@@ -222,12 +222,15 @@ const MACAlgorithm = struct {};
const CompressionMethod = ?void;
const EllipticCurveCipher = struct {
curve: union(CurveType) {
curve: Curves = .{ .invalid = {} },
key_material: ?std.crypto.dh.X25519.KeyPair = null,
pub const Curves = union(CurveType) {
invalid: void,
explicit_prime: ExplicitPrime,
explicit_char2: ExplicitChar2,
named_curve: NamedCurve,
} = .{ .invalid = {} },
pub const CurveType = enum(u8) {
invalid = 0,
@@ -247,11 +250,37 @@ const EllipticCurveCipher = struct {
pub const ExplicitChar2 = struct {};
pub const NamedCurve = struct {};
fn packNamedCurve(_: EllipticCurveCipher, buffer: []u8) !usize {
var fba = fixedBufferStream(buffer);
const w = fba.writer().any();
//try w.writeByte(@intFromEnum(ecc.curve));
//// TODO Plz doing the fix here
//try w.writeByte(204);
//try w.writeByte(169);
const empty: [32]u8 = std.mem.zeroes([32]u8);
const key_material = try std.crypto.dh.X25519.KeyPair.create(empty);
//try w.writeByte(@intFromEnum(cke.pve));
try w.writeInt(u16, @truncate(key_material.public_key.len), std.builtin.Endian.big);
try w.writeAll(&key_material.public_key);
return 2 + key_material.public_key.len;
pub fn packKeyExchange(ecc: EllipticCurveCipher, buffer: []u8) !usize {
return switch (ecc.curve) {
.named_curve => try ecc.packNamedCurve(buffer),
else => unreachable,
pub fn unpackKeyExchange(buffer: []const u8) !EllipticCurveCipher {
var fba = fixedBufferStream(buffer);
const r = fba.reader().any();
const curve_type = try CurveType.fromByte(try r.readByte());
print("named curve {} {}\n", .{ try r.readByte(), try r.readByte() });
print("full buffer {any}\n", .{buffer});
return .{
.curve = switch (curve_type) {
.named_curve => .{ .named_curve = .{} },
@@ -447,6 +476,10 @@ const ServerKeyExchange = struct {
buffer: []const u8,
cipher: *const Cipher,
pub fn pack(_: ServerKeyExchange, _: []u8) !usize {
return 0;
/// Will modify sess with supplied
pub fn unpack(buffer: []const u8, sess: *SessionState) !ServerKeyExchange {
switch (sess.cipher.suite) {
@@ -502,25 +535,24 @@ const ClientKeyExchange = struct {
/// specified next
explicit = 1,
} = .explicit,
key_exchange_algo: ClientECDH = .{},
key_material: ?std.crypto.dh.X25519.KeyPair = null,
cipher: *const Cipher,
pub fn init() !ClientKeyExchange {
var cke = ClientKeyExchange{
.key_exchange_algo = .{},
const cke = ClientKeyExchange{
.cipher = &.{
.suite = .{ .ecc = EllipticCurveCipher{
.curve = .{ .named_curve = .{} },
} },
cke.key_material = try std.crypto.dh.X25519.KeyPair.create(null);
cke.key_exchange_algo.point = &cke.key_material.?.public_key;
return cke;
pub fn pack(cke: ClientKeyExchange, buffer: []u8) !usize {
var fba = fixedBufferStream(buffer);
var w = fba.writer().any();
try w.writeByte(@intFromEnum(cke.pve));
try w.writeByte(@truncate(cke.key_exchange_algo.point.len));
try w.writeAll(cke.key_exchange_algo.point);
return 1 + 1 + cke.key_exchange_algo.point.len;
return switch (cke.cipher.suite) {
.ecc => |ecc| ecc.packKeyExchange(buffer),
else => return error.NotImplemented,
@@ -632,51 +664,78 @@ test "Handshake ClientHello" {
_ = len;
test "tls" {
const addr = net.Address.resolveIp(TESTING_IP, TESTING_PORT) catch |err| {
print("unable to resolve address because {}\n", .{err});
return err;
const conn = try net.tcpConnectToAddress(addr);
fn startHandshake(conn: std.net.Stream) !void {
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 0x1000;
const client_handshake = ClientHello.init();
const client_hello = ClientHello.init();
const record = TLSRecord{
.kind = .{
.handshake = try Handshake.wrap(client_handshake),
.handshake = try Handshake.wrap(client_hello),
const len = try record.pack(&buffer);
const dout = try conn.write(buffer[0..len]);
_ = dout;
//print("data count {}\n", .{dout});
if (false) print("data count {}\n", .{dout});
if (false) print("data out {any}\n", .{buffer[0..len]});
/// Forgive me, I'm tired
fn getServer(conn: std.net.Stream) !void {
var server_hello: [0x1000]u8 = undefined;
const s_hello_read = try conn.read(&server_hello);
if (s_hello_read == 0) return error.InvalidSHello;
const server_msg = server_hello[0..s_hello_read];
if (false) print("server data: {any}\n", .{server_msg});
//const session: SessionState = undefined;
//const tlsr = try TLSRecord.unpack(server_msg, session);
//switch (tlsr.kind) {
// .alert => |a| {
// try std.testing.expect(a.description != .decode_error);
// print("ALERT {}\n", .{a});
// },
// else => |na| print("non alert message {}\n", .{na}),
//if (false) print("server data: {any}\n", .{tlsr});
//try conn.writeAll(&client_fin);
try std.testing.expect(s_hello_read > 7);
fn buildServer(data: []const u8) !void {
var session = SessionState{};
var next_block: []const u8 = data;
while (next_block.len > 0) {
const tlsr = try TLSRecord.unpack(next_block, &session);
if (false) print("mock {}\n", .{tlsr.length});
next_block = next_block[tlsr.length + 5 ..];
switch (tlsr.kind) {
.change_cipher_spec, .alert, .application_data => return error.UnexpectedResponse,
.handshake => |hs| {
switch (hs.body) {
.server_hello => |hello| {
print("server hello {}\n", .{@TypeOf(hello)});
if (std.mem.eql(
)) {
session.cipher.suite = .{ .ecc = .{} };
} else {
return error.UnexpectedCipherSuite;
.certificate => |cert| {
print("server cert {}\n", .{@TypeOf(cert)});
.server_key_exchange => |keyex| {
print("server keyex {}\n", .{@TypeOf(keyex)});
.certificate_request => |req| {
print("server req {}\n", .{@TypeOf(req)});
.server_hello_done => |done| {
print("server done {}\n", .{@TypeOf(done)});
else => return error.UnexpectedHandshake,
fn completeClient(conn: std.net.Stream) !void {
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 0x1000;
const cke = try ClientKeyExchange.init();
const cke_record = TLSRecord{
.kind = .{
@@ -691,6 +750,24 @@ test "tls" {
if (true) print("cke delivered, {}\n", .{ckeout});
fn fullHandshake(conn: std.net.Stream) !void {
try startHandshake(conn);
try getServer(conn);
try completeClient(conn);
test "tls" {
const addr = net.Address.resolveIp(TESTING_IP, TESTING_PORT) catch |err| {
print("unable to resolve address because {}\n", .{err});
return err;
const conn = try net.tcpConnectToAddress(addr);
try startHandshake(conn);
try getServer(conn);
try completeClient(conn);
test "mock server response" {
// zig fmt: off
const server_data = [_]u8{
@@ -789,59 +866,19 @@ test "mock server response" {
// zig fmt: on
var session = SessionState{};
var next_block: []const u8 = &server_data;
try buildServer(&server_data);
while (next_block.len > 0) {
const tlsr = try TLSRecord.unpack(next_block, &session);
if (false) print("mock {}\n", .{tlsr.length});
next_block = next_block[tlsr.length + 5 ..];
//const cke = try ClientKeyExchange.init();
//const record = TLSRecord{
// .kind = .{
// .handshake = try Handshake.wrap(cke),
// },
switch (tlsr.kind) {
.change_cipher_spec, .alert, .application_data => return error.UnexpectedResponse,
.handshake => |hs| {
switch (hs.body) {
.server_hello => |hello| {
print("server hello {}\n", .{@TypeOf(hello)});
if (std.mem.eql(
)) {
session.cipher.suite = .{ .ecc = .{} };
} else {
return error.UnexpectedCipherSuite;
.certificate => |cert| {
print("server cert {}\n", .{@TypeOf(cert)});
.server_key_exchange => |keyex| {
print("server keyex {}\n", .{@TypeOf(keyex)});
.certificate_request => |req| {
print("server req {}\n", .{@TypeOf(req)});
.server_hello_done => |done| {
print("server done {}\n", .{@TypeOf(done)});
else => return error.UnexpectedHandshake,
const cke = try ClientKeyExchange.init();
const record = TLSRecord{
.kind = .{
.handshake = try Handshake.wrap(cke),
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 0x1000;
const len = try record.pack(&buffer);
try std.testing.expectEqual(43, len);
print("CKE: {any}\n", .{buffer[0..43]});
//var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 0x1000;
//const len = try record.pack(&buffer);
//try std.testing.expectEqual(43, len);
//print("CKE: {any}\n", .{buffer[0..43]});
const CipherSuite = [2]u8;