
Gregory Mullen parent f6a4aa65 9fd14ad0
Implement a barely functioning version of AnyAuth

src/auth.zig added: 127, removed: 14, total 113
@@ -5,23 +5,131 @@ const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
pub const Auth = @This();
pub const User = @import("auth/user.zig");
user: User = User{},
provider: AnyAuth,
current_user: ?User = null,
pub const User = struct {
username: []const u8 = "invalid username",
pub const Error = error{
pub fn valid(a: Auth) bool {
_ = a;
return true;
return a.provider.valid();
pub fn validOrError(a: Auth) !void {
if (!a.valid()) return error.Unauthenticated;
pub fn requireValid(a: Auth) !void {
if (a.user == null or !a.provider.valid()) return error.Unauthenticated;
pub fn currentUser(a: Auth, alloc: Allocator) !User {
_ = alloc;
return a.user;
pub fn Provider(T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
ctx: T,
pub fn init(ctx: T) Self {
return .{
.ctx = ctx,
/// TODO document the implications of non consttime function
pub fn lookupUser(self: *const Self, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
return try self.ctx.lookupUser(user_id);
pub fn any(self: *const Self) AnyAuth {
return .{
.ctx = self,
.lookup_user = lookupUserUntyped,
fn lookupUserUntyped(self: *const anyopaque, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
const typed: *const T = @ptrCast(self);
return typed.lookupUser(user_id);
/// Type Erased Version of an auth provider
pub const AnyAuth = struct {
ctx: *const anyopaque,
lookup_user: ?LookupUserFn = null,
pub const LookupUserFn = *const fn (*const anyopaque, []const u8) Error!User;
pub fn lookupUser(self: AnyAuth, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
if (self.lookup_user) |lookup_fn| {
return try lookup_fn(self.ctx, user_id);
} else return error.NotProvided;
pub const InvalidProvider = struct {
pub fn empty() AnyAuth {
const P = Provider(This);
const t = This{};
return P.init(t).any();
pub const This = struct {
fn lookupUser(_: @This(), _: []const u8) Error!User {
return error.NotProvided;
const TestingAuth = struct {
pub fn init() TestingAuth {
return .{};
pub fn lookupUser(_: *const TestingAuth, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
// Do not use
if (std.mem.eql(u8, "12345", user_id)) {
return User{
.username = "testing",
} else return error.UnknownUser;
pub fn lookupUserUntyped(self: *const anyopaque, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
const typed: *const TestingAuth = @ptrCast(self);
return typed.lookupUser(user_id);
pub fn any(self: *const TestingAuth) AnyAuth {
return .{
.ctx = self,
.lookup_user = lookupUserUntyped,
test Provider {
const expected_user = User{
.username = "testing",
const ProvidedAuth = Provider(TestingAuth);
const p = ProvidedAuth.init(TestingAuth{});
const user = p.lookupUser("12345");
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(expected_user, user);
const erruser = p.lookupUser("123456");
try std.testing.expectError(error.UnknownUser, erruser);
test AnyAuth {
const expected_user = User{
.username = "testing",
var provided = TestingAuth.init().any();
const user = provided.lookupUser("12345");
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(expected_user, user);
const erruser = provided.lookupUser("123456");
try std.testing.expectError(error.UnknownUser, erruser);
filename was Deleted added: 127, removed: 14, total 113
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
pub const User = @This();
username: []const u8 = "invalid username",
src/verse.zig added: 127, removed: 14, total 113
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ pub fn init(a: Allocator, req: *const Request, res: Response, reqdata: RequestDa
.response = res,
.reqdata = reqdata,
.uri = splitScalar(u8, req.uri[1..], '/'),
.auth = Auth{},
.auth = Auth{
.provider = Auth.InvalidProvider.empty(),