@@ -1,22 +1,5 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const log = @import("log");
const fs = @import("fs.zig");
const HSH = @import("hsh.zig").HSH;
const Complete = @import("completion.zig");
const History = @import("history.zig");
const Input = @import("input.zig");
const Keys = @import("keys.zig");
const Prompt = @import("prompt.zig");
const printAfter = Draw.printAfter;
const Draw = @import("draw.zig");
const Line = @This();
const Tokenizer = @import("tokenizer.zig");
const Mode = enum {
@@ -122,7 +105,7 @@ fn core(line: *Line) !void {
switch (input) {
.char => |c| try line.char(c),
.control => |ctrl| {
switch (ctrl) {
switch (ctrl.c) {
.esc => continue,
.up => line.findHistory(.up),
.down => line.findHistory(.down),
@@ -132,7 +115,7 @@ fn core(line: *Line) !void {
.newline => return,
.end_of_text => return,
.delete_word => _ = try line.tkn.dropWord(),
.tab => {}, //try line.complete(),
.tab => try line.complete(),
else => |els| log.warn("unknown {}\n", .{els}),
@@ -245,16 +228,17 @@ fn doComplete(hsh: *HSH, tkn: *Tokenizer, comp: *Complete.CompSet) !Mode {
} else {
try Draw.drawAfter(&hsh.draw, Draw.LexTree{
.lex = Draw.Lexeme{ .char = "[ found ]", .style = .{ .attr = .bold, .fg = .green } },
try Draw.drawAfter(&hsh.draw, &[_]Draw.Lexeme{.{
.char = "[ found ]",
.style = .{ .attr = .bold, .fg = .green },
return .TYPING;
if (comp.countFiltered() == 0) {
try Draw.drawAfter(&hsh.draw, Draw.LexTree{
.lex = Draw.Lexeme{ .char = "[ nothing found ]", .style = .{ .attr = .bold, .fg = .red } },
try Draw.drawAfter(&hsh.draw, &[_]Draw.Lexeme{
Draw.Lexeme{ .char = "[ nothing found ]", .style = .{ .attr = .bold, .fg = .red } },
if (comp.count() == 0) {
@@ -273,113 +257,134 @@ fn doComplete(hsh: *HSH, tkn: *Tokenizer, comp: *Complete.CompSet) !Mode {
fn completing(in: *Input, hsh: *HSH, tkn: *Tokenizer, ks: Keys.KeyMod, comp: *Complete.CompSet) !Input.Event {
if (in.mode == .TYPING) {
try Complete.complete(comp, hsh, tkn);
in.mode = .COMPLETING;
return in.completing(hsh, tkn, ks, comp);
const CompState = union(enum) {
typing: Input.Event,
pending: void,
read: void,
redraw: void,
done: void,
switch (ks.evt) {
.ascii => |c| {
switch (c) {
0x09 => {
// tab \t
if (ks.mods.shift) {
in.mode = try doComplete(hsh, tkn, comp);
return .Redraw;
0x0A => {
// newline \n
if (in.mode == .COMPENDING) {
in.mode = .TYPING;
return .Exec;
if (comp.count() > 0) {
try tkn.maybeReplace(comp.current());
try tkn.maybeCommit(comp.current());
in.mode = .COMPENDING;
return .Redraw;
0x7f => { // backspace
if (in.mode == .COMPENDING) {
in.mode = .TYPING;
return .Redraw;
comp.searchPop() catch {
in.mode = .TYPING;
tkn.raw_maybe = null;
return .Redraw;
in.mode = try doComplete(hsh, tkn, comp);
try tkn.maybeDrop();
try tkn.maybeAdd(comp.search.items);
return .Redraw;
' ' => {
in.mode = .TYPING;
return .Redraw;
'/' => |chr| {
// IFF this is an existing directory,
// completion should continue
if (comp.count() > 1) {
if (comp.current().kind) |kind| {
if (kind == .file_system and kind.file_system == .dir) {
try tkn.consumec(chr);
fn complete(line: *Line) !void {
sw: switch (CompState{ .typing = Input.Event{ .char = 0x09 } }) {
.pending => {},
.typing => |ks| {
switch (ks) {
.char => |c| {
switch (c) {
0x09 => {}, // unreachable?
0x0A => {
// TODO don't return if navigating around
continue :sw .{ .done = {} };
//if (line.completion.count() > 0) {
// try line.tkn.maybeReplace(line.completion.current());
// try line.tkn.maybeCommit(line.completion.current());
// continue :sw .{ .pending = {} };
//continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
0x7f => { // backspace
line.completion.?.searchPop() catch {
line.tkn.raw_maybe = null;
continue :sw .{ .done = {} };
//line.mode = try doComplete(line.hsh, line.tkn, line.completion);
try line.tkn.maybeDrop();
try line.tkn.maybeAdd(line.completion.?.search.items);
continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
' ' => continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} },
'/' => |chr| {
// IFF this is an existing directory,
// completion should continue
if (line.completion.?.count() > 1) {
if (line.completion.?.current().kind) |kind| {
if (kind == .file_system and kind.file_system == .dir) {
try line.tkn.consumec(chr);
continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
else => {
//if (line.mode == .COMPENDING) line.mode = .COMPLETING;
//try line.completion.?.searchChar(c);
//line.mode = try doComplete(line.hsh, line.tkn, line.completion);
//if (line.mode == .COMPLETING) {
// try line.tkn.maybeDrop();
// try line.tkn.maybeAdd(line.completion.search.items);
continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
in.mode = .TYPING;
return .Redraw;
else => {
if (in.mode == .COMPENDING) in.mode = .COMPLETING;
try comp.searchChar(c);
in.mode = try doComplete(hsh, tkn, comp);
if (in.mode == .COMPLETING) {
try tkn.maybeDrop();
try tkn.maybeAdd(comp.search.items);
.control => |k| {
switch (k.c) {
.tab => {
if (k.mod.shift) {
_ = try doComplete(line.hsh, &line.tkn, &line.completion.?);
continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
.esc => {
try line.tkn.maybeDrop();
if (line.completion.?.original) |o| {
try line.tkn.maybeAdd(o.str);
try line.tkn.maybeCommit(null);
continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
.up, .down, .left, .right => {
// TODO implement arrows
continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
.home, .end => |h_e| {
try line.tkn.maybeCommit(null);
line.tkn.idx = if (h_e == .home) 0 else line.tkn.raw.items.len;
continue :sw .{ .redraw = {} };
else => {
log.err("unexpected key [{}]\n", .{ks});
try line.tkn.maybeCommit(null);
return .Redraw;
.mouse => {},
.action => {},
.key => |k| {
switch (k) {
.Esc => {
in.mode = .TYPING;
try tkn.maybeDrop();
if (comp.original) |o| {
try tkn.maybeAdd(o.str);
try tkn.maybeCommit(null);
return .Redraw;
.Up, .Down, .Left, .Right => {
// TODO implement arrows
return .Redraw;
.Home, .End => |h_e| {
in.mode = .TYPING;
try tkn.maybeCommit(null);
tkn.cPos(if (h_e == .Home) .home else .end);
return .Redraw;
else => {
log.err("unexpected key [{}]\n", .{ks});
in.mode = .TYPING;
try tkn.maybeCommit(null);
.redraw => {
try Prompt.draw(line.hsh, line.peek());
try line.hsh.draw.render();
continue :sw .{ .read = {} };
.read => {
continue :sw .{ .typing = try line.input.interactive() };
.done => {
log.err("end of completing... oops\n [{}]\n", .{ks});
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const log = @import("log");
const Tokenizer = @import("tokenizer.zig");
const fs = @import("fs.zig");
const HSH = @import("hsh.zig").HSH;
const Complete = @import("completion.zig");
const History = @import("history.zig");
const Input = @import("input.zig");
const Keys = @import("keys.zig");
const Prompt = @import("prompt.zig");
const Draw = @import("draw.zig");
const printAfter = Draw.printAfter;