@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const log = std.log.scoped(.Verse);
const net = std.net;
const siginfo_t = std.posix.siginfo_t;
const SIG = std.posix.SIG;
const SA = std.posix.SA;
const Verse = @import("verse.zig");
const Request = @import("request.zig");
@@ -13,10 +16,12 @@ pub const zWSGI = @This();
alloc: Allocator,
unix_file: []const u8,
options: Options,
router: Router,
pub const Options = struct {
file: []const u8 = "./zwsgi_file.sock",
chmod: ?std.posix.mode_t = null,
pub fn init(a: Allocator, opts: Options, router: Router) zWSGI {
@@ -24,26 +29,57 @@ pub fn init(a: Allocator, opts: Options, router: Router) zWSGI {
.alloc = a,
.unix_file = opts.file,
.router = router,
.options = opts,
var running: bool = true;
pub fn serve(z: *zWSGI) !void {
var cwd = std.fs.cwd();
if (cwd.access(z.unix_file, .{})) {
try cwd.deleteFile(z.unix_file);
} else |_| {}
log.warn("File {s} already exists, zwsgi can not start.", .{z.unix_file});
return error.FileExists;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.FileNotFound => {},
else => {
log.err("Unexpected error during zwsgi startup {}", .{err});
return err;
defer cwd.deleteFile(z.unix_file) catch |err| {
"Unable to delete file {s} during cleanup ({}this is unrecoverable)",
.{ z.unix_file, err },
@panic("Cleanup failed");
signalListen(SIG.INT) catch {
log.err("Unable to install sigint handler", .{});
return error.Unexpected;
const uaddr = try std.net.Address.initUnix(z.unix_file);
var server = try uaddr.listen(.{});
defer server.deinit();
const path = try std.fs.cwd().realpathAlloc(z.alloc, z.unix_file);
defer z.alloc.free(path);
const zpath = try z.alloc.dupeZ(u8, path);
defer z.alloc.free(zpath);
if (z.options.chmod) |cmod| {
var b: [2048:0]u8 = undefined;
const path = try cwd.realpath(z.unix_file, b[0..]);
const zpath = try z.alloc.dupeZ(u8, path);
defer z.alloc.free(zpath);
_ = std.os.linux.chmod(zpath, cmod);
log.warn("Unix server listening", .{});
while (true) {
while (running) {
var pollfds = [1]std.os.linux.pollfd{
.{ .fd = server.stream.handle, .events = std.math.maxInt(i16), .revents = 0 },
const ready = try std.posix.poll(&pollfds, 100);
if (ready == 0) continue;
var acpt = try server.accept();
defer acpt.stream.close();
var timer = try std.time.Timer.start();
@@ -70,6 +106,26 @@ pub fn serve(z: *zWSGI) !void {
const callable = z.router.routerfn(&verse, z.router.routefn);
z.router.builderfn(&verse, callable);
log.debug("closing, and cleaning up", .{});
export fn sig_cb(sig: c_int, _: *const siginfo_t, _: ?*const anyopaque) callconv(.C) void {
switch (sig) {
std.posix.SIG.INT => {
running = false;
log.err("SIGINT received", .{});
// should be unreachable
else => @panic("Unexpected, or unimplemented signal recieved"),
fn signalListen(signal: u6) !void {
try std.posix.sigaction(signal, &std.posix.Sigaction{
.handler = .{ .sigaction = sig_cb },
.mask = std.posix.empty_sigset,
.flags = SA.SIGINFO,
}, null);
pub const zWSGIRequest = struct {