@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
client_id: ?[]const u8 = null,
flags: Flags = .{},
keep_alive: KeepAlive = .{},
const Connect = @This();
pub const MQTT_VERSION = 5;
pub const Flags = packed struct(u8) {
reserved: bool = false,
// requires this be 0
clean_start: bool = true,
will_flag: bool = false,
will_qos: u2 = 0,
will_retain: bool = false,
password: bool = false,
username: bool = false,
pub const KeepAlive = packed struct(u16) {
seconds: u16 = 600,
pub fn send(c: Connect, any: *AnyWriter) !void {
const props = [_]u8{ 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03 };
const client_id: []const u8 = c.client_id orelse
var buffer: [0x80]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =
var w = fbs.writer();
try w.writeInt(u16, 4, .big);
try w.writeAll("MQTT");
try w.writeByte(MQTT_VERSION);
try w.writeByte(@bitCast(c.flags));
try w.writeInt(u16, @bitCast(c.keep_alive), .big);
try w.writeByte(@intCast(props.len));
try w.writeAll(&props);
try w.writeInt(u16, @intCast(client_id.len), .big);
try w.writeAll(client_id);
const pkt: Packet = .{ .header = .{ .kind = .CONNECT }, .body = fbs.getWritten() };
log.warn("writing connect packet", .{});
try pkt.send(any);
pub const Ack = struct {
pub const Properties = enum(u8) {
//This is the length of the Properties in the CONNACK packet Variable
//Header encoded as a Variable Byte Integer.
expiry_interval = 17,
//Followed by the Four Byte Integer representing the Session Expiry
//Interval in seconds. It is a Protocol Error to include the Session
//Expiry Interval more than once. If the Session Expiry Interval is
//absent the value in the CONNECT Packet used. The server uses this
//property to inform the Client that it is using a value other than that
//sent by the Client in the CONNACK. Refer to section for a
//description of the use of Session Expiry Interval.
receive_maximum = 33,
//Followed by the Two Byte Integer representing the Receive Maximum
//value. It is a Protocol Error to include the Receive Maximum value
//more than once or for it to have the value 0. The Server uses this
//value to limit the number of QoS 1 and QoS 2 publications that it is
//willing to process concurrently for the Client. It does not provide a
//mechanism to limit the QoS 0 publications that the Client might try to
//send. If the Receive Maximum value is absent, then its value defaults
//to 65,535. Refer to section 4.9 Flow Control for details of how the
//Receive Maximum is used.
maximum_qos = 36,
// (0x24) Byte, Identifier of the Maximum QoS. Followed by a Byte with a
// value of either 0 or 1. It is a Protocol Error to include Maximum QoS
// more than once, or to have a value other than 0 or 1. If the Maximum
// QoS is absent, the Client uses a Maximum QoS of 2. If a Server does
// not support QoS 1 or QoS 2 PUBLISH packets it MUST send a Maximum QoS
// in the CONNACK packet specifying the highest QoS it supports
// [MQTT-3.2.2-9]. A Server that does not support QoS 1 or QoS 2 PUBLISH
// packets MUST still accept SUBSCRIBE packets containing a Requested
// QoS of 0, 1 or 2 [MQTT-3.2.2-10]. If a Client receives a Maximum QoS
// from a Server, it MUST NOT send PUBLISH packets at a QoS level
// exceeding the Maximum QoS level specified [MQTT-3.2.2-11]. It is a
// Protocol Error if the Server receives a PUBLISH packet with a QoS
// greater than the Maximum QoS it specified. In this case use
// DISCONNECT with Reason Code 0x9B (QoS not supported) as described in
// section 4.13 Handling errors. If a Server receives a CONNECT packet
// containing a Will QoS that exceeds its capabilities, it MUST reject
// the connection. It SHOULD use a CONNACK packet with Reason Code 0x9B
// (QoS not supported) as described in section 4.13 Handling errors, and
// MUST close the Network Connection [MQTT-3.2.2-12]. Non-normative
// comment A Client does not need to support QoS 1 or QoS 2 PUBLISH
// packets. If this is the case, the Client simply restricts the maximum
// QoS field in any SUBSCRIBE commands it sends to a value it can
// support.
retain_available = 37,
// (0x25) Byte, Identifier of Retain Available. Followed by a Byte
// field. If present, this byte declares whether the Server supports
// retained messages. A value of 0 means that retained messages are not
// supported. A value of 1 means retained messages are supported. If not
// present, then retained messages are supported. It is a Protocol Error
// to include Retain Available more than once or to use a value other
// than 0 or 1. If a Server receives a CONNECT packet containing a Will
// Message with the Will Retain set to 1, and it does not support
// retained messages, the Server MUST reject the connection request. It
// SHOULD send CONNACK with Reason Code 0x9A (Retain not supported) and
// then it MUST close the Network Connection [MQTT-3.2.2-13]. A Client
// receiving Retain Available set to 0 from the Server MUST NOT send a
// PUBLISH packet with the RETAIN flag set to 1 [MQTT-3.2.2-14]. If the
// Server receives such a packet, this is a Protocol Error. The Server
// SHOULD send a DISCONNECT with Reason Code of 0x9A (Retain not
// supported) as described in section 4.13.
maximum_packet_size = 39,
// (0x27) Byte, Identifier of the Maximum Packet Size. Followed by a
// Four Byte Integer representing the Maximum Packet Size the Server is
// willing to accept. If the Maximum Packet Size is not present, there
// is no limit on the packet size imposed beyond the limitations in the
// protocol as a result of the remaining length encoding and the
// protocol header sizes. It is a Protocol Error to include the Maximum
// Packet Size more than once, or for the value to be set to zero. The
// packet size is the total number of bytes in an MQTT Control Packet,
// as defined in section 2.1.4. The Server uses the Maximum Packet Size
// to inform the Client that it will not process packets whose size
// exceeds this limit. The Client MUST NOT send packets exceeding
// Maximum Packet Size to the Server [MQTT-3.2.2-15]. If a Server
// receives a packet whose size exceeds this limit, this is a Protocol
// Error, the Server uses DISCONNECT with Reason Code 0x95 (Packet too
// large), as described in section 4.13.
assigned_client_identifier = 18,
// (0x12) Byte, Identifier of the Assigned Client Identifier. Followed
// by the UTF-8 string which is the Assigned Client Identifier. It is a
// Protocol Error to include the Assigned Client Identifier more than
// once. The Client Identifier which was assigned by the Server because
// a zero length Client Identifier was found in the CONNECT packet. If
// the Client connects using a zero length Client Identifier, the Server
// MUST respond with a CONNACK containing an Assigned Client Identifier.
// The Assigned Client Identifier MUST be a new Client Identifier not
// used by any other Session currently in the Server [MQTT-3.2.2-16].
topic_alias_maximum = 34,
// (0x22) Byte, Identifier of the Topic Alias Maximum. Followed by the
// Two Byte Integer representing the Topic Alias Maximum value. It is a
// Protocol Error to include the Topic Alias Maximum value more than
// once. If the Topic Alias Maximum property is absent, the default
// value is 0. This value indicates the highest value that the Server
// will accept as a Topic Alias sent by the Client. The Server uses this
// value to limit the number of Topic Aliases that it is willing to hold
// on this Connection. The Client MUST NOT send a Topic Alias in a
// PUBLISH packet to the Server greater than this value [MQTT-3.2.2-17].
// A value of 0 indicates that the Server does not accept any Topic
// Aliases on this connection. If Topic Alias Maximum is absent or 0,
// the Client MUST NOT send any Topic Aliases on to the Server
// [MQTT-3.2.2-18].
reason_string = 31,
// (0x1F) Byte Identifier of the Reason String. Followed by the UTF-8
// Encoded String representing the reason associated with this response.
// This Reason String is a human readable string designed for
// diagnostics and SHOULD NOT be parsed by the Client. The Server uses
// this value to give additional information to the Client. The Server
// MUST NOT send this property if it would increase the size of the
// CONNACK packet beyond the Maximum Packet Size specified by the Client
// [MQTT-3.2.2-19]. It is a Protocol Error to include the Reason String
// more than once. Non-normative comment Proper uses for the reason
// string in the Client would include using this information in an
// exception thrown by the Client code, or writing this string to a log.
user_property = 38,
// (0x26) Byte, Identifier of User Property. Followed by a UTF-8 String
// Pair. This property can be used to provide additional information to
// the Client including diagnostic information. The Server MUST NOT send
// this property if it would increase the size of the CONNACK packet
// beyond the Maximum Packet Size specified by the Client
// [MQTT-3.2.2-20]. The User Property is allowed to appear multiple
// times to represent multiple name, value pairs. The same name is
// allowed to appear more than once. The content and meaning of this
// property is not defined by this specification. The receiver of a
// CONNACK containing this property MAY ignore it.
wildcard_subscription_available = 40,
// (0x28) Byte, Identifier of Wildcard Subscription Available. Followed
// by a Byte field. If present, this byte declares whether the Server
// supports Wildcard Subscriptions. A value is 0 means that Wildcard
// Subscriptions are not supported. A value of 1 means Wildcard
// Subscriptions are supported. If not present, then Wildcard
// Subscriptions are supported. It is a Protocol Error to include the
// Wildcard Subscription Available more than once or to send a value
// other than 0 or 1. If the Server receives a SUBSCRIBE packet
// containing a Wildcard Subscription and it does not support Wildcard
// Subscriptions, this is a Protocol Error. The Server uses DISCONNECT
// with Reason Code 0xA2 (Wildcard Subscriptions not supported) as
// described in section 4.13. If a Server supports Wildcard
// Subscriptions, it can still reject a particular subscribe request
// containing a Wildcard Subscription. In this case the Server MAY send
// a SUBACK Control Packet with a Reason Code 0xA2 (Wildcard
// Subscriptions not supported).
subscription_identifiers_available = 41,
// (0x29) Byte, Identifier of Subscription Identifier Available.
// Followed by a Byte field. If present, this byte declares whether the
// Server supports Subscription Identifiers. A value is 0 means that
// Subscription Identifiers are not supported. A value of 1 means
// Subscription Identifiers are supported. If not present, then
// Subscription Identifiers are supported. It is a Protocol Error to
// include the Subscription Identifier Available more than once, or to
// send a value other than 0 or 1. If the Server receives a SUBSCRIBE
// packet containing Subscription Identifier and it does not support
// Subscription Identifiers, this is a Protocol Error. The Server uses
// DISCONNECT with Reason Code of 0xA1 (Subscription Identifiers not
// supported) as described in section 4.13.
shared_subscription_available = 42,
// (0x2A) Byte, Identifier of Shared Subscription Available. Followed by
// a Byte field. If present, this byte declares whether the Server
// supports Shared Subscriptions. A value is 0 means that Shared
// Subscriptions are not supported. A value of 1 means Shared
// Subscriptions are supported. If not present, then Shared
// Subscriptions are supported. It is a Protocol Error to include the
// Shared Subscription Available more than once or to send a value other
// than 0 or 1. If the Server receives a SUBSCRIBE packet containing
// Shared Subscriptions and it does not support Shared Subscriptions,
// this is a Protocol Error. The Server uses DISCONNECT with Reason Code
// 0x9E (Shared Subscriptions not supported) as described in section
// 4.13.
server_keep_alive = 19,
// (0x13) Byte, Identifier of the Server Keep Alive. Followed by a Two
// Byte Integer with the Keep Alive time assigned by the Server. If the
// Server sends a Server Keep Alive on the CONNACK packet, the Client
// MUST use this value instead of the Keep Alive value the Client sent
// on CONNECT [MQTT-3.2.2-21]. If the Server does not send the Server
// Keep Alive, the Server MUST use the Keep Alive value set by the
// Client on CONNECT [MQTT-3.2.2-22]. It is a Protocol Error to include
// the Server Keep Alive more than once. Non-normative comment The
// primary use of the Server Keep Alive is for the Server to inform the
// Client that it will disconnect the Client for inactivity sooner than
// the Keep Alive specified by the Client.
response_information = 26,
// (0x1A) Byte, Identifier of the Response Information. Followed by a
// UTF-8 Encoded String which is used as the basis for creating a
// Response Topic. The way in which the Client creates a Response Topic
// from the Response Information is not defined by this specification.
// It is a Protocol Error to include the Response Information more than
// once. If the Client sends a Request Response Information with a value
// 1, it is OPTIONAL for the Server to send the Response Information in
// the CONNACK. Non-normative comment A common use of this is to pass a
// globally unique portion of the topic tree which is reserved for this
// Client for at least the lifetime of its Session. This often cannot
// just be a random name as both the requesting Client and the
// responding Client need to be authorized to use it. It is normal to
// use this as the root of a topic tree for a particular Client. For the
// Server to return this information, it normally needs to be correctly
// configured. Using this mechanism allows this configuration to be done
// once in the Server rather than in each Client. Refer to section 4.10
// for more information about Request / Response.
server_reference = 28,
// (0x1C) Byte, Identifier of the Server Reference. Followed by a UTF-8
// Encoded String which can be used by the Client to identify another
// Server to use. It is a Protocol Error to include the Server Reference
// more than once. The Server uses a Server Reference in either a
// CONNACK or DISCONNECT packet with Reason code of 0x9C (Use another
// server) or Reason Code 0x9D (Server moved) as described in section
// 4.13. Refer to section 4.11 Server redirection for information about
// how Server Reference is used.
authentication_method = 21,
// (0x15) Byte, Identifier of the Authentication Method. Followed by a
// UTF-8 Encoded String containing the name of the authentication
// method. It is a Protocol Error to include the Authentication Method
// more than once. Refer to section 4.12 for more information about
// extended authentication.
authentication_data = 22,
// (0x16) Byte, Identifier of the Authentication Data. Followed by
// Binary Data containing authentication data. The contents of this data
// are defined by the authentication method and the state of already
// exchanged authentication data. It is a Protocol Error to include the
// Authentication Data more than once. Refer to section 4.12 for more
// information about extended authentication.
const Packet = @import("Packet.zig");
const std = @import("std");
const log = std.log.scoped(.mqtt);
const AnyWriter = std.io.AnyWriter;