[]const u8 {
if (@typeInfo(T) != .Struct) return null;
var local: [0xff]u8 = undefined;
const realname = local[0..makeFieldName(name, &local)];
inline for (std.meta.fields(T)) |field| {
if (eql(u8, field.name, realname)) {
switch (field.type) {
[]const u8,
?[]const u8,
=> return @field(data, field.name),
else => return null,
return null;
pub fn format(d: Directive, comptime _: []const u8, _: std.fmt.FormatOptions, out: anytype) !void {
_ = d;
_ = out;
pub fn formatTyped(d: Directive, comptime T: type, ctx: T, out: anytype) !void {
switch (d.verb) {
.variable => {
if (d.known_type) |_| return d.doTyped(T, ctx, out);
const noun = d.noun;
const var_name = typeField(T, noun, ctx);
if (var_name) |data_blob| {
try out.writeAll(data_blob);
} else {
//if (DEBUG) std.debug.print("[missing var {s}]\n", .{noun.vari});
switch (d.otherwise) {
.default => |str| try out.writeAll(str),
// Not really an error, just instruct caller to print original text
.ignore => return error.IgnoreDirective,
.required => return error.VariableMissing,
.delete => {},
.template => |template| {
if (T == usize) unreachable;
if (@typeInfo(T) != .Struct) unreachable;
inline for (std.meta.fields(T)) |field| {
switch (@typeInfo(field.type)) {
.Optional => |otype| {
if (otype.child == []const u8) continue;
var local: [0xff]u8 = undefined;
const realname = local[0..makeFieldName(noun[1 .. noun.len - 5], &local)];
if (std.mem.eql(u8, field.name, realname)) {
if (@field(ctx, field.name)) |subdata| {
var subpage = template.pageOf(otype.child, subdata);
try subpage.format("{}", .{}, out);
} else std.debug.print(
"sub template data was null for {s}\n",
.Struct => {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, field.name, noun)) {
const subdata = @field(ctx, field.name);
var subpage = template.pageOf(@TypeOf(subdata), subdata);
try subpage.format("{}", .{}, out);
else => {}, //@compileLog(field.type),
//inline for (std.meta.fields(T)) |field| {
// if (eql(u8, field.name, noun)) {
// const subdata = @field(ctx, field.name);
// var page = template.pageOf(@TypeOf(subdata), subdata);
// try page.format("{}", .{}, out);
// }
.blob => unreachable,
else => d.doTyped(T, ctx, out) catch unreachable,