@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ const ParsedHeader = struct {
right: Numbers,
fn getLineAt(data: []const u8, target: u32, length: u32, right_only: bool) ![]const u8 {
fn getLineAt(data: []const u8, target: u32, length: u32, right_only: bool) !?[]const u8 {
std.debug.assert(length == 1); // Not Implemented
var itr = splitScalar(u8, data, '\n');
const header = try parseBlockHeader(itr.next().?);
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ fn getLineAt(data: []const u8, target: u32, length: u32, right_only: bool) ![]co
else => {},
return error.LineNotFound;
return null;
/// TODO move to patch.zig
@@ -396,9 +396,66 @@ fn parseBlockHeader(string: []const u8) !ParsedHeader {
fn translateComment(a: Allocator, comment: []const u8, patch: Patch) ![]u8 {
const Side = enum { del, add };
fn resolveLineRef(
a: Allocator,
line: []const u8,
filename: []const u8,
diff: *Patch.Diff,
h: usize,
fpos: usize,
) !?[][]const u8 {
const side: ?Side = if (fpos > 0)
switch (line[fpos - 1]) {
'+' => .add,
'-' => .del,
else => null,
var found_lines = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(a);
var search_end = h + 2;
while (search_end < line.len and std.ascii.isDigit(line[search_end])) search_end += 1;
const search = try parseInt(u32, line[h + 1 .. search_end], 10);
const blocks = try diff.blocksAlloc(a);
for (blocks) |block| {
const change = try parseBlockHeader(block);
const in_left = search >= change.left.start and search <= change.left.start + change.left.change;
const in_right = search >= change.right.start and search <= change.right.start + change.right.change;
if (in_left or in_right) {
const sided: bool = if (side) |s| if (s == .add) true else false else true;
if (try getLineAt(block, search, 1, sided)) |found_line| {
const color = switch (found_line[0]) {
'+' => "green",
'-' => "red",
' ' => "yellow",
else => "error",
const formatted = if (found_line.len <= 1)
" "
else if (Highlighting.Language.guessFromFilename(filename)) |lang| fmt: {
var pre = try Highlighting.highlight(a, lang, found_line[1..]);
break :fmt pre[28..][0 .. pre.len - 41];
} else try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, found_line[1..], .{});
const wrapped_line = try allocPrint(
"<div title=\"{s}\" class=\"coderef {s}\">{s}</div>",
.{ try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, line, .{}), color, formatted },
try found_lines.append(wrapped_line);
if (search_end < line.len) try found_lines.append(
try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, line[search_end..], .{}),
} else return null;
return try found_lines.toOwnedSlice();
const Side = enum { del, add };
fn translateComment(a: Allocator, comment: []const u8, patch: Patch) ![]u8 {
var message_lines = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(a);
defer message_lines.clearAndFree();
@@ -410,58 +467,9 @@ fn translateComment(a: Allocator, comment: []const u8, patch: Patch) ![]u8 {
const filename = diff.filename orelse continue;
//std.debug.print("files {s}\n", .{filename});
if (indexOf(u8, line, filename)) |filepos| {
const side: ?Side = if (filepos > 0)
switch (line[filepos - 1]) {
'+' => .add,
'-' => .del,
else => null,
if (indexOfAny(u8, line, "#:@")) |h| {
var search_end = h + 2;
while (search_end < line.len and std.ascii.isDigit(line[search_end])) search_end += 1;
const search = try parseInt(u32, line[h + 1 .. search_end], 10);
const blocks = try diff.blocksAlloc(a);
for (blocks) |block| {
const change = try parseBlockHeader(block);
const in_left = search >= change.left.start and search <= change.left.start + change.left.change;
const in_right = search >= change.right.start and search <= change.right.start + change.right.change;
if (in_left or in_right) {
//try message_lines.append(try allocPrint(a, "found in block {}", .{i}));
const sided: bool = if (side) |s|
if (s == .add) true else false
const found_line = try getLineAt(block, search, 1, sided);
const color = switch (found_line[0]) {
'+' => "green",
'-' => "red",
' ' => "yellow",
else => "error",
const formatted = if (found_line.len <= 1) " " else if (Highlighting.Language.guessFromFilename(filename)) |lang| fmt: {
var pre = try Highlighting.highlight(a, lang, found_line[1..]);
break :fmt pre[28..][0 .. pre.len - 41];
} else try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, found_line[1..], .{});
const wrapped_line = try allocPrint(
"<div title=\"{s}\" class=\"coderef {s}\">{s}</div>",
try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, line, .{}),
try message_lines.append(wrapped_line);
if (search_end < line.len) try message_lines.append(
try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(a, line[search_end..], .{}),
if (try resolveLineRef(a, line, filename, diff, h, filepos)) |lines| {
try message_lines.appendSlice(lines);
} else {
try message_lines.append(try allocPrint(