@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ pub const RouteData = struct {
pub fn router(ctx: *Context) Error!Endpoint.Endpoint {
pub fn router(ctx: *Context) Error!Endpoint.Router.Endpoint {
const rd = RouteData.make(&ctx.uri) orelse return list;
if (rd.exists()) {
@@ -164,36 +164,36 @@ fn htmlRepoBlock(a: Allocator, pre_dom: *DOM, name: []const u8, repo: git.Repo)
return dom.close();
fn list(r: *Response, _: *UriIter) Error!void {
fn list(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
var cwd = std.fs.cwd();
if (cwd.openIterableDir("./repos", .{})) |idir| {
var repos = std.ArrayList(git.Repo).init(r.alloc);
var repos = std.ArrayList(git.Repo).init(ctx.alloc);
var itr = idir.iterate();
while (itr.next() catch return Error.Unknown) |file| {
if (file.kind != .directory and file.kind != .sym_link) continue;
if (file.name[0] == '.') continue;
var rdir = idir.dir.openDir(file.name, .{}) catch continue;
var rpo = git.Repo.init(rdir) catch continue;
rpo.loadData(r.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
rpo.repo_name = r.alloc.dupe(u8, file.name) catch null;
rpo.loadData(ctx.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
rpo.repo_name = ctx.alloc.dupe(u8, file.name) catch null;
try repos.append(rpo);
std.sort.heap(git.Repo, repos.items, repoctx{ .alloc = r.alloc }, repoSorterNew);
std.sort.heap(git.Repo, repos.items, repoctx{ .alloc = ctx.alloc }, repoSorterNew);
var dom = DOM.new(r.alloc);
var dom = DOM.new(ctx.alloc);
if (r.request.auth.valid()) {
if (ctx.response.request.auth.valid()) {
dom = dom.open(HTML.div(null, &HTML.Attr.class("act-btns")));
dom.dupe(try HTML.linkBtnAlloc(r.alloc, "New Upstream", "/admin/clone-upstream"));
dom.dupe(try HTML.linkBtnAlloc(ctx.alloc, "New Upstream", "/admin/clone-upstream"));
dom = dom.close();
dom = dom.open(HTML.element("repos", null, null));
for (repos.items) |*repo| {
defer repo.raze(r.alloc);
defer repo.raze(ctx.alloc);
dom = htmlRepoBlock(
repo.repo_name orelse "unknown",
@@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ fn list(r: *Response, _: *UriIter) Error!void {
dom = dom.close();
var data = dom.done();
var tmpl = Template.find("repos.html");
_ = tmpl.addElements(r.alloc, "repos", data) catch return Error.Unknown;
_ = tmpl.addElements(ctx.alloc, "repos", data) catch return Error.Unknown;
var page = tmpl.buildFor(r.alloc, r) catch unreachable;
r.start() catch return Error.Unknown;
r.send(page) catch return Error.Unknown;
r.finish() catch return Error.Unknown;
var page = tmpl.buildFor(ctx.alloc, ctx) catch unreachable;
ctx.response.start() catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.send(page) catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.finish() catch return Error.Unknown;
} else |err| {
std.debug.print("unable to open given dir {}\n", .{err});
@@ -222,69 +222,69 @@ fn dupeDir(a: Allocator, name: []const u8) ![]u8 {
return out;
fn newRepo(r: *Response, _: *UriIter) Error!void {
fn newRepo(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
var tmpl = Template.find("repo.html");
tmpl.addVar("files", "<h3>New Repo!</h3><p>Todo, add content here</p>") catch return error.Unknown;
var page = tmpl.buildFor(r.alloc, r) catch unreachable;
var page = tmpl.buildFor(ctx.alloc, ctx) catch unreachable;
r.status = .ok;
r.start() catch return Error.Unknown;
r.send(page) catch return Error.Unknown;
r.finish() catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.status = .ok;
ctx.response.start() catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.send(page) catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.finish() catch return Error.Unknown;
fn treeBlob(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter) Error!void {
const rd = RouteData.make(uri) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
_ = uri.next();
fn treeBlob(ctx: *Context) Error!void {
const rd = RouteData.make(&ctx.uri) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
_ = ctx.uri.next();
var cwd = std.fs.cwd();
var filename = try aPrint(r.alloc, "./repos/{s}", .{rd.name});
var filename = try aPrint(ctx.alloc, "./repos/{s}", .{rd.name});
var dir = cwd.openDir(filename, .{}) catch return error.Unknown;
var repo = git.Repo.init(dir) catch return error.Unknown;
repo.loadData(r.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
repo.loadData(ctx.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
const cmt = repo.commit(r.alloc) catch return newRepo(r, uri);
var files: git.Tree = cmt.mkTree(r.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
const cmt = repo.commit(ctx.alloc) catch return newRepo(ctx);
var files: git.Tree = cmt.mkTree(ctx.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
if (rd.verb) |blb| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, blb, "blob")) {
return blob(r, uri, &repo, files);
return blob(ctx, &repo, files);
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, blb, "tree")) {
files = mkTree(r.alloc, repo, uri, files) catch return error.Unknown;
return tree(r, uri, &repo, &files);
files = mkTree(ctx.alloc, repo, &ctx.uri, files) catch return error.Unknown;
return tree(ctx, &repo, &files);
} else return error.InvalidURI;
} else files = cmt.mkTree(r.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
return tree(r, uri, &repo, &files);
} else files = cmt.mkTree(ctx.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
return tree(ctx, &repo, &files);
fn blob(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, pfiles: git.Tree) Error!void {
fn blob(ctx: *Context, repo: *git.Repo, pfiles: git.Tree) Error!void {
var tmpl = Template.find("blob.html");
var blb: git.Blob = undefined;
var files = pfiles;
search: while (uri.next()) |bname| {
search: while (ctx.uri.next()) |bname| {
for (files.objects) |obj| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, bname, obj.name)) {
blb = obj;
if (obj.isFile()) {
if (uri.next()) |_| return error.InvalidURI;
if (ctx.uri.next()) |_| return error.InvalidURI;
break :search;
files = git.Tree.fromRepo(r.alloc, repo.*, &obj.hash) catch return error.Unknown;
files = git.Tree.fromRepo(ctx.alloc, repo.*, &obj.hash) catch return error.Unknown;
continue :search;
} else return error.InvalidURI;
var dom = DOM.new(r.alloc);
var dom = DOM.new(ctx.alloc);
var resolve = repo.blob(r.alloc, &blb.hash) catch return error.Unknown;
var resolve = repo.blob(ctx.alloc, &blb.hash) catch return error.Unknown;
var reader = resolve.reader();
var d2 = reader.readAllAlloc(r.alloc, 0xffffff) catch unreachable;
var d2 = reader.readAllAlloc(ctx.alloc, 0xffffff) catch unreachable;
const count = std.mem.count(u8, d2, "\n");
dom = dom.open(HTML.element("code", null, null));
var litr = std.mem.split(u8, d2, "\n");
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ fn blob(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, pfiles: git.Tree) Error!vo
for (0..count + 1) |i| {
var buf: [12]u8 = undefined;
const b = std.fmt.bufPrint(&buf, "#L{}", .{i + 1}) catch unreachable;
const attrs = try HTML.Attribute.alloc(r.alloc, &[_][]const u8{
const attrs = try HTML.Attribute.alloc(ctx.alloc, &[_][]const u8{
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ fn blob(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, pfiles: git.Tree) Error!vo
const dirty = litr.next().?;
var clean = try r.alloc.alloc(u8, dirty.len * 2);
var clean = try ctx.alloc.alloc(u8, dirty.len * 2);
clean = Bleach.sanitize(dirty, clean, .{}) catch return error.Unknown;
dom.push(HTML.element("ln", clean, attrs));
@@ -310,17 +310,17 @@ fn blob(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, pfiles: git.Tree) Error!vo
dom = dom.close();
var data = dom.done();
const filestr = try aPrint(
.{HTML.div(data, &HTML.Attr.class("code-block"))},
tmpl.addVar("files", filestr) catch return error.Unknown;
var page = tmpl.buildFor(r.alloc, r) catch unreachable;
var page = tmpl.buildFor(ctx.alloc, ctx) catch unreachable;
r.status = .ok;
r.start() catch return Error.Unknown;
r.send(page) catch return Error.Unknown;
r.finish() catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.status = .ok;
ctx.response.start() catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.send(page) catch return Error.Unknown;
ctx.response.finish() catch return Error.Unknown;
fn mkTree(a: Allocator, repo: git.Repo, uri: *UriIter, pfiles: git.Tree) !git.Tree {
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@ fn isReadme(name: []const u8) bool {
return false;
fn tree(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!void {
fn tree(ctx: *Context, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!void {
var tmpl = Template.find("repo.html");
var head = if (repo.head) |h| switch (h) {
.sha => |s| s,
@@ -369,39 +369,39 @@ fn tree(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!vo
} else "unknown";
tmpl.addVar("branch.default", head) catch return error.Unknown;
const rd = RouteData.make(uri) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
_ = uri.next();
_ = uri.next();
_ = uri.next();
const file_uri_name = uri.rest();
const rd = RouteData.make(&ctx.uri) orelse return error.Unrouteable;
_ = ctx.uri.next();
_ = ctx.uri.next();
_ = ctx.uri.next();
const file_uri_name = ctx.uri.rest();
//if (std.mem.eql(u8, repo_name, "srctree")) {
//var acts = repo.getActions(r.alloc);
//var acts = repo.getActions(ctx.alloc);
//acts.update() catch unreachable;
var dom = DOM.new(r.alloc);
var dom = DOM.new(ctx.alloc);
dom = dom.open(HTML.div(null, &HTML.Attr.class("act-btns")));
const diff_link = try aPrint(r.alloc, "{s}/diffs/new", .{rd.name});
dom.push(try HTML.linkBtnAlloc(r.alloc, "Add Diff", diff_link));
const diff_link = try aPrint(ctx.alloc, "{s}/diffs/new", .{rd.name});
dom.push(try HTML.linkBtnAlloc(ctx.alloc, "Add Diff", diff_link));
dom = dom.close();
dom = dom.open(HTML.element("repo", null, &HTML.Attr.class("landing")));
dom = dom.open(HTML.element("intro", null, null));
dom.push(HTML.h3(rd.name, null));
const branches = try aPrint(r.alloc, "{} branches", .{repo.refs.len});
const branches = try aPrint(ctx.alloc, "{} branches", .{repo.refs.len});
dom.push(HTML.span(branches, null));
const c = repo.commit(r.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
const c = repo.commit(ctx.alloc) catch return error.Unknown;
dom.push(HTML.span(c.message[0..@min(c.message.len, 58)], null));
const commit_time = try aPrint(r.alloc, " {}", .{Humanize.unix(c.committer.timestamp)});
const commit_time = try aPrint(ctx.alloc, " {}", .{Humanize.unix(c.committer.timestamp)});
dom = dom.open(HTML.span(null, &HTML.Attr.class("muted")));
const commit_href = try aPrint(r.alloc, "/repo/{s}/commit/{s}", .{ rd.name, c.sha[0..8] });
const commit_href = try aPrint(ctx.alloc, "/repo/{s}/commit/{s}", .{ rd.name, c.sha[0..8] });
dom.push(try HTML.aHrefAlloc(r.alloc, c.sha[0..8], commit_href));
dom.push(try HTML.aHrefAlloc(ctx.alloc, c.sha[0..8], commit_href));
dom = dom.close();
dom = dom.close();
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ fn tree(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!vo
const dd_href = &[_]HTML.Attribute{.{
.key = "href",
.value = try aPrint(
.{ rd.name, file_uri_name[0..end] },
@@ -420,13 +420,13 @@ fn tree(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!vo
dom.dupe(HTML.anch("..", dd_href));
dom = dom.close();
try files.pushPath(r.alloc, file_uri_name);
if (files.changedSet(r.alloc, repo)) |changed| {
try files.pushPath(ctx.alloc, file_uri_name);
if (files.changedSet(ctx.alloc, repo)) |changed| {
std.sort.pdq(git.Blob, files.objects, {}, typeSorter);
for (files.objects) |obj| {
var href = &[_]HTML.Attribute{.{
.key = "href",
.value = try aPrint(r.alloc, "/repo/{s}/{s}/{s}{s}{s}", .{
.value = try aPrint(ctx.alloc, "/repo/{s}/{s}/{s}{s}{s}", .{
if (obj.isFile()) "blob" else "tree",
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ fn tree(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!vo
dom.dupe(HTML.anch(obj.name, href));
} else {
dom = dom.open(HTML.element("tree", null, null));
dom.dupe(HTML.anch(try dupeDir(r.alloc, obj.name), href));
dom.dupe(HTML.anch(try dupeDir(ctx.alloc, obj.name), href));
//HTML.element("file", link, null);
// I know... I KNOW!!!
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ fn tree(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!vo
ch.commit, null));
dom.dupe(HTML.span(try aPrint(r.alloc, "{}", .{Humanize.unix(ch.timestamp)}), null));
dom.dupe(HTML.span(try aPrint(ctx.alloc, "{}", .{Humanize.unix(ch.timestamp)}), null));
dom = dom.close();
@@ -467,21 +467,21 @@ fn tree(r: *Response, uri: *UriIter, repo: *git.Repo, files: *git.Tree) Error!vo
dom = dom.close();
const data = dom.done();
_ = tmpl.addElements(r.alloc, "repo", data) catch return error.Unknown;
_ = tmpl.addElements(ctx.alloc, "repo", data) catch return error.Unknown;
for (files.objects) |obj| {
if (isReadme(obj.name)) {
var resolve = repo.blob(r.alloc, &obj.hash) catch return error.Unknown;
var resolve = repo.blob(ctx.alloc, &obj.hash) catch return error.Unknown;
var reader = resolve.reader();
const readme_txt = reader.readAllAlloc(r.alloc, 0xffffff) catch unreachable;
const readme = htmlReadme(r.alloc, readme_txt) catch unreachable;
_ = tmpl.addElementsFmt(r.alloc, "{pretty}", "readme", readme) catch return error.Unknown;
const readme_txt = reader.readAllAlloc(ctx.alloc, 0xffffff) catch unreachable;
const readme = htmlReadme(ctx.alloc, readme_txt) catch unreachable;
_ = tmpl.addElementsFmt(ctx.alloc, "{pretty}", "readme", readme) catch return error.Unknown;
const diffurl = try std.fmt.allocPrint(r.alloc, "/repos/{s}/diffs/", .{rd.name});
const diffurl = try std.fmt.allocPrint(ctx.alloc, "/repos/{s}/diffs/", .{rd.name});
_ = tmpl.addString("diffurl", diffurl) catch return error.Unknown;
r.sendTemplate(&tmpl) catch return error.Unknown;
ctx.sendTemplate(&tmpl) catch return error.Unknown;