
Gregory Mullen parent 2e1a1a62 95b0db27
add antibiotic string filtering module

filename was Deleted added: 203, removed: 2, total 201
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
//! Antibiotic: some basic input sanitation helpers.
//! It won't cure every condition, but it can help treat many diseases
const abx = @This();
pub const Error = error{
pub const Rule = enum {
pub fn func(r: Rule) RuleFn {
return switch (r) {
.filename => cleanFilename,
.html => cleanHtml,
.path => cleanPath,
.title => cleanHtml,
pub const RuleFn = *const fn (u8, ?[]u8) Error!usize;
/// If an error is returned, the contents of `out` is unspecified.
pub fn clean(comptime rule: Rule, in: []const u8, out: []u8) Error![]u8 {
const func = rule.func();
var pos: usize = 0;
for (in) |src| {
pos += try func(src, out[pos..]);
return out[0..pos];
/// Same semantics of clean, only will count, and allocate for you.
pub fn cleanAlloc(comptime rule: Rule, a: Allocator, in: []const u8) Error![]u8 {
const func = rule.func();
var out_size: usize = 0;
for (in) |c| out_size +|= try func(c, null);
const out = try a.alloc(u8, out_size);
return try clean(rule, in, out);
pub const Html = struct {
text: []const u8,
pub fn sanitizeAlloc(a: Allocator, in: []const u8) Error![]u8 {
return try abx.cleanAlloc(a, in, .{ .rules = .html });
pub fn format(self: Html, comptime _: []const u8, _: FmtOpt, out: anytype) !void {
var buf: [6]u8 = undefined;
for (self.text) |c| {
try out.writeAll(buf[0 .. cleanHtml(c, &buf) catch unreachable]);
/// Basic html sanitizer. Will replace all chars, even when it may be
/// unnecessary to do so.
pub fn cleanHtml(in: u8, out: ?[]u8) Error!usize {
var same = [1:0]u8{in};
const replace = switch (in) {
'<' => "&lt;",
'&' => "&amp;",
'>' => "&gt;",
'"' => "&quot;",
'\'' => "&apos;",
else => &same,
if (comptime out) |o| {
if (replace.len > o.len) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(o[0..replace.len], replace);
return replace.len;
test Html {
var a = std.testing.allocator;
const cleaned = try std.fmt.allocPrint(a, "{}", .{Html{ .text = "<tags not allowed>" }});
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("&lt;tags not allowed&gt;", cleaned);
pub const Filename = struct {
text: []const u8,
permit_directories: bool = false,
pub fn cleanAlloc(a: Allocator, in: []const u8) Error![]u8 {
return try abx.cleanAlloc(a, in, .{ .rules = .filename });
pub fn format(self: Filename, comptime _: []const u8, _: FmtOpt, out: anytype) !void {
const clean_fn = if (self.permit_directories) cleanPath else cleanFilename;
var buf: [2]u8 = undefined;
for (self.text) |txt| {
try out.writeAll(buf[0..clean_fn(txt, &buf)]);
/// Allows subdirectories but not parents.
pub fn cleanPath(in: u8, out: ?[]u8) Error!usize {
var same = [1:0]u8{in};
const replace = switch (in) {
'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '0'...'9', '-', '_' => &same,
' ', '.' => "-",
'\n', '\t', '\\' => "",
else => "",
if (comptime out) |o| {
if (replace.len > o.len) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(o[0..replace.len], replace);
return replace.len;
/// Filters out anything that doesn't look like very boring standard ascii.
/// Intended to be safe and mangle filenames, over allowing all correct/valid
/// names. Patches to improve allowed filenames encouraged!
pub fn cleanFilename(in: u8, out: ?[]u8) Error!usize {
const replace = switch (in) {
'/' => "-",
else => return cleanPath(in, out),
if (comptime out) |o| {
if (replace.len > o.len) return error.NoSpaceLeft;
@memcpy(o[0..replace.len], replace);
return replace.len;
test cleanFilename {
var a = std.testing.allocator;
const allowed = "this-filename-is-allowed";
const not_allowed = "this-file\nname is !really! me$$ed up?";
var output = try cleanAlloc(.filename, a, allowed);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(allowed, output);;
output = try cleanAlloc(.filename, a, not_allowed);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("this-filename-is-really-meed-up", output);;
pub fn streamCleaner(comptime rule: Rule, src: anytype) StreamCleaner(rule, @TypeOf(src)) {
return StreamCleaner(rule, @TypeOf(src)).init(src);
pub fn StreamCleaner(comptime rule: Rule, comptime Source: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
index: usize,
src: Source,
sanitizer: RuleFn,
fn init(src: Source) Self {
return Self{
.index = 0,
.src = src,
.sanitizer = rule.func(),
pub fn any(self: *const Self) {
return .{
.context = @ptrCast(*self.context),
.readFn = typeErasedReadFn,
pub fn typeErasedReadFn(context: *const anyopaque, buffer: []u8) anyerror!usize {
const ptr: *const Source = @alignCast(@ptrCast(context));
return read(ptr.*, buffer);
pub fn read(self: *Self, buffer: []u8) Error!usize {
const count = try self.sanitizer(self.src[self.index..], buffer);
self.index += count;
return count;
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const FmtOpt = std.fmt.FormatOptions;
src/verse.zig added: 203, removed: 2, total 201
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
//! Verse: The framework.
pub const auth = @import("auth.zig");
pub const abx = @import("antibiotic.zig");
pub const template = @import("template.zig");
pub const ContentType = @import("content-type.zig");