@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ cfg: ?Config,
// TODO fix this unstable API
auth: Auth,
template_ctx: Template.Context,
route_ctx: ?*const anyopaque = null,
const VarPair = struct {
@@ -47,81 +46,25 @@ pub fn init(a: Allocator, cfg: ?Config, req: Request, res: Response, reqdata: Re
.uri = splitScalar(u8, req.uri[1..], '/'),
.cfg = cfg,
.auth = Auth.init(req.headers),
.template_ctx = Template.Context.init(a),
const HTML = @import("html.zig");
/// TODO Remove thes /// caller owns of the returned slice, freeing the data before the final use is undefined
pub fn addElements(ctx: *Context, a: Allocator, name: []const u8, els: []const HTML.Element) !void {
return ctx.addElementsFmt(a, "{}", name, els);
/// caller owns of the returned slice, freeing the data before the final use is undefined
pub fn addElementsFmt(
ctx: *Context,
a: Allocator,
comptime fmt: []const u8,
name: []const u8,
els: []const HTML.Element,
) !void {
const list = try a.alloc([]u8, els.len);
defer a.free(list);
for (list, els) |*l, e| {
l.* = try std.fmt.allocPrint(a, fmt, .{e});
defer {
for (list) |l| a.free(l);
const value = try std.mem.join(a, "", list);
try ctx.template_ctx.put(name, .{ .slice = value });
pub fn putContext(ctx: *Context, name: []const u8, val: Template.Context.Data) !void {
ctx.template_ctx.put(name, val) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return err,
/// Kept for compat, please use putContext
pub fn addRouteVar(ctx: *Context, name: []const u8, val: []const u8) !void {
try ctx.putContext(name, .{ .slice = val });
pub fn sendPage(ctx: *Context, page: anytype) Error!void {
ctx.response.start() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.BrokenPipe => return error.NetworkCrash,
else => unreachable,
const loggedin = if (ctx.request.auth.valid()) "<a href=\"#\">Logged In</a>" else "Public";
page.data.body_header.?.nav.?.nav_auth = loggedin;
const T = @TypeOf(page.*);
if (@hasField(T, "data") and @hasField(@TypeOf(page.data), "body_header")) {
page.data.body_header.?.nav.?.nav_auth = loggedin;
const page_compiled = try page.build(ctx.alloc);
defer ctx.alloc.free(page_compiled);
ctx.response.send(page_compiled) catch unreachable;
/// TODO fix these unreachable, currently debugging
pub fn sendTemplate(ctx: *Context, t: *Template.Template) Error!void {
ctx.response.start() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.BrokenPipe => return error.NetworkCrash,
else => unreachable,
const loggedin = if (ctx.request.auth.valid()) "<a href=\"#\">Logged In</a>" else "Public";
try ctx.putContext("NavAuth", .{ .slice = loggedin });
if (ctx.request.auth.user(ctx.alloc)) |usr| {
try ctx.putContext("Current_username", .{ .slice = usr.username });
} else |_| {}
const page = t.page(ctx.template_ctx);
const page_compiled = try page.build(ctx.alloc);
defer ctx.alloc.free(page_compiled);
ctx.response.send(page_compiled) catch unreachable;
pub fn sendRawSlice(ctx: *Context, slice: []const u8) Error!void {
ctx.response.send(slice) catch unreachable;