@@ -2,14 +2,19 @@ const std = @import("std");
const hsh = @import("hsh.zig");
const HSH = hsh.HSH;
const jobs = @import("jobs.zig");
const Tokens = @import("tokenizer.zig");
const tokenizer = @import("tokenizer.zig");
const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
const Tokenizer = Tokens.Tokenizer;
const Tokenizer = tokenizer.Tokenizer;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const TokenKind = @import("tokenizer.zig").TokenKind;
const ParsedIterator = @import("parse.zig").ParsedIterator;
const TokenKind = tokenizer.TokenKind;
const TokenIterator = tokenizer.TokenIterator;
const parse = @import("parse.zig");
const Parser = parse.Parser;
const ParsedIterator = parse.ParsedIterator;
const mem = std.mem;
const fd_t = std.os.fd_t;
const bi = @import("builtins.zig");
pub const Error = error{
@@ -30,15 +35,30 @@ const StdIo = struct {
stderr: fd_t,
const ExecStack = struct {
const Exec = struct {
arg: ARG,
argv: ARGV,
const Builtin = struct {
builtin: []const u8,
argv: *ParsedIterator,
const Callable = union(enum) {
builtin: Builtin,
exec: Exec,
const CallableStack = struct {
callable: Callable,
stdio: ?StdIo,
fn setup() void {}
pub fn executable(h: *HSH, str: []const u8) bool {
if (bi.exists(str)) return true;
var plsfree = makeAbsExecutable(h.alloc, h.fs.paths.items, str) catch return false;
return true;
@@ -86,58 +106,76 @@ fn makeExeZ(a: Allocator, paths: [][]const u8, str: []const u8) Error!ARG {
return exe.toOwnedSliceSentinel(0) catch return Error.Memory;
fn mkBuiltin(_: *const HSH, titr: *ParsedIterator) Error!Builtin {
return Builtin{
.builtin = titr.first().cannon(),
.argv = titr,
/// Caller owns memory of argv, and the open fds
fn makeExecStack(h: *const HSH, titr: *ParsedIterator) Error![]ExecStack {
var stack = ArrayList(ExecStack).init(h.alloc);
fn mkExec(h: *const HSH, titr: *ParsedIterator) Error!Exec {
var exeZ: ?ARG = null;
var argv = ArrayList(?ARG).init(h.alloc);
while (titr.next()) |t| {
switch (t.type) {
if (exeZ) |_| {} else {
exeZ = makeExeZ(h.alloc, h.fs.paths.items, t.cannon()) catch |e| {
std.debug.print("path missing {s}\n", .{t.cannon()});
return e;
argv.append(exeZ.?) catch return Error.Memory;
h.alloc.dupeZ(u8, t.cannon()) catch return Error.Memory,
) catch return Error.Memory;
return Exec{
.arg = exeZ.?,
.argv = argv.toOwnedSliceSentinel(null) catch return Error.Memory,
fn mkCallableStack(h: *HSH, itr: *TokenIterator) Error![]CallableStack {
var stack = ArrayList(CallableStack).init(h.alloc);
while (itr.peek()) |peek| {
var io: ?StdIo = null;
switch (peek.type) {
.IoRedir => {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, "|", t.cannon())) unreachable;
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, "|", peek.cannon())) unreachable;
const pipe = std.os.pipe2(0) catch return Error.OSErr;
const io = StdIo{
io = StdIo{
.left = pipe[1],
.right = pipe[0],
.stderr = std.os.STDERR_FILENO,
.arg = exeZ.?,
.argv = argv.toOwnedSliceSentinel(null) catch return Error.Memory,
.stdio = io,
}) catch return Error.Memory;
exeZ = null;
argv = ArrayList(?ARG).init(h.alloc);
else => {
if (exeZ) |_| {} else {
exeZ = makeExeZ(h.alloc, h.fs.paths.items, t.cannon()) catch |e| {
std.debug.print("path missing {s}\n", .{t.cannon()});
return e;
argv.append(exeZ.?) catch return Error.Memory;
h.alloc.dupeZ(u8, t.cannon()) catch return Error.Memory,
) catch return Error.Memory;
else => {},
var eslice = itr.toSliceExec(h.alloc) catch unreachable;
std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{peek});
std.debug.print("{any}\n", .{eslice});
defer h.alloc.free(eslice);
var parsed = Parser.parse(&h.alloc, eslice, false) catch unreachable;
var callable = switch (peek.type) {
.Builtin => Callable{ .builtin = try mkBuiltin(h, &parsed) },
else => Callable{ .exec = try mkExec(h, &parsed) },
.callable = callable,
.stdio = io,
}) catch return Error.Memory;
.arg = exeZ.?,
.argv = argv.toOwnedSliceSentinel(null) catch return Error.Memory,
.stdio = null,
}) catch return Error.Memory;
return stack.toOwnedSlice() catch return Error.Memory;
pub fn exec(h: *const HSH, titr: *ParsedIterator) Error!ArrayList(jobs.Job) {
pub fn exec(h: *HSH, titr: *TokenIterator) Error!ArrayList(jobs.Job) {
const stack = makeExecStack(h, titr) catch |e| {
const stack = mkCallableStack(h, titr) catch |e| {
std.debug.print("unable to make stack {}\n", .{e});
return e;
@@ -147,7 +185,7 @@ pub fn exec(h: *const HSH, titr: *ParsedIterator) Error!ArrayList(jobs.Job) {
var cjobs = ArrayList(jobs.Job).init(h.alloc);
for (stack) |s| {
for (stack) |*s| {
const fpid: std.os.pid_t = std.os.fork() catch return Error.OSErr;
if (fpid == 0) {
if (previo) |pio| {
@@ -163,18 +201,28 @@ pub fn exec(h: *const HSH, titr: *ParsedIterator) Error!ArrayList(jobs.Job) {
std.os.dup2(rootout, std.os.STDOUT_FILENO) catch return Error.OSErr;
// TODO manage env
const res = std.os.execveZ(
@ptrCast([*:null]?[*:0]u8, std.os.environ),
switch (res) {
error.FileNotFound => {
// we validate exes internall now this should be impossible
switch (s.callable) {
.builtin => |*b| {
const bi_func = bi.strExec(b.builtin);
bi_func(h, b.argv) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("builtin error {}\n", .{err});
.exec => |e| {
// TODO manage env
const res = std.os.execveZ(
@ptrCast([*:null]?[*:0]u8, std.os.environ),
switch (res) {
error.FileNotFound => {
// we validate exes internall now this should be impossible
else => std.debug.print("exec error {}\n", .{res}),
else => std.debug.print("exec error {}\n", .{res}),
@@ -182,10 +230,14 @@ pub fn exec(h: *const HSH, titr: *ParsedIterator) Error!ArrayList(jobs.Job) {
// Child must noreturn
// Parent
//std.debug.print("chld pid {}\n", .{fpid});
const name = switch (s.callable) {
.builtin => |b| b.builtin,
.exec => |e| std.mem.sliceTo(e.arg, 0),
.status = if (s.stdio) |_| .Piped else .Running,
.pid = fpid,
.name = h.alloc.dupe(u8, std.mem.sliceTo(s.arg, 0)) catch return Error.Memory,
.name = h.alloc.dupe(u8, name) catch return Error.Memory,
}) catch return Error.Memory;
if (previo) |pio| {