@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library", "cc_test")
# Disable all extras because that's easier. We'll enable them later if we need them.
name = "config_header",
srcs = ["include/unifex/config.hpp.in"],
outs = ["include/unifex/config.hpp"],
cmd = "cat $< | sed -r 's/^#cmakedefine01 (.*)/#define \\1 1/g' | sed '/^#cmakedefine/d' | sed s/@libunifex_VERSION_MAJOR@/0/g | sed s/@libunifex_VERSION_MINOR@/1/g >$@",
name = "unifex",
srcs = glob(["source/*.cpp"]) + select({
"@platforms//os:linux": glob(["source/linux/*"]),
"@platforms//os:macos": [],
"@platforms//os:windows": glob([
hdrs = glob([
]) + [":config_header"] + select({
"@platforms//os:linux": glob(["include/unifex/linux/*.hpp"]),
"@platforms//os:macos": [],
"@platforms//os:windows": glob(["include/unifex/win32/*.hpp"]),
includes = ["include/"],
strip_include_prefix = "include",
target_compatible_with = select({
"@platforms//os:wasi": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
"//conditions:default": [],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Not really tests, but lets us test that things are at least sort of working
# without setting up GoogleTest.
name = src[:-4],
size = "small",
srcs = [src],
deps = [":unifex"],
) for src in glob(["examples/*.cpp"])]
name = "unifex_tests",