
Gregory Mullen parent aa27e3cf 6c30fce0
convert issues and diffs to typed page

src/endpoints/repos/diffs.zig added: 52, removed: 44, total 8
@@ -737,10 +737,9 @@ fn view(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
(ctx.auth.user(ctx.alloc) catch unreachable).username
var page = DiffViewPage.init(.{
.meta_head = .{
.open_graph = .{},
.meta_head = .{ .open_graph = .{} },
.body_header = .{ .nav = .{
.nav_buttons = &try Repos.navButtons(ctx),
.nav_auth = undefined,
@@ -761,7 +760,7 @@ fn view(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
try ctx.sendPage(&page);
const DeltaListHtml = Template.PageData("delta-list.html");
const DeltaListPage = Template.PageData("delta-list.html");
fn list(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
const rd = Repos.RouteData.make(&ctx.uri) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
@@ -798,7 +797,7 @@ fn list(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
const meta_head = Template.Structs.MetaHeadHtml{
.open_graph = .{},
var page = DeltaListHtml.init(.{
var page = DeltaListPage.init(.{
.meta_head = meta_head,
.body_header = .{ .nav = .{
.nav_buttons = &try Repos.navButtons(ctx),
src/endpoints/repos/issues.zig added: 52, removed: 44, total 8
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const allocPrint = std.fmt.allocPrint;
const bufPrint = std.fmt.bufPrint;
const fmtSliceHexLower = std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower;
const Route = @import("../../routes.zig");
const DOM = @import("../../dom.zig");
@@ -48,9 +49,18 @@ pub fn router(ctx: *Context) Error!Route.Callable {
return Route.router(ctx, &routes);
const IssueNewPage = Template.PageData("issue-new.html");
fn new(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
var tmpl = comptime Template.find("issue-new.html");
try ctx.sendTemplate(&tmpl);
const meta_head = S.MetaHeadHtml{ .open_graph = .{} };
var page = IssueNewPage.init(.{
.meta_head = meta_head,
.body_header = .{ .nav = .{
.nav_buttons = &try Repos.navButtons(ctx),
.nav_auth = undefined,
} },
try ctx.sendPage(&page);
const IssueCreate = struct {
@@ -114,55 +124,56 @@ fn newComment(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
return error.Unknown;
const DeltaIssuePage = Template.PageData("delta-issue.html");
fn view(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
const rd = Repos.RouteData.make(&ctx.uri) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
const delta_id =;
const index = isHex(delta_id) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
var tmpl = Template.find("delta-issue.html");
var delta = (,, index) catch return error.Unrouteable) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
try ctx.putContext("Repo", .{ .slice = });
try ctx.putContext(
.{ .slice = Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, delta.title, .{}) catch unreachable },
try ctx.putContext(
.{ .slice = Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, delta.message, .{}) catch unreachable },
_ = delta.loadThread(ctx.alloc) catch unreachable;
if (delta.getMessages(ctx.alloc)) |msgs| {
const comments: []Template.Context = try ctx.alloc.alloc(Template.Context, msgs.len);
for (msgs, comments) |msg, *cctx| {
cctx.* = Template.Context.init(ctx.alloc);
var root_thread: []S.Thread = &[0]S.Thread{};
if (delta.getMessages(ctx.alloc)) |messages| {
root_thread = try ctx.alloc.alloc(S.Thread, messages.len);
for (messages, root_thread) |msg, *c_ctx| {
switch (msg) {
.comment => |comment| {
const builder = comment.builder();, cctx) catch unreachable;
try cctx.put(
.{ .slice = try std.fmt.allocPrint(ctx.alloc, "{}", .{Humanize.unix(comment.updated)}) },
c_ctx.* = .{
.author = try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc,, .{}),
.date = try allocPrint(ctx.alloc, "{}", .{Humanize.unix(comment.updated)}),
.message = try Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, comment.message, .{}),
.direct_reply = .{ .uri = try allocPrint(ctx.alloc, "{}/direct_reply/{x}", .{ index, fmtSliceHexLower(comment.hash[0..]) }) },
.sub_thread = null,
else => {
c_ctx.* = .{ .author = "", .date = "", .message = "unsupported message type", .direct_reply = null, .sub_thread = null };
else => try cctx.put("Message", .{ .slice = "unsupported message found" }),
const thread: []Template.Context = try ctx.alloc.alloc(Template.Context, 1);
thread[0] = Template.Context.init(ctx.alloc);
try thread[0].putBlock("Thread", comments);
try ctx.putContext("Comments", .{ .block = thread });
} else |err| {
std.debug.print("Unable to load comments for thread {} {}\n", .{ index, err });
try ctx.putContext("Delta_id", .{ .slice = delta_id });
const meta_head = S.MetaHeadHtml{ .open_graph = .{} };
var page = DeltaIssuePage.init(.{
.meta_head = meta_head,
.body_header = .{ .nav = .{
.nav_buttons = &try Repos.navButtons(ctx),
.nav_auth = undefined,
} },
.title = Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, delta.title, .{}) catch unreachable,
.desc = Bleach.sanitizeAlloc(ctx.alloc, delta.message, .{}) catch unreachable,
.delta_id = delta_id,
.comments = .{
.thread = root_thread,
try ctx.sendTemplate(&tmpl);
try ctx.sendPage(&page);
const DeltaListHtml = Template.PageData("delta-list.html");
@@ -204,9 +215,7 @@ fn list(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
var default_search_buf: [0xFF]u8 = undefined;
const def_search = try bufPrint(&default_search_buf, "is:issue repo:{s} ", .{});
const meta_head = S.MetaHeadHtml{
.open_graph = .{},
const meta_head = S.MetaHeadHtml{ .open_graph = .{} };
var page = DeltaListHtml.init(.{
.meta_head = meta_head,
templates/delta-diff.html added: 52, removed: 44, total 8
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<With Patch>
<With Header>
<context><Title /></context>