@@ -11,8 +11,12 @@ const Offset = struct {
start: usize,
end: usize,
kind: union(enum) {
directive: Directive,
slice: void,
directive: Directive,
array: struct {
name: []const u8,
len: usize,
@@ -127,19 +131,56 @@ pub fn validateBlock(comptime html: []const u8, PageDataType: type) []const Offs
.end = index + end,
.kind = .{ .directive = drct },
if (drct.verb == .variable) {
// TODO FIXME There is a really nasty bug here, where after
// the first recurse, it will calculate the offsets based on
// the root type, and not for the child type.
os.kind.directive.known_offset = getOffset(PageDataType, drct.noun);
switch (drct.verb) {
.variable => {
// TODO FIXME There is a really nasty bug here, where after
// the first recurse, it will calculate the offsets based on
// the root type, and not for the child type.
os.kind.directive.known_offset = getOffset(PageDataType, drct.noun);
found_offsets = found_offsets ++ [_]Offset{os};
.split => {
// TODO Split needs whitespace postfix
found_offsets = found_offsets ++
.start = index + drct.tag_block.len,
.end = index + end,
.kind = .{
.array = .{
.name = drct.noun,
.len = 1,
//.extra = body_start,
else => {
// left in for testing
if (drct.tag_block_body) |body| {
const loop = validateBlock(
getChildType(PageDataType, drct.noun),
found_offsets = found_offsets ++
.start = index + drct.tag_block_skip.?,
.end = index + end,
.kind = .{
.array = .{
.name = drct.noun,
.len = loop.len,
//.extra = body_start,
}} ++ loop;
} else {
found_offsets = found_offsets ++ [_]Offset{os};
// left in for testing
if (drct.tag_block_body) |body| {
_ = validateBlock(body, getChildType(PageDataType, drct.noun));
found_offsets = found_offsets ++ [_]Offset{os};
pblob = pblob[end..];
index += end;
open_idx = index;
@@ -154,10 +195,10 @@ pub fn validateBlock(comptime html: []const u8, PageDataType: type) []const Offs
} else break;
if (index != pblob.len) {
if (index != pblob.len or open_idx == 0) {
found_offsets = found_offsets ++ [_]Offset{.{
.start = open_idx,
.end = open_idx + pblob.len,
.end = html.len,
.kind = .slice,
@@ -180,65 +221,158 @@ pub fn Page(comptime template: Template, comptime PageDataType: type) type {
return .{ .data = d };
fn offsetDirective(T: type, data: T, directive: Directive, out: anytype) !void {
std.debug.assert(directive.verb == .variable);
if (directive.known_offset) |offset| {
if (directive.known_type) |_| {
directive.formatTyped(T, data, out) catch unreachable;
const ptr: [*]const u8 = @ptrCast(&data);
var vari: ?[]const u8 = null;
switch (directive.otherwise) {
.required => vari = @as(*const []const u8, @ptrCast(@alignCast(&ptr[offset]))).*,
.delete => vari = @as(*const ?[]const u8, @ptrCast(@alignCast(&ptr[offset]))).*,
.default => |default| {
const sptr: *const ?[]const u8 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(&ptr[offset]));
vari = if (sptr.*) |sp| sp else default;
else => unreachable,
if (vari) |v| {
try out.writeAll(v);
} else {
try directive.formatTyped(T, data, out);
fn offsetArrayItem(T: type, list: []const T, ofs: []const Offset, html: []const u8, out: anytype) !void {
//std.debug.print("item {any}\n", .{T});
if (T == []const u8) {
for (list) |item| try out.writeAll(item);
for (list) |item| {
try formatDirective(T, item, ofs, html, out);
fn offsetOptionalItem(T: type, item: ?T, ofs: []const Offset, html: []const u8, out: anytype) !void {
if (comptime T == ?[]const u8) {
return offsetDirective(T, item.?, ofs[0], out);
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Int => {
std.debug.print("skipped int\n", .{});
else => {
if (item) |itm| {
try formatDirective(T, itm, ofs, html, out);
fn offsetArray(T: type, data: T, name: []const u8, ofs: []const Offset, html: []const u8, out: anytype) !void {
inline for (std.meta.fields(T)) |field| {
if (eql(u8, name, field.name)) {
//std.debug.print("array found {s}\n", .{name});
return switch (field.type) {
[]const u8 => try out.writeAll(@field(data, field.name)),
[]const []const u8 => try offsetArrayItem([]const u8, @field(data, field.name), ofs, html, out),
else => {
//std.debug.print("array found {}\n", .{@typeInfo(field.type)});
switch (@typeInfo(field.type)) {
.Pointer => |ptr| {
std.debug.assert(ptr.size == .Slice);
try offsetArrayItem(ptr.child, @field(data, field.name), ofs, html, out);
.Optional => |opt| {
if (opt.child == []const u8) {
//return offsetDirective(field.type, @field(data, field.name), ofs[0].kind.directive, out);
try offsetOptionalItem(opt.child, @field(data, field.name), ofs, html, out);
else => {
std.debug.print("unexpected type {any}\n", .{field.type});
} else {
std.debug.print("error generating page, field {s} is missing\n", .{name});
fn formatDirective(T: type, data: T, ofs: []const Offset, html: []const u8, out: anytype) !void {
var last_end: usize = 0;
var idx: usize = 0;
while (idx < ofs.len) {
const os = ofs[idx];
idx += 1;
switch (os.kind) {
.array => |array| {
//std.debug.print("array for {s}\n", .{array.name});
var local: [0xff]u8 = undefined;
const name = local[0..makeFieldName(array.name, &local)];
if (T == []const []const u8) {
try offsetArrayItem([]const u8, data, ofs[idx .. idx + 1], html, out);
} else if (T == []const u8) {
// skip
} else {
try offsetArray(T, data, name, ofs[idx..][0..array.len], html[os.start..os.end], out);
idx += array.len;
.slice => {
if (idx == 1) {
try out.writeAll(std.mem.trimLeft(u8, html[os.start..os.end], " \n\r"));
} else if (idx == ofs.len) {
//try out.writeAll(std.mem.trimRight(u8, html[os.start..os.end], " \n\r"));
try out.writeAll(html[os.start..os.end]);
} else if (ofs.len == 1) {
try out.writeAll(std.mem.trim(u8, html[os.start..os.end], " \n\r"));
} else {
try out.writeAll(html[os.start..os.end]);
.directive => |directive| switch (directive.verb) {
.variable => {
//std.debug.print("directive\n", .{});
offsetDirective(T, data, directive, out) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IgnoreDirective => try out.writeAll(html[os.start..os.end]),
error.VariableMissing => {
if (!is_test) log.err(
"Template Error, variable missing {{{s}}}",
try out.writeAll(html[os.start..os.end]);
else => return err,
else => {
//std.debug.print("directive skipped {}\n", .{directive.verb});
last_end = os.end;
pub fn format(self: Self, comptime _: []const u8, _: std.fmt.FormatOptions, out: anytype) !void {
//std.debug.print("offs {any}\n", .{Self.DataOffsets});
const blob = Self.PageTemplate.blob;
if (Self.DataOffsets.len == 0)
return try out.writeAll(blob);
var last_end: usize = 0;
for (Self.DataOffsets) |os| {
switch (os.kind) {
.slice => try out.writeAll(blob[os.start..os.end]),
.directive => |directive| {
switch (directive.verb) {
.variable => {
if (directive.known_offset) |offset| {
if (directive.known_type) |_| {
directive.formatTyped(PageDataType, self.data, out) catch unreachable;
const ptr: [*]const u8 = @ptrCast(&self.data);
var vari: ?[]const u8 = null;
switch (directive.otherwise) {
.required => {
vari = @as(*const []const u8, @ptrCast(@alignCast(&ptr[offset]))).*;
.delete => {
vari = @as(*const ?[]const u8, @ptrCast(@alignCast(&ptr[offset]))).*;
.default => |default| {
const sptr: *const ?[]const u8 = @ptrCast(@alignCast(&ptr[offset]));
vari = if (sptr.*) |sp| sp else default;
else => unreachable,
if (vari) |v| {
try out.writeAll(v);
else => {
directive.formatTyped(PageDataType, self.data, out) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.IgnoreDirective => try out.writeAll(blob[os.start..os.end]),
error.VariableMissing => {
if (!is_test) log.err(
"Template Error, variable missing {{{s}}}",
try out.writeAll(blob[os.start..os.end]);
else => return err,
last_end = os.end;
} else {
return try out.writeAll(blob[last_end..]);
try formatDirective(PageDataType, self.data, Self.DataOffsets[0..], blob, out);