@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "nes/core/test/mock_mmu.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <array>
using namespace n_e_s::core;
using namespace n_e_s::core::test;
@@ -25,7 +26,17 @@ public:
void step_execution(uint32_t cycles) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cycles; ++i) {
void step_execution(uint32_t cycles, bool expect_pixel) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cycles; ++i) {
if (expect_pixel) {
} else {
@@ -458,10 +469,173 @@ TEST_F(PpuTest, skips_first_cycle_on_odd_frames_when_rendering_is_enabled) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, registers);
TEST_F(PpuTest, render_one_pixel) {
registers.cycle = 1;
registers.mask = expected.mask = PpuMask(0x1E); // Enable all rendering.
// Shift registers will be shifted left once before
// choosing bits to be rendered.
// Final pixel value (from second highest bits here): 1*2 + 1 = 3;
registers.pattern_table_shifter_hi = 0b0110'0000'0000'0000u;
registers.pattern_table_shifter_low = 0b0100'0000'0000'0000u;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_hi = 0x0000u;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_low = 0xFFFFu;
// Nametable fetch
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x2000)).WillOnce(Return(0xFF));
const auto expected_pixel =
Pixel{.x = 0u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{8, 16, 144}}; // Second color
// Palette index
// Background palette 1, third color (from pixel value in tile).
// Return second color.
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00 + 1u * 4u + 3u))
const auto pixel = ppu->execute();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_pixel, *pixel);
TEST_F(PpuTest, render_one_pixel_with_fine_x_scrolling) {
registers.cycle = 1;
registers.mask = expected.mask = PpuMask(0x1E); // Enable all rendering.
registers.fine_x_scroll = 7u;
// Fine x scroll is set to 7, so the ninth bits will be used for rendering.
// Shift registers will be shifted left once before
// choosing bit to be rendered.
// Final pixel value (from eighth bit here): 0*2 + 1 = 1;
registers.pattern_table_shifter_hi = 0b0100'0000'0000'0000u;
registers.pattern_table_shifter_low = 0b0100'0000'1000'0000u;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_hi = 0x0000;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_low = 0xFFFF;
// Nametable fetch
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x2000)).WillOnce(Return(0xFF));
const auto expected_pixel = Pixel{
.x = 0u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{8, 16, 144}}; // Second color.
// Palette index
// Background palette 1, first color (from pixel value in tile).
// Return second color.
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00 + 1u * 4u + 1u))
const auto pixel = ppu->execute();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_pixel, *pixel);
TEST_F(PpuTest, render_one_tile) {
registers.mask = expected.mask = PpuMask(0x1E); // Enable all rendering
registers.cycle = 1;
registers.vram_addr = PpuVram(0x0002);
registers.pattern_table_shifter_hi = 0b1111'1111'1111'1111;
registers.pattern_table_shifter_low = 0b0000'0000'0000'0000u;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_hi = 0x0000;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_low = 0xFFFF;
testing::InSequence seq;
// Next tile
// Nametable
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x2002)).WillOnce(Return(0x03));
// Attribute
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x23C0)).WillOnce(Return(0x00));
// Pattern table low
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x03 * 16u)).WillOnce(Return(0x00));
// Pattern table high
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x03 * 16u + 8u)).WillOnce(Return(0x00));
constexpr std::array kExpectedPixels = {
Pixel{.x = 0u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 1u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 2u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 3u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 4u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 5u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 6u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 7u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
Pixel{.x = 8u, .y = 0u, .color = Color{152, 150, 152}},
// Palette index
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00 + 1u * 4u + 2u))
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
const auto pixel = ppu->execute();
const Pixel expected_pixel = kExpectedPixels.at(i);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_pixel, *pixel);
expected.scanline = 0;
expected.cycle = 9;
expected.vram_addr = PpuVram(0x0003);
expected.name_table = 0x00;
expected.name_table_latch = 0x03;
expected.pattern_table_shifter_hi = 0x8000;
expected.pattern_table_latch_hi = 0x00;
expected.pattern_table_shifter_low = 0x0000;
expected.pattern_table_latch_low = 0x00;
expected.attribute_table_shifter_low = 0x8000;
expected.attribute_table_shifter_hi = 0x0000;
expected.attribute_table_latch = 0x00;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, registers);
TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_scanline_output_background_if_disabled) {
registers.mask = expected.mask = PpuMask(0x00); // Disable all rendering
registers.cycle = 1;
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(testing::_)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x00));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x05));
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
const auto pixel = ppu->execute();
const auto expected_color = Color{92, 0, 48}; // 5th color.
EXPECT_EQ(expected_color, pixel->color);
TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_scanline_output_background_left_disabled) {
// Render background, but not first 8 pixels.
registers.mask = expected.mask = PpuMask(0b0000'1000);
registers.cycle = 1;
registers.pattern_table_shifter_hi = 0b1111'1111'1111'1111;
registers.pattern_table_shifter_low = 0b0000'0000'0000'0000u;
registers.pattern_table_latch_hi = 0xFF;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_hi = 0xFFFF;
registers.attribute_table_shifter_low = 0xFFFF;
registers.attribute_table_latch = 0xFF;
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(testing::_)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0xFF));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x05));
// Third palette (from attribute)
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00 + 3u * 4u + 2u))
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
const auto pixel = ppu->execute();
// Return 5th color first 8 pixels (background from 0x3F00)
// and 6th color the following pixels.
const auto expected_color = i < 8 ? Color{92, 0, 48} : Color{84, 4, 0};
EXPECT_EQ(expected_color, pixel->color);
TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_two_sub_cycles) {
registers.scanline = expected.scanline = 0;
registers.mask = expected.mask =
PpuMask(0b000'1000); // Enable background rendering
PpuMask(0x1E); // Enable background rendering
expected.cycle = 17;
// Vram should be increased at cycle 8 and 16
@@ -509,9 +683,19 @@ TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_two_sub_cycles) {
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x03 * 16u + 8u)).WillOnce(Return(0x99));
// Palette index
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x00));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F01)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F02)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x02));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F03)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x03));
for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) {
const auto pixel = ppu->execute();
if (i == 0) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, registers);
@@ -520,7 +704,7 @@ TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_two_sub_cycles) {
TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_scanline) {
registers.scanline = 0u; // Start at visible scanline
registers.mask = expected.mask =
PpuMask(0b000'1000); // Enable background rendering
PpuMask(0b0000'1000); // Enable background rendering
expected.cycle = 257;
expected.scanline = 0u;
@@ -542,6 +726,21 @@ TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_scanline) {
ppu->write_byte(0x2005, 0);
ppu->write_byte(0x2005, 0);
// Palette index
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F00)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F01)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F02)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F03)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F05)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F06)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F07)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F09)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F0A)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F0B)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F0D)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F0E)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x3F0F)).WillRepeatedly(Return(0x01));
// Nametables
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
EXPECT_CALL(mmu, read_byte(0x2000 + i)).WillOnce(Return(i));
@@ -563,7 +762,11 @@ TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_scanline) {
for (int i = 0; i <= 256; ++i) {
const auto pixel = ppu->execute();
if (i == 0) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, registers);
@@ -632,7 +835,7 @@ TEST_F(PpuTest, visible_scanline) {
TEST_F(PpuTest, pre_render_two_sub_cycles) {
registers.scanline = expected.scanline = 261; // Start at pre-render
registers.mask = expected.mask =
PpuMask(0b000'1000); // Enable background rendering
PpuMask(0b0000'1000); // Enable background rendering
expected.cycle = 17;
// Vram should be increased at cycle 8 and 16
@@ -694,7 +897,7 @@ TEST_F(PpuTest, pre_render_scanline) {
registers.scanline = 261u; // Start at pre-render
registers.odd_frame = expected.odd_frame = true;
registers.mask = expected.mask =
PpuMask(0b000'1000); // Enable background rendering
PpuMask(0b0000'1000); // Enable background rendering
expected.cycle = 257;
expected.scanline = 261u;