
Gregory Mullen parent c0372cde 29cef8c3
add sun.zig

src/main.zig added: 259, removed: 4, total 255
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
const mqtt = @import("mqtt");
pub const sun = @import("sun.zig");
pub fn main() !void {
log.err("startup", .{});
@@ -396,7 +396,6 @@ pub const Device = struct {
inline for (@typeInfo(State).Struct.fields) |field| {
if (eql(u8, target[1..], {
if (d.updateTyped(field.type,, payload)) {
log.err("edge on [{s}] at {s} with {s}", .{, target, payload });
if (eql(u8, "office/mmw0", and eql(u8, target, "/presence")) {
log.err("sendable because {any}", .{payload});
try zb.client.send(mqtt.Publish{
@@ -406,6 +405,9 @@ pub const Device = struct {
.payload = if (d.state.presence.?) "ON" else "OFF",
if (!eql(u8, target, "/linkquality")) {
log.err("edge on [{s}] at {s} with {s}", .{, target, payload });
@@ -527,8 +529,11 @@ pub const Zigbee = struct {
test "main" {
_ = &sun;
const mqtt = @import("mqtt");
const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const eql = std.mem.eql;
filename was Deleted added: 259, removed: 4, total 255
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
const sun = @This();
pub const AzEl = struct {
azimuth: f64,
elevation: f64,
const ExactPos = struct {
year: usize,
month: usize,
day: usize,
time_local: f64,
lat: f64,
lon: f64,
tz: f16,
fn leapYear(year: usize) bool {
return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0);
const DAYS_IN_MONTH = [_]u8{ 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
fn monthsFrom(year: usize, days: usize) struct { u8, usize } {
std.debug.assert(days <= 366);
var m: u8 = 1;
var d: usize = days;
if (d >= 60 and leapYear(year)) {
d -= 1; // LOL
while (d > DAYS_IN_MONTH[m]) {
d -= DAYS_IN_MONTH[m];
m += 1;
return .{ m, d };
pub fn fromTimestamp(timestamp: i64, tz: f16, lat: f64, lon: f64) ExactPos {
if (timestamp < 0) unreachable;
const ts: usize = @intCast(timestamp);
const year = yearsFrom(ts);
const days = 719162 + ts / 60 / 60 / 24 - daysAtYear(year);
const both = monthsFrom(year, days);
const month = both[0];
const day: usize = @truncate(both[1] + 1);
const secs: f64 = @floatFromInt(ts % 60);
const mins: f64 = @floatFromInt(ts / 60 % 60);
const hour: f64 = @floatFromInt(ts / 60 / 60 % 24);
const time: f64 = hour * 60.0 + mins + secs / 60.0;
return .{
.year = year,
.month = month,
.day = day,
.time_local = time,
.lat = lat,
.lon = lon,
.tz = tz,
fn daysAtYear(year: usize) usize {
const y = year - 1;
return y * 365 + @divFloor(y, 4) - @divFloor(y, 100) + @divFloor(y, 400);
fn yearsFrom(epoch: usize) usize {
const days = epoch / 60 / 60 / 24 + 719162;
var year = days / 365;
while (days < daysAtYear(year)) year -= 1;
std.debug.assert(days >= daysAtYear(year));
return year;
pub fn toJulien(exact: ExactPos) f64 {
var year: f64 = @floatFromInt(exact.year);
var month: f64 = @floatFromInt(exact.month);
if (month <= 2) {
year -= 1;
month += 12;
const day: f64 = @floatFromInt(;
const a: f64 = @divFloor(year, 100.0);
const b: f64 = 2.0 - a + @divFloor(a, 4.0);
return @floor(365.25 * (year + 4716.0)) + @floor(30.6001 * (month + 1.0)) + day + b - 1524.5;
fn julianCentury(jd: f64) f64 {
return (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
fn meanObliquityOfEcliptic(t: f64) f64 {
const seconds = 21.448 - t * (46.8150 + t * (0.00059 - t * (0.001813)));
return 23.0 + (26.0 + (seconds / 60.0)) / 60.0;
fn obliquityCorrection(t: f64) f64 {
return meanObliquityOfEcliptic(t) + 0.00256 * cos(dtr(125.04 - 1934.136 * t));
fn equationOfTime(t: f64) f64 {
const l0 = @mod(280.46646 + t * (36000.76983 + t * (0.0003032)), 360);
const e = 0.016708634 - t * (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * t);
const m = 357.52911 + t * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * t);
var y = tan(dtr(obliquityCorrection(t)) / 2.0);
y *= y;
const dl0 = dtr(l0);
const sinm = sin(dtr(m));
const etime = y * sin(2.0 * dl0) -
2.0 * e * sinm +
4.0 * e * y * sinm * cos(2.0 * dl0) -
0.5 * y * y * sin(4.0 * dl0) -
1.25 * e * e * sin(2.0 * dtr(m));
return rtd(etime) * 4.0;
fn geomMeanLong(t: f64) f64 {
return @mod(280.46646 + t * (36000.76983 + t * (0.0003032)), 360.0);
fn geomMeanAnomaly(t: f64) f64 {
return 357.52911 + t * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * t);
fn eqOfCenter(t: f64) f64 {
const mrad = dtr(geomMeanAnomaly(t));
return sin(mrad) * (1.914602 - t * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * t)) +
sin(mrad + mrad) * (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t) +
sin(mrad + mrad + mrad) * 0.000289;
fn apparentLong(t: f64) f64 {
const omega = 125.04 - 1934.136 * t;
return geomMeanLong(t) + eqOfCenter(t) - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * sin(dtr(omega));
fn trueAnomaly(t: f64) f64 {
return geomMeanAnomaly(t) + eqOfCenter(t);
fn declination(t: f64) f64 {
return rtd(arcsin(sin(dtr(obliquityCorrection(t))) * sin(dtr(apparentLong(t)))));
fn refraction(el: f64) f64 {
if (el > 85.0) return 0.0;
var correction: f64 = 0.0;
const te = tan(dtr(el));
if (el > 5.0) {
correction = 58.1 / te - 0.07 / (te * te * te) + 0.000086 / (te * te * te * te * te);
} else if (el > -0.575) {
correction = 1735.0 + el * (-518.2 + el * (103.4 + el * (-12.79 + el * 0.711)));
} else {
correction = -20.774 / te;
correction = correction / 3600.0;
return correction;
fn noon(jd: f64, lon: f64, timezone: f64) f64 {
const tnoon = julianCentury(jd - lon / 360.0);
var eqt = equationOfTime(tnoon);
const solNoonOffset = 720.0 - (lon * 4) - eqt;
const newt = julianCentury(jd - 0.5 + solNoonOffset / 1440.0);
eqt = equationOfTime(newt);
var noon_local = 720 - (lon * 4) - eqt + (timezone * 60.0);
while (noon_local < 0.0) {
noon_local += 1440.0;
while (noon_local >= 1440.0) {
noon_local -= 1440.0;
return noon_local;
pub fn azel(time: f64, local: f64, lat: f64, lon: f64, tz: f64) AzEl {
const theta = declination(time);
var true_time = local + equationOfTime(time) + 4.0 * lon - 60.0 * tz;
while (true_time > 1440) true_time -= 1440;
var ha = true_time / 4.0 - 180.0;
if (ha < -180) ha += 360.0;
var csz = sin(dtr(lat)) * sin(dtr(theta)) + cos(dtr(lat)) * cos(dtr(theta)) * cos(dtr(ha));
csz = @max(-1.0, @min(csz, 1.0));
const zenith = rtd(arccos(csz));
const az_denom = (cos(dtr(lat)) * sin(dtr(zenith)));
var azimuth: f64 = 0.0;
if (@abs(az_denom) > 0.001) {
const azr = ((sin(dtr(lat)) * cos(dtr(zenith))) - sin(dtr(theta))) / az_denom;
azimuth = 180.0 - rtd(arccos(@max(-1.0, @min(azr, 1.0))));
if (ha > 0.0) azimuth = -azimuth;
} else {
if (lat > 0.0) azimuth = 180.0;
if (azimuth < 0.0) azimuth += 360.0;
const elevation = 90.0 - (zenith - refraction(90.0 - zenith));
return .{
.azimuth = azimuth,
.elevation = elevation,
pub fn build(exact: ExactPos) f64 {
const jday = exact.toJulien();
const T = julianCentury(jday + exact.time_local / 1440.0 - / 24.0);
const az_el = azel(T, exact.time_local,, exact.lon,;
return az_el.elevation;
test build {
const lat = 35.0;
const lon = -120.0;
const exact: ExactPos = .{
.year = 2025,
.month = 1,
.day = 24,
.time_local = 16 * 60 + 24 + 20.0 / 60.0,
.lat = lat,
.lon = lon,
.tz = -8.0,
// Technically, I didn't actually verify this value is correct, but I'm
// unwilling to commit my exact lat/lon to a public git repo, just yet!
try std.testing.expectEqual(build(exact), 9.605713096813815);
const time = std.time.timestamp() - 8 * 60 * 60;
const ets = ExactPos.fromTimestamp(time, -8.0, lat, lon);
_ = build(ets);
const std = @import("std");
const sin = std.math.sin;
const cos = std.math.cos;
const tan = std.math.tan;
const dtr = std.math.degreesToRadians;
const rtd = std.math.radiansToDegrees;
const arcsin = std.math.asin;
const arccos = std.math.acos;