@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const allocPrint = std.fmt.allocPrint;
const bufPrint = std.fmt.bufPrint;
const eql = std.mem.eql;
const splitScalar = std.mem.splitScalar;
const indexOf = std.mem.indexOf;
const indexOfAny = std.mem.indexOfAny;
const parseInt = std.fmt.parseInt;
const Commits = @import("commits.zig");
@@ -21,6 +25,7 @@ const Response = @import("../../response.zig");
const Route = @import("../../routes.zig");
const Template = @import("../../template.zig");
const Types = @import("../../types.zig");
const Highlighting = @import("../../syntax-highlight.zig");
const Comment = Types.Comment;
const Delta = Types.Delta;
@@ -213,6 +218,7 @@ fn newComment(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
const c = Comment.new(username, msg.value) catch unreachable;
_ = delta.loadThread(ctx.alloc) catch unreachable;
delta.addComment(ctx.alloc, c) catch unreachable;
// TODO record current revision at comment time
delta.commit() catch unreachable;
return ctx.response.redirect(loc, true) catch unreachable;
@@ -315,6 +321,143 @@ pub const PatchView = struct {
@"inline": ?bool = true,
const ParsedHeader = struct {
pub const Numbers = struct {
start: u32,
change: u32,
left: Numbers,
right: Numbers,
fn getLineAt(data: []const u8, target: u32, length: u32, right_only: bool) ![]const u8 {
std.debug.assert(length == 1); // Not Implemented
var itr = splitScalar(u8, data, '\n');
const header = try parseBlockHeader(itr.next().?);
var i: usize = header.right.start;
while (itr.next()) |line| {
if (line.len == 0) @panic("unexpected line length");
switch (line[0]) {
'-' => {
if (!right_only) {
if (i == target) return line;
i += 1;
'+' => {
if (right_only) {
if (i == target) return line;
i += 1;
' ' => {
if (i == target) return line;
i += 1;
else => {},
return error.LineNotFound;
/// TODO move to patch.zig
fn parseBlockHeader(string: []const u8) !ParsedHeader {
const end = indexOf(u8, string[3..], " @@") orelse return error.InvalidBlockHeader;
const offsets = string[3 .. end + 3];
const mid = indexOf(u8, offsets, " ") orelse unreachable;
const left = offsets[1..mid];
const right = offsets[mid + 2 ..];
const left_mid = indexOf(u8, left, ",") orelse unreachable;
const l_low = try parseInt(u32, left[0..left_mid], 10);
const l_high = try parseInt(u32, left[left_mid + 1 ..], 10);
const right_mid = indexOf(u8, right, ",") orelse unreachable;
const r_low = try parseInt(u32, right[0..right_mid], 10);
const r_high = try parseInt(u32, right[right_mid + 1 ..], 10);
return .{
.left = .{ .start = l_low, .change = l_high },
.right = .{ .start = r_low, .change = r_high },
fn translateComment(a: Allocator, comment: []const u8, patch: Patch) ![]u8 {
const Side = enum { del, add };
var message_lines = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(a);
defer message_lines.clearAndFree();
var itr = splitScalar(u8, comment, '\n');
while (itr.next()) |line_| {
// Windows can eat a dick
const line = std.mem.trim(u8, line_, "\r ");
for (patch.diffs.?) |*diff| {
const filename = diff.filename orelse continue;
//std.debug.print("files {s}\n", .{filename});
if (indexOf(u8, line, filename)) |filepos| {
const side: ?Side = if (filepos > 0)
switch (line[filepos - 1]) {
'+' => .add,
'-' => .del,
else => null,
if (indexOfAny(u8, line, "#:@")) |h| {
const search = try parseInt(u32, line[h + 1 ..], 10);
const blocks = try diff.blocksAlloc(a);
for (blocks) |block| {
const change = try parseBlockHeader(block);
const in_left = search >= change.left.start and search <= change.left.start + change.left.change;
const in_right = search >= change.right.start and search <= change.right.start + change.right.change;
if (in_left or in_right) {
//try message_lines.append(try allocPrint(a, "found in block {}", .{i}));
const sided: bool = if (side) |s|
if (s == .add) true else false
const found_line = try getLineAt(block, search, 1, sided);
const color = switch (found_line[0]) {
'+' => "green",
'-' => "red",
' ' => "yellow",
else => "error",
const formatted = if (found_line.len <= 1) " " else if (Highlighting.Language.guessFromFilename(filename)) |lang| fmt: {
var pre = try Highlighting.highlight(a, lang, found_line[1..]);
break :fmt pre[28..][0 .. pre.len - 41];
} else try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, found_line[1..], .{});
const wrapped_line = try allocPrint(
"<div title=\"{s}\" class=\"coderef {s}\">{s}</div>",
try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, line, .{}),
try message_lines.append(wrapped_line);
} else {
try message_lines.append(try allocPrint(
"<span title=\"line not found in this diff\">{s}</span>",
.{try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, line, .{})},
} else {
try message_lines.append(try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, line, .{}));
return try std.mem.join(a, "<br />\n", message_lines.items);
const DiffViewPage = Template.PageData("delta-diff.html");
fn view(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
@@ -347,30 +490,16 @@ fn view(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
_ = delta.loadThread(ctx.alloc) catch unreachable;
var comments_: []Template.Structs.Comments = &[0]Template.Structs.Comments{};
if (delta.getComments(ctx.alloc)) |comments| {
comments_ = try ctx.alloc.alloc(Template.Structs.Comments, comments.len);
for (comments, comments_) |comment, *c_ctx| {
c_ctx.* = .{ .comment = .{
.author = try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, comment.author, .{}),
.date = try allocPrint(ctx.alloc, "{}", .{Humanize.unix(comment.updated)}),
.message = try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, comment.message, .{}),
} };
} else |err| {
std.debug.print("Unable to load comments for thread {} {}\n", .{ index, err });
const udata = ctx.reqdata.query.validate(PatchView) catch return error.BadData;
const inline_html = udata.@"inline" orelse true;
var patch_formatted: ?Template.Structs.PatchHtml = null;
const patch_filename = try std.fmt.allocPrint(ctx.alloc, "data/patch/{s}.{x}.patch", .{ rd.name, delta.index });
var patch_applies: bool = false;
var patch: Patch.Patch = undefined;
if (std.fs.cwd().openFile(patch_filename, .{})) |f| {
const fdata = f.readToEndAlloc(ctx.alloc, 0xFFFFF) catch return error.Unknown;
var patch = Patch.Patch.init(fdata);
patch = Patch.Patch.init(fdata);
if (patchStruct(ctx.alloc, &patch, !inline_html)) |phtml| {
patch_formatted = phtml;
} else |err| {
@@ -394,6 +523,21 @@ fn view(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
std.debug.print("Unable to load patch {} {s}\n", .{ err, patch_filename });
var comments_: []Template.Structs.Comments = &[0]Template.Structs.Comments{};
if (delta.getComments(ctx.alloc)) |comments| {
comments_ = try ctx.alloc.alloc(Template.Structs.Comments, comments.len);
for (comments, comments_) |comment, *c_ctx| {
c_ctx.* = .{ .comment = .{
.author = try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, comment.author, .{}),
.date = try allocPrint(ctx.alloc, "{}", .{Humanize.unix(comment.updated)}),
.message = translateComment(ctx.alloc, comment.message, patch) catch unreachable,
} };
} else |err| {
std.debug.print("Unable to load comments for thread {} {}\n", .{ index, err });
const username = if (ctx.auth.valid())
(ctx.auth.user(ctx.alloc) catch unreachable).username