@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace {
enum class Mapper {
Nrom = 0,
Mapper2 = 2,
std::string ines_header_bytes(const uint8_t mapper_id,
@@ -51,10 +52,10 @@ std::string nrom_bytes(const uint8_t prg_rom_size,
void set_prg_rom_byte(const int prg_rom_banks,
std::string *bytes,
const uint16_t addr,
const uint32_t addr,
const uint8_t data) {
const uint32_t bytes_offset = addr + sizeof(INesHeader);
const uint16_t prg_rom_size = prg_rom_banks * 16 * 1024;
const uint32_t prg_rom_size = prg_rom_banks * 16 * 1024;
EXPECT_LT(addr, prg_rom_size);
std::memcpy(&bytes->operator[](bytes_offset), &data, sizeof(data));
@@ -127,6 +128,8 @@ TEST(Nrom, creation_fails_with_bad_rom_sizes) {
EXPECT_THROW(auto tmp = RomFactory::from_bytes(ss), std::invalid_argument);
// Nrom tests
TEST(Nrom, write_and_read_byte_ppu_bus) {
std::string bytes{nrom_bytes(1, 1, Mapper::Nrom)};
std::stringstream ss(bytes);
@@ -199,4 +202,70 @@ TEST(Nrom, write_and_read_byte_cpu_bus_32k_prg_rom) {
EXPECT_EQ(0x78, nrom->cpu_read_byte(0xFFFF));
// Mapper 2 tests
TEST(Mapper2, write_and_read_byte_ppu_bus) {
std::string bytes{nrom_bytes(1, 1, Mapper::Mapper2)};
std::stringstream ss(bytes);
std::unique_ptr<IRom> rom = RomFactory::from_bytes(ss);
rom->ppu_write_byte(0x0100, 0x89);
EXPECT_EQ(0x89, rom->ppu_read_byte(0x0100));
TEST(Mapper2, write_should_not_modify_anything) {
constexpr int kPrgRomBanks = 2;
std::string bytes{nrom_bytes(kPrgRomBanks, 1, Mapper::Mapper2)};
std::stringstream ss(bytes);
std::unique_ptr<IRom> rom = RomFactory::from_bytes(ss);
rom->cpu_write_byte(0x9000, 0xF1);
for (uint16_t addr = 0x8000; addr < 0xFFFF; ++addr) {
EXPECT_EQ(0x00, rom->cpu_read_byte(addr));
TEST(Mapper2, prg_rom_should_not_be_writable) {
constexpr int kPrgRomBanks = 2;
std::string bytes{nrom_bytes(kPrgRomBanks, 1, Mapper::Mapper2)};
std::stringstream ss(bytes);
std::unique_ptr<IRom> rom = RomFactory::from_bytes(ss);
rom->cpu_write_byte(0x8000, 0x11);
EXPECT_EQ(0x00, rom->cpu_read_byte(0x8000));
rom->cpu_write_byte(0xFFFF, 0x12);
EXPECT_EQ(0x00, rom->cpu_read_byte(0xFFFF));
TEST(Mapper2, write_and_read_byte_cpu_bus) {
constexpr int kPrgRomBanks = 8;
std::string bytes{nrom_bytes(kPrgRomBanks, 1, Mapper::Mapper2)};
// First byte in first bank
set_prg_rom_byte(kPrgRomBanks, &bytes, 0u * 0x4000u, 0x01);
// First byte in second bank
set_prg_rom_byte(kPrgRomBanks, &bytes, 1u * 0x4000u, 0x02);
// First byte in last bank
set_prg_rom_byte(kPrgRomBanks, &bytes, 7u * 0x4000u, 0x07);
// Second byte in last bank
set_prg_rom_byte(kPrgRomBanks, &bytes, 7u * 0x4000u + 1u, 0xAB);
std::stringstream ss(bytes);
std::unique_ptr<IRom> rom = RomFactory::from_bytes(ss);
// $8000-$BFFF: 16 KB switchable PRG ROM bank
EXPECT_EQ(0x01, rom->cpu_read_byte(0x8000));
// $C000-$FFFF: 16 KB PRG ROM bank, fixed to the last bank
EXPECT_EQ(0x07, rom->cpu_read_byte(0xC000));
EXPECT_EQ(0xAB, rom->cpu_read_byte(0xC001));
// Write to rom to switch bank
rom->cpu_write_byte(0x8000, 0x01);
EXPECT_EQ(0x02, rom->cpu_read_byte(0x8000));
// Last bank should not be affected
EXPECT_EQ(0x07, rom->cpu_read_byte(0xC000));
EXPECT_EQ(0xAB, rom->cpu_read_byte(0xC001));
} // namespace