
Gregory Mullen parent 03054a3d f45d6120
add support for paired xor nested loops

src/template.zig added: 77, removed: 4, total 73
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ const compiled = @import("templates-compiled");
pub const Structs = @import("templates-compiled-structs");
const isWhitespace = std.ascii.isWhitespace;
const indexOf = std.mem.indexOf;
const indexOfPos = std.mem.indexOfPos;
const lastIndexOf = std.mem.lastIndexOf;
const count = std.mem.count;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
@@ -266,11 +268,19 @@ pub const Directive = struct {
endws: usize,
width: usize,
} {
const open: *const [keyword.len + 2]u8 = "<" ++ keyword ++ " ";
const close: *const [keyword.len + 3]u8 = "</" ++ keyword ++ ">";
var start = 1 + (indexOf(u8, blob, ">") orelse return null);
const end = close.len + (lastIndexOf(u8, blob, close) orelse return null);
var close_pos: usize = indexOfPos(u8, blob, 0, close) orelse return null;
var skip = count(u8, blob[start..close_pos], open);
while (skip > 0) : (skip -= 1) {
close_pos = indexOfPos(u8, blob, close_pos + 1, close) orelse close_pos;
const end = close_pos + close.len;
while (start < end and isWhitespace(blob[start])) : (start +|= 1) {}
const endws = end - close.len;
const end_ws = end - close.len;
//while (endws > start and isWhitespace(blob[endws])) : (endws -|= 1) {}
//endws += 1;
@@ -283,7 +293,7 @@ pub const Directive = struct {
.start = start,
.width = width,
.end = end,
.endws = endws,
.endws = end_ws,
@@ -867,6 +877,69 @@ test "directive For & For" {
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, p);
test "directive for then for" {
var a = std.testing.allocator;
const blob =
\\ <For Loop>
\\ <span><Name></span>
\\ </For>
\\ <For Numbers>
\\ <Number>
\\ </For>
const expected: []const u8 =
\\ <span>Alice</span>
\\ <span>Bob</span>
\\ A0
\\ A1
\\ A2
const FTF = struct {
const Loop = struct {
name: []const u8,
const Numbers = struct {
number: []const u8,
loop: []const Loop,
numbers: []const Numbers,
const t = Template{
//.path = "/dev/null",
.name = "test",
.blob = blob,
const page = Page(t, FTF);
const loop = [2]FTF.Loop{
.{ .name = "Alice" },
.{ .name = "Bob" },
const numbers = [3]FTF.Numbers{
.{ .number = "A0" },
.{ .number = "A1" },
.{ .number = "A2" },
const p = page.init(.{
.loop = loop[0..],
.numbers = numbers[0..],
const build = try;
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, build);
test "directive With" {
const a = std.testing.allocator;