
Gregory Mullen parent ff8fcb1b 983db413
improve warning comment

src/auth.zig added: 5, removed: 3, total 2
@@ -85,8 +85,10 @@ const TestingAuth = struct {
return .{};
pub fn lookupUser(_: *const TestingAuth, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
// Do not use
fn lookupUser(_: *const TestingAuth, user_id: []const u8) Error!User {
// Using std.mem.eql in this way is not a safe implementation for any
// reasonable authentication system. The specific constant time
// comparison you should use depends strongly on the auth source.
if (std.mem.eql(u8, "12345", user_id)) {
return User{
.user_ptr = undefined,