@@ -130,6 +130,152 @@ pub const ClientHello = struct {
pub const ClientKeyExchange = struct {
/// RFC 4492
pve: enum(u8) {
/// Provided in the client cert
implicit = 0,
/// specified next
explicit = 1,
} = .explicit,
cipher: *const root.Cipher,
pub fn init() !ClientKeyExchange {
const cke = ClientKeyExchange{
.cipher = &.{
.suite = .{ .ecc = root.EllipticCurveCipher{
.curve = .{ .named_curve = .{} },
} },
return cke;
pub fn pack(cke: ClientKeyExchange, buffer: []u8) !usize {
return switch (cke.cipher.suite) {
.ecc => |ecc| ecc.packKeyExchange(buffer),
else => return error.NotImplemented,
/// Server Section
pub const ServerHello = struct {
version: Protocol.Version,
random: Random,
session_id: SessionID,
cipher: CipherSuite,
compression: Compression,
extensions: []const Extension,
pub fn unpack(buffer: []const u8, _: *State) !ServerHello {
var fba = fixedBufferStream(buffer);
const r = fba.reader().any();
const version = Protocol.Version{
.major = try r.readByte(),
.minor = try r.readByte(),
var random = Random{
.random_bytes = undefined,
try r.readNoEof(&random.random_bytes);
const session_size = try r.readByte();
var session_id: [32]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 32;
try r.readNoEof(session_id[0..session_size]);
// cipers
//const cbytes: u16 = try r.readInt(u16, std.builtin.Endian.big);
const cipher: [2]u8 = [2]u8{
try r.readByte(),
try r.readByte(),
// compression
if (try r.readByte() != 0) return error.InvalidCompression;
// extensions
if (r.readInt(u16, std.builtin.Endian.big)) |extbytes| {
var extbuffer: [0x1000]u8 = undefined;
try r.readNoEof(extbuffer[0..extbytes]);
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.EndOfStream => std.debug.print("server hello readerror {}\n", .{err}),
else => return err,
return .{
.version = version,
.random = random,
.session_id = session_id,
.cipher = cipher,
.compression = .null,
.extensions = &[0]Extension{},
pub const ServerKeyExchange = struct {
buffer: []const u8,
cipher: *const root.Cipher,
pub fn pack(_: ServerKeyExchange, _: []u8) !usize {
return 0;
/// Will modify sess with supplied
pub fn unpack(buffer: []const u8, sess: *State) !ServerKeyExchange {
switch (sess.cipher.suite) {
.ecc => {
sess.cipher.suite.ecc = try root.EllipticCurveCipher.unpackKeyExchange(buffer);
else => unreachable,
return .{
.buffer = buffer,
.cipher = &sess.cipher,
pub const ServerHelloDone = struct {
buffer: []const u8,
session: *State,
pub fn unpack(buffer: []const u8, sess: *State) !ServerHelloDone {
return .{
.buffer = buffer,
.session = sess,
/// Certs
pub const Certificate = struct {
buffer: []const u8,
session: *State,
pub fn unpack(buffer: []const u8, sess: *State) !Certificate {
return .{
.buffer = buffer,
.session = sess,
pub const CertificateRequest = struct {
buffer: []const u8,
session: *State,
pub fn unpack(buffer: []const u8, sess: *State) !CertificateRequest {
return .{
.buffer = buffer,
.session = sess,
const CertificateVerify = struct {};
/// Combined Section
pub const Type = enum(u8) {
hello_request = 0,
@@ -163,11 +309,11 @@ pub const Type = enum(u8) {
return switch (kind) {
inline .hello_request => unreachable,
inline .client_hello => ClientHello,
inline .server_hello => root.ServerHello,
inline .certificate => root.Certificate,
inline .server_key_exchange => root.ServerKeyExchange,
inline .certificate_request => root.CertificateRequest,
inline .server_hello_done => root.ServerHelloDone,
inline .server_hello => ServerHello,
inline .certificate => Certificate,
inline .server_key_exchange => ServerKeyExchange,
inline .certificate_request => CertificateRequest,
inline .server_hello_done => ServerHelloDone,
@@ -185,13 +331,13 @@ fn handshakeFromHeader(kind: Type) type {
const Handshakes = union(Type) {
hello_request: void,
client_hello: ClientHello,
server_hello: root.ServerHello,
certificate: root.Certificate,
server_key_exchange: root.ServerKeyExchange,
certificate_request: root.CertificateRequest,
server_hello_done: root.ServerHelloDone,
server_hello: ServerHello,
certificate: Certificate,
server_key_exchange: ServerKeyExchange,
certificate_request: CertificateRequest,
server_hello_done: ServerHelloDone,
certificate_verify: void,
client_key_exchange: root.ClientKeyExchange,
client_key_exchange: ClientKeyExchange,
finished: void,
@@ -207,7 +353,7 @@ pub const Handshake = struct {
.msg_type = .client_hello,
.body = .{ .client_hello = any },
root.ClientKeyExchange => .{
ClientKeyExchange => .{
.msg_type = .client_key_exchange,
.body = .{ .client_key_exchange = any },
@@ -237,11 +383,11 @@ pub const Handshake = struct {
.msg_type = hs_type,
.body = switch (hs_type) {
.client_hello => .{ .client_hello = try ClientHello.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.server_hello => .{ .server_hello = try root.ServerHello.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.certificate => .{ .certificate = try root.Certificate.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.server_key_exchange => .{ .server_key_exchange = try root.ServerKeyExchange.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.certificate_request => .{ .certificate_request = try root.CertificateRequest.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.server_hello_done => .{ .server_hello_done = try root.ServerHelloDone.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.server_hello => .{ .server_hello = try ServerHello.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.certificate => .{ .certificate = try Certificate.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.server_key_exchange => .{ .server_key_exchange = try ServerKeyExchange.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.certificate_request => .{ .certificate_request = try CertificateRequest.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
.server_hello_done => .{ .server_hello_done = try ServerHelloDone.unpack(hsbuf, sess) },
else => unreachable,