@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const indexOf = std.mem.indexOf;
const indexOfScalar = std.mem.indexOfScalar;
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const allocPrint = std.fmt.allocPrint;
const Headers = @import("headers.zig");
const Cookies = @import("cookies.zig");
const zWSGIRequest = @import("zwsgi.zig").zWSGIRequest;
pub const Request = @This();
/// TODO this is unstable and likely to be removed
raw: RawReq,
/// Default API, still unstable, but unlike to drastically change
headers: Headers,
uri: []const u8,
method: Methods,
cookie_jar: Cookies.Jar,
pub const Data = @import("request_data.zig");
/// Unstable API; likely to exist in some form, but might be changed
remote_addr: RemoteAddr,
method: Methods,
uri: []const u8,
host: ?[]const u8,
user_agent: ?UserAgent,
referer: ?[]const u8,
accept: ?Accept,
accept_encoding: Encoding = Encoding.default,
authorization: ?[]const u8,
headers: Headers,
/// Default API, still unstable, but unlike to drastically change
cookie_jar: Cookies.Jar,
/// POST or QUERY data
data: Data,
/// TODO this is unstable and likely to be removed
raw: RawReq,
pub const RawReq = union(enum) {
zwsgi: *zWSGIRequest,
@@ -34,7 +31,38 @@ const Pair = struct {
val: []const u8,
pub const Host = []const u8;
pub const RemoteAddr = []const u8;
pub const UserAgent = []const u8;
pub const Accept = []const u8;
pub const Authorization = []const u8;
pub const Referer = []const u8;
pub const Encoding = packed struct(usize) {
br: bool,
deflate: bool,
gzip: bool,
zstd: bool,
_padding: u60 = 0,
pub fn fromStr(str: []const u8) Encoding {
var e = Encoding.default;
inline for (@typeInfo(Encoding).Struct.fields) |f| {
if (indexOf(u8, str, f.name)) |_| {
@field(e, f.name) = if (f.type == bool) true else 0;
return e;
pub const default: Encoding = .{
.br = false,
.deflate = false,
.gzip = false,
.zstd = false,
pub const Methods = enum(u8) {
GET = 1,
@@ -56,66 +84,120 @@ pub const Methods = enum(u8) {
pub fn initZWSGI(a: Allocator, zwsgi: *zWSGIRequest) !Request {
var req = Request{
.raw = .{ .zwsgi = zwsgi },
.headers = Headers.init(a),
.method = Methods.GET,
.uri = undefined,
.cookie_jar = undefined,
.remote_addr = undefined,
pub fn initZWSGI(a: Allocator, zwsgi: *zWSGIRequest, data: Data) !Request {
var uri: ?[]const u8 = null;
var method: Methods = Methods.GET;
var remote_addr: RemoteAddr = undefined;
var headers = Headers.init(a);
var accept: ?Accept = null;
var host: ?Host = null;
var uagent: ?UserAgent = null;
var referer: ?Referer = null;
var encoding: Encoding = Encoding.default;
var authorization: ?Authorization = null;
for (zwsgi.vars) |v| {
try req.addHeader(v.key, v.val);
try headers.add(v.key, v.val);
if (eql(u8, v.key, "PATH_INFO")) {
req.uri = v.val;
uri = v.val;
} else if (eql(u8, v.key, "REQUEST_METHOD")) {
req.method = Methods.fromStr(v.val) catch Methods.GET;
method = Methods.fromStr(v.val) catch Methods.GET;
} else if (eql(u8, v.key, "REMOTE_ADDR")) {
req.remote_addr = v.val;
remote_addr = v.val;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("ACCEPT", v.key)) {
accept = v.val;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("HOST", v.key)) {
host = v.val;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("USER_AGENT", v.key)) {
uagent = v.val;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("REFERER", v.key)) {
referer = v.val;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("ACCEPT-ENCODING", v.key)) {
encoding = Encoding.fromStr(v.val);
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("AUTHORIZATION", v.key)) {
authorization = v.val;
req.cookie_jar = try Cookies.Jar.initFromHeaders(a, &req.headers);
return req;
return .{
.remote_addr = remote_addr,
.host = host,
.user_agent = uagent,
.accept = accept,
.authorization = authorization,
.referer = referer,
.method = Methods.GET,
.uri = uri orelse return error.InvalidRequest,
.headers = headers,
.cookie_jar = try Cookies.Jar.initFromHeaders(a, &headers),
.data = data,
.raw = .{ .zwsgi = zwsgi },
pub fn initHttp(a: Allocator, http: *std.http.Server.Request) !Request {
var req = Request{
.raw = .{ .http = http },
.headers = Headers.init(a),
.uri = http.head.target,
.method = switch (http.head.method) {
.GET => .GET,
.PUT => .PUT,
else => @panic("not implemented"),
.cookie_jar = undefined,
.remote_addr = undefined,
pub fn initHttp(a: Allocator, http: *std.http.Server.Request, data: Data) !Request {
var itr = http.iterateHeaders();
while (itr.next()) |head| {
try req.addHeader(head.name, head.value);
req.cookie_jar = try Cookies.Jar.initFromHeaders(a, &req.headers);
var headers = Headers.init(a);
var accept: ?Accept = null;
var host: ?Host = null;
var uagent: ?UserAgent = null;
var referer: ?Referer = null;
var encoding: Encoding = Encoding.default;
var authorization: ?Authorization = null;
while (itr.next()) |head| {
try headers.add(head.name, head.value);
if (eqlIgnoreCase("accept", head.name)) {
accept = head.value;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("host", head.name)) {
host = head.value;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("user-agent", head.name)) {
uagent = head.value;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("referer", head.name)) {
referer = head.value;
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("accept-encoding", head.name)) {
encoding = Encoding.fromStr(head.value);
} else if (eqlIgnoreCase("authorization", head.name)) {
authorization = head.value;
var remote_addr: RemoteAddr = undefined;
const ipport = try allocPrint(a, "{}", .{http.server.connection.address});
if (indexOfScalar(u8, ipport, ':')) |i| {
req.remote_addr = ipport[0..i];
try req.addHeader("REMOTE_ADDR", req.remote_addr);
try req.addHeader("REMOTE_PORT", ipport[i + 1 ..]);
remote_addr = ipport[0..i];
try headers.add("REMOTE_ADDR", remote_addr);
try headers.add("REMOTE_PORT", ipport[i + 1 ..]);
} else @panic("invalid address from http server");
return req;
return .{
.remote_addr = remote_addr,
.host = host,
.user_agent = uagent,
.accept = accept,
.authorization = authorization,
.referer = referer,
.method = translateStdHttp(http.head.method),
.uri = http.head.target,
.headers = headers,
.cookie_jar = try Cookies.Jar.initFromHeaders(a, &headers),
.data = data,
.raw = .{ .http = http },
pub fn addHeader(self: *Request, name: []const u8, val: []const u8) !void {
try self.headers.add(name, val);
fn translateStdHttp(m: std.http.Method) Methods {
return switch (m) {
.GET => .GET,
.PUT => .PUT,
else => @panic("not implemented"),
pub fn getHeader(self: Request, key: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
@@ -127,3 +209,15 @@ pub fn getHeader(self: Request, key: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
return null;
const Headers = @import("headers.zig");
const Cookies = @import("cookies.zig");
const zWSGIRequest = @import("zwsgi.zig").zWSGIRequest;
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const indexOf = std.mem.indexOf;
const indexOfScalar = std.mem.indexOfScalar;
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const eqlIgnoreCase = std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase;
const allocPrint = std.fmt.allocPrint;